A Voice from the Eastern Door


We went to Mcmaze this weekend. Little Brother and Grandma’s first time there. Big Brother was the old pro so he was our tour guide. We mostly followed Big Brother around the grounds as he showed what part was his favorite. He also explained how we couldn’t go into any of the scary areas like the spooky trail walk or the haunted barn. He said, “We can’t our baby will get scared.” We caught a tractor ride out to the Pumpkin Patch. Big Brother picked out three little pumpkins, two orange and one green. I was so relieved to see the ones he picked out. At first we ventured out into the field. Roaming around as Big Brother tried to find the perfect specimens for our yard. He kept inspecting the super size ones. Pumpkins that I am sure had to be about thirty to fifty pounders. When Big Brother asked if he could get an extra one after picking out his kid size ones I didn’t hesitate to say go right ahead I was so happy he didn’t set his heart on those orange mutants.

As Halloween creeps closer I noticed how excited Big Brother is getting that it is Little Brother’s first time celebrating the day. First it was we have to get him a pumpkin, then it’s a costume. Oh and we need to take him to all the Halloween places we’ve been to that Little Brother has missed. Big Brother has had his costume for almost a month now. I have longjohns for Big Brother to wear under his super hero get up so he’s good. I am still looking for a thick and warm costume for Little Brother. I might just have Little Brother go out in his fleece suit. He looks just like a baby bear cub. It would actually be perfect. Aside from the fun of getting dressed up Big Brother has a few things to be happy about it.

Imagine Big Brother’s face as he put together two things. Number one being that Little Brother is too small to eat candy yet. Number two Big Brother’s discovery that he has two-candy collecting buckets. He was talking about trick or treating and told me, “Since he can’t carry his candy I’ll carry it for him. Look I even have a bucket for him already.” Big Brother sure managed to come up with a brilliant plan. I wonder when Big Brother is going to tell me that since Little Brother is too young to eat all the candy and that he’ll do it for him. You know because good Big Brothers do things that.

Before leaving Mcmaze we all went into the barn where they had some of the farm animals for sale. Big Brother took a shot at naming the new baby Llama. Tried to convince me to buy him a rabbit, a peacock, a horse, and finally a goat. He wanted us to get one of the kittens. I had an excuse ready for everything. The bunny needed to help his family get ready for Easter. The peacock had to stay with the other one. Why? Because how lonely would you get if you were the only one like you. The horse was baby still so he needed to stay with the mommy. The goat I said would eat everything. The yard, our tires, hot wheel cars. My explanation was even backed up later that night when one of the old cartoons came on and showed a goat eating a tin can.

I have a good two of weeks of Fall/Halloween themed fun ahead of me. I plan on trying to make my first ever Pumpkin roll. Carving out pumpkins on the kitchen floor with both boys. Roasting the seeds for Big Brother and myself. Visiting scary wagon rides and not so scary bush walks.


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