A Voice from the Eastern Door
On July 22nd the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program sponsored the first Senior Spelling Bee at the senior picnic. Pauline Durant and Marilyn Clement represented the Saranac Lake Adult Center, Beatrice White and Pat Waterman the St. Regis Mohawk Adult Center, Laura Mondoux and Nancy Manning the St. Regis Falls Adult Center, Dorothy Cox and Louise Meagle the Brushton Moira Adult Center, and Peg Young and Jean Norris from the Constable Adult Center. These ladies competed in this event after winning the preliminary round at their participating center. Susan Wilson Scott, director of OFA and Shelly Lebow a RSVP volunteer were the judges at this exciting event. Pauline Durant, Peg Young and Marilyn Clement were awarded cash prizes from the Director of RSVP Susan Schrader, as the top three winners of the contest. “As Director of RSVP I would like to thank all the seniors who participated, Susan Wilson Scott and Shelly Lebow for their exceptional judging abilities, and a very special thanks to all the Directors who took this idea and made it a great experience for all!
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