A Voice from the Eastern Door

Iontoriahnerónhkhwa Owennashón:’a Enhsátste Nó:nen Enhsién:tho

Verbs You Will Use When You Will Plant

1. Ka’kenhrahserón:nis I am preparing the soil

2. Teka’kenhrakwáthos I am preparing the soil

3. Wakathe’serónkies I am distributing the flour (fertilizer)

4. Waki’tónkies I am distributing the manure

5. Teka’kenhrahríhtha I am breaking up the dirt

6. Ka’kenhrakahrháthos I am turning over the dirt

7. Ki’tarakahrháthos I am turning over the clay

8. Katohetstánions I am passing by a lot (tilling)

9. Katenenstanawéntha I am wetting the corn (soaking it)

10. Khahahserón:nis I am preparing rows

11. Kathahón:nis 3 niwahsí:take na’tekiathahátere I am making rows 3 feet apart

12. Kate’nienténhstha I am measuring

13. Tekani’tonniahsions I am untangling this mess

14. Tekhseriie’tonniahsions I am untangling the string

15. Kenà:kwats I am digging the holes for seeds

16. Ka’kenhratáhkwas I am taking out the dirt

17. Khsonión:nis I am making holes

(ie. with a stick or the end of a hoe)

18. Kaiá:rakon ktáhkwas kanenhahshón:’a I am taking the seeds out of the bag

19. 3 nikanén:hake kéta’s ne skasón:wa I am putting 3 seeds in 1 hole

20. 4 tóka’ ni’ 5 nikanénhstake ka’sénhtha I am dropping in 4 or 5 corn seeds

21. Kiénthos 18 niionkará:ke na’tekónteron I am planting them 18 inches apart

22. Kenenhstaiénthos I am planting corn

23. Khsahe’taiénthos I am planting beans

24. Kenontonniánions I am making mounds

25. Kenon’onseraiénthos o’ón:wara I am planting squash plants

26. Khnenna’taiénthos I am planting potatoes

27. Khnenna’takwétarons I am cutting the potatoes

28. Enkahniokón:ten ne ohnennà:ta The potatoes will sprout

29. Khe’hó:rok I am covering them

30. Ka’kenhró:roks I am covering the hole for seeds

31. O’kén:ra take’rhoronhákie ne ká:nen I covering the seed with dirt

32. Ó:nen wa’kiéntho Now I did plant

33. Ó:nen wakiénthon Now I have planted


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