A Voice from the Eastern Door
A big Thank you to the Community for everyone who came out for the walk/run on April 26, 2009 and made it such a success.
A special thank you to the volunteers from the Snye Recreation/Snye Firemen organizations for their breakfast and chicken barbeque dinner. They are a special group of community minded people.
Our walkers appreciated the tables manned by community people along the walker’s route. Thank you to Angie Sunday and family for the oranges, water and great support.
Thanks to Edith McDonald and daughter Sherri and niece Pam of ESP Catering, for supplying water and free samples.
To Isabel McDonald for having a goody area in front of her home. That was great.
Lastly, Thank you to Michelle Laffin and her mom Sally Adams for the refreshments at their table, also a free raffle for a lawn chair, sun block, coffee mug donated by Adam’s marina in honor of Morris for 2 winners.
A special thank you to the volunteers-Angie Barnes, Janet Tatro, Winifred Mitchell, Emily Tarbell, Joyce King and to Mary Lou Phillips who did so much work on the Silent Auction. And for everyone who donated to the silent Auction. To Veronica & Angus Adams for drinks and dinner rolls. To Louie Lazore and girls for the 5 pans of salt potatoes-thank you for the donation.
Thank you to the following for the monetary donations: MCA for $1,000.; the Tribe for $800.; Ononkwasona Pharmacy/Gus Pyke for $1,000.; Iroquois Water for 20 cases of water; and to OPG for the Safety Boat Kit and $1,000.
Thank you from the Akwesasne Cancer Support Group and see you next year in our 2nd Annual Walk/Run
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