A Voice from the Eastern Door

Letter to the editor:

April 23, 2009

Appalled at the Salmon River Central School District!

I’ve been called to the school on a number of occasions regarding my children. I had no idea that ACFS gave birth to my child as they are contacted before me the child’s parent. Each time the school has called me and accused my 12 year old of being on drugs saying she looks like she is on drugs look at her eyes. My child’s eyes have looked like this since she was born. The school ordered my 10 year old child to sign papers and would not allow me to see what she had signed. Is this legal? I want the public to know that this is happening and I am tired of defending her when it is not necessary to do so and with the so called “professionals” making these kinds of accusations without proof could be detrimental to our family and especially to my child. My 12 year old child has been drug tested with negative results and I find this harassing and despicable what is happening in this school system? Never once was there an offer of an apology for this intrusion of privacy. It seems that their expectation is running on the negative aspects that will result in all our kids being on drugs at some point. Is this right?? This is defeating all my parental teachings about drugs and everyone else’s.

It is a known fact that some of the ACFS employees have experienced drug use themselves and are seen in the local bars... and they have the right to accuse my children of using and being on drugs without evidence. The Social Worker that is involved comes from the Northern portion of the Reservation if this Social Worker can come to Salmon River and be involved then why are we ALL not allowed services from both sides of the Reservation? What is wrong with this, can you tell me? Why is Salmon River not contacting the parent first?

Signed by Melissa Johnson


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