A Voice from the Eastern Door

Dear Editor

Dear Editor:

I am a sixth grade teacher at the St. Regis Mohawk School. The students in my classroom just completed a unit on persuasive letters. Each student chose a topic that was important to him or her. These students chose to send their letters to you - hoping that they could “persuade” you and your readers to help make a difference.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my students’ letters, in advance. They were excited to find out that we were actually going to send them to you.

If there is any way that you could print the letters in the newspaper - I know that it would mean a lot to the students.

Thank you for your time.


Lindsay LaSaPa

Dear Editor,

The problem today is that people have too many problems and take it out on their pets. Too many people abuse their animals such as dogs, cats, wolves and etc. People should have spies that show how animals are being abused.

Background Information

A lot of animals are being abused. They need to be free from their abusers. I chose this problem because animals need to be happy and healthy.

Research Information

One example of cruelty to animals is the 58TH Annual Hegin Labor Day festivities. People get together to eat, drink and shoot pigeons. Thousands of birds are target for gunners who win money for killing pigeons. If an animal is being hurt or is sick do not try to help it, call the police.

Recommendations /Solutions

We can put cameras in to check where animals are being beaten, and by who. We can have kids walk around to look to see if an animal is in trouble, by walking with an adult. People can help animals by having fundraisers for money to use for the animals.


Some animals are not living in a place were they are safe. One solution is that we can keep a look out for animals and report what is happing. Another one of my solutions is to make a fundraiser for animals who need treatment.

Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you, too, will help animals.


Blake Square

Dear Editor,

I am concerned about the safety of the other player when some hockey players check/hit from behind. Some hockey players are probably going for the puck, and then, another player charges that person from behind. The other player can get a bad injury or even get a concussion!

My solutions are to extend the penalties to a longer time. Also require that all players wear a stop sign patch on the back of their jerseys near their neck. If you hit from behind get suspended for one or two games, and at the beginning of every game or season have your coach or yourself talk to your team about hitting from behind and the consequences.

When I was at my brother’s hockey tournament in Montreal two years ago, I saw a player get checked from behind in the back of his neck. He got a bad neck injury and the ambulance had to come and take him away to the hospital.

According to Patty Fuller and the Alberta Report, one reason hitting from behind happens is that the coaches are teaching the kids about hockey in the wrong way. According to MacLean’s, coaches want their players to hit, but hit cleanly. Whenever someone gets checked from behind, the ref will look to see what position the player is in so they know what kind of hit it was. If you hit from behind on accident be more careful of where you are going. Ottawa’s defensemen Andreas Dackell got a concussion from Philadelphia’s Eric Lindros, from checking from behind.

Please, hockey players, can you stop checking from behind because the other player can get paralyzed from you checking them? That will be your entire fault if you did it on purpose. So please stop, you can get in trouble.


Courtney Tarbell

Dear Editor,

Pollution is a big problem in the world. In our own community, I often see litter on the side of the highways and I feel that we should all recycle to help prevent this problem.

We can have one week every month in the summer and spring to clean our highways. We could make it a competition. People can collect garbage bags full of litter. This will start to clean up the highways. The people with the most bags of garbage can win prizes or money.

I chose this problem because I see a lot of litter in my community and I think something should be done about it. I want it to look nice for my neighbors, my family, and for myself. I see littering on the side of the highways and people don’t do enough to recycle.

Research shows that the ozone layer is getting thinner all over the planet. An article I read said every spring, a hole as big as the U.S.A. develops in the ozone layer over Antarctica, in the South Pole. We need to protect out planet. To help with this, maybe families can adopt a street or part of a highway.

Everyone can help if we just take time to please recycle, or pick up the litter that has been left of the roadside. Please think about my concerns and maybe we can come together as a community and take care of our streets and highways. Let’s educate people about the importance of recycling.

Our community can come together and have a cleaner, healthier, place to live.


Sako Rourke

Dear Indian Time Editor,

Has your dog or anybody else’s dog been hurt or even killed by other dogs? It’s hard sometimes to just walk down my driveway because I’m scared of my cousin’s dogs. I’d like to be able to walk to the end ofthe Island without getting chased by dogs. People should tie up their dogs or at least have them in a kennel. I’m not only saying this for my safety, but also for the safety of the dogs. We all know dogs like chasing cars and if they do they could get themselves run over. I really think people should get invisible fences.

Last year my brother was at my cousin’s house and the dog bit him in the back of the leg when he was running home. Everyone knows their dogs are very protective, and sometimes they bite when they are being protective. There is still a leash law on Cornwall Island and I think many people have forgotten that.

Dog kennels, leashes and invisible fences. This stuff doesn’t have to cost a lot, I mean you don’t have to go out and buy the most expensive kennel, chain, leash or invisible fence. You cold even make your own kennel with wire fence and wood. Kennels cost round $200-$300 at Wal-Mart and Petsmart. Invisible fences cost around $200 and cover at least 10 acres. Invisible fences are a safe way to keep dogs safe, it’s harmless.

People can take their dogs to a place called Shannoncourt Grooming, Training, Daycare and Pet Hotel to get training done with their dog. At Shannoncourt they teach your dog socialization, and socialization would be good for other dogs, because your dog would most likely be nice toward other dogs. I really recommend getting an invisible fence because it costs the same amount as a regular kennel, but your dog will have more room to run around. Like I said if you can’t afford a kennel or invisible fence you could always build your own kennel with wood and wired fencing. Even if you do dog training, you could keep your dog in your house.

Please, people of Cornwall Island, keep your dogs tied up or in a kennel or even in an invisible fence. It will not only keep other people’s dogs safe, but also yours, too! If you don’t tie up your dog it could get hit by a car or a truck. If it dies it will be your entire fault because you didn’t care for it’s safety. Dogs are meant to be loved; they are not always for guard dogs. They need to be taken care of and kept safe. It makes me sad to see a dead dog because dogs are living, like us. So please, people of Cornwall Island, think about keeping your dog safe.




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