A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tekatsistohkwaieronhá:ton Constellations

1. Iontkahrata’áhstha Binoculars / Telescope

2. Tekatsistóhkwen’ne Falling Stars (meteor)

3. Iotsistohkwaténion Stars moving around

4. Tontaiotsistohkwakahrhatenionhákie Stars are turning along again

5. Iakononhwaronkieskó:wa Comet

6. Tekatsistohkwaieronnionhá:ton Milky way (many constellations)

7. Tekatsistohkwaieronhá:ton A constellation

8. Othore’kéha otsistóhkwa The North Star

9. Ohkwarikó:wa (Kakowá:nen ohkwá:ri) The Big Bear (Big dipper)

10. Ken’niwahkwaritá:’a(Ken’nihrá:’a ohkwá:ri) The Little Bear (Little dipper)

11. Katsi’nonwaká:ion The Dragon

12. Ronontí:io The King

13. Iakonontí:io The Queen

14. Iakonontí:io akoién:’a The Princess

15. Ranekénhteron rotshá:ni (ro’nikonhratshá:ni) The Young Man (Hero)

16. Akohsá:tens tekanerahóntshonte The Winged Horse

17. Teró The Bull

18. Ratinekwá:tara The 7 dancers (Pleiades)

19. Ranahskwanónhnhna The Herdsman

20. Rató:rats Orion ronwá:iats The Hunter named Orion

21. Kakowá:nen è:rhar The Big dog

22. Ken’nihrá:’a è:rhar The Little dog

23. Tehníkhen The Twins

24. O’nahsakén:ra The Swan

25. À:kwaks The Eagle

26. Kaia’tákeras The Goat

27. Rahniaraié:nas The Snake holder

28. Kén:riks The Lion

29. Ieià:tase (Í:iah teienahkwaienté:ri) The Young Woman

30. Otsi’eróhta The Crab

31. Ronontí:io raonòn:warore A Crown

32. Iehnekahá:wis She is a Water carrier

33. Tekéntsiake 2 Fish

34. Teiotinakarontón:’a rátsin The Ram

35. Tsiohnhó:wane The Whale

36. Ra’sátste rón:kwe A strong man (Hercules)

37. Tekatsi’eróhtonte iote’ennáhere iakotenere’hótha The Scorpion

38. Iontkon’tsheriharáhkhwa A Scale

39. Teha’ennatiróntha He is an archer

40. Iehseriie’takaránies A Harp


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