The Akwesasne Economic Development Agency (AEDA) in partnership with the Akwesasne Area Management Board (AAMB) completed a third Pre-Employment Program on Friday, December 12, 2008. The program provides training and job placements to job seekers who needed confidence to land the job they’ve been searching for.
A successful curriculum was developed from the first two Pre-Employment classes. The Program includes a 12 week training session and a 6 week job placement for each participant. The selection process started in September and 10 participants were chosen after the application and interview process. The participants formally began training on September 22, 2008.
The curriculum consisted of two stages broken into two six week sessions designed to build up the participant’s skills and knowledge. Adrian McDonald, AEDA Trainer/Facilitator, presented the majority of the curriculum. The first workshop presented was “The gift of self-esteem”. This was a tough workshop, but it built up the participant’s self-esteem and empowered them to a point where they can’t be brought down. From that point on the participants had a hard resolve to finish the training and get the job that has been eluding them.
The curriculum included a comprehensive computer curriculum which all of them needed and wanted. AEDA has a state of the art computer lab where the participants learned windows, the internet, email and typing. The course included the full suite of Microsoft Office 2003 and then transitioned to Microsoft Office 2007 to give them the benefit of learning both systems. The final computer course was Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 in which they all gave a 5 – 7 minute presentation.
The course included Career Planning, Basic Tools, a Basic Safety Course, Time Management, Anger Management, Business Writing, Presentation Skills and Job Search – The Inside Track. During the Basic Tools workshop the students had a couple of projects. One was to learn how to change a tire. Another was a project built from scratch and included a lengthy discussion on what to build.
The participants unanimously agreed on a Garden Bridge. A materials list was drawn up and the materials were purchased and cut to size. All the students used a circular saw, jig saw and a drill. The Garden Bridge was stained and waterproofed and was a full 8 feet long, 5 feet wide and had rope rails. The bridge was sized to accommodate a riding lawnmower.
The Garden Bridge was raffled off by the students to raise money for a graduation luncheon. The raffle was held on November 26, 2008 and the lucky winner was Heather White. Delivery was included but the lucky winner wanted to pick it up herself.
During the training course the participants also attended sessions by Helen Pyke, RN who taught First Aid and CPR, Malcolm Robertson, DTM of Seaway Toastmasters for public speaking. There were mock interviews performed by Malcolm Robertson and Elaine Sankowski of Cornwall.
The one part of the training the students will never forget and will miss is the table topics sessions that started every day. Table topics is a Toastmasters technique aimed at getting speakers to give a two minute impromptu speech that had a clear introduction, body and conclusion. The sessions began in baby steps with a roundtable discussion and week by week became formalized. These sessions along with the presentation skills workshop made all of the participants become confident speakers.
The twelve week training program ended with a graduation ceremony and luncheon at Philo’s. The Akwesasne Area Management Board was there to see the training session end and speak some words on the success of the project. The participants gave five minute presentations on the skills and benefits they gained from the program. Dan Garrow, from the A.A.M.B. stated that the presentations he heard validated the program. There is a high level of confidence in everyone present and that is going to relate to success.
A very heartfelt graduation ceremony was conducted with everyone praising the course and the success in which they had so much to do with. AEDA, AAMB and the participants are very proud of all the achievements that have occurred since September. Congratulations go out to Ernie King, Jonnie King, Edith McDonald, Neil Mitchell, Stacey Montour, Patricia Peters, Spencer Thompson and Dominic White.
There is sure to be another Pre-Employment Assistance Course and it will advertised on the radio and in the papers. If you have any questions regarding the Pre-Employment Assistance course contact Dan Garrow of AAMB at (613)575-2626 or Adrian McDonald of AEDA at (613)932-2923.
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