Submitted by Jennifer David
Sago My Dear Family & Friends!
I am forwarding this email for a very special family in need of spiritual
support. I am asking for your support in thoughts and prayers, if you have
prayer circles could you please pray for this family. Katie is the daughter
of Mary & Chuck Jacobs from the Cattaraugus Reservation (Seneca Nation).
Greatly appreciated! Love Dinah Lu & Family
Hello all,
Katie’s husband Ryan is recovering well at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas. The doctors estimated his burns are 48 % of his body from the gas explosion he had in Baghdad, Iraq. He has had two more grafting surgeries and he is healing well. The trach has been removed from his neck and he is healing slowly. He is able to speak, but still has a sore throat, probably from having the tube in for the past four weeks. He is still in the burn ICU, hopefully soon moving to “step down” when he can breathe better on his own. The doctors have told Katie that Ryan will probably lose most of his fingers to the first knuckle on both hands. He will probably retain some of his thumb so he will still be able to grasp things. He has physical therapy every day to help him retain range of motion in his arms, legs and hands.
Katie is adjusting to living in a “hotel environment”. Family is taking turns going to visit 2 weeks at a time. The place Katie stays in is named after an Oneida Indian from Wisconsin. (see pix)
I am asking everyone to send Katie and Ryan their good thoughts and keep them in their prayers. Katie and Ryan like to hear from everyone from back home.
Katie has gotten some get well cards for Ryan and she reads every single one to him and has them posted outside his door. She cannot post things inside his room due to being the ICU and he is still in isolation. I have included her address and ask everyone to send them get well cards, thinking of you cards, and please, also send holiday cards. Thanks all.
Spread the word to those you know, will update again soon.
SPC Kathryn Hopkins
Powless Guest House B-3625
3298 George C. Beach Road
Ft. Sam Houston, Texas 78234-7569
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