Artists and craftspeople in Akwesasne are being sought by the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Department of Economic Development to fill out a brief survey on their business needs and desires.
The results of the survey will be analyzed by the department and used in discussions of a tourism strategy the SRMT is developing.
“This is a basic needs assessment survey,” said Darlene Francis, of the Department of Economic Development. “Its intent is to find out what the artists and craftspeople of Akwesasne need in order to help them with selling their goods. The survey results will be tabulated and a report produced for the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Office of Economic Development.”
The survey asks the artist what type of good they create or produce, what types of venues they need to sell their good, and what type of training they desire to improve their business selling art. The survey also asks the artists what areas of marketing and business do they find the most challenging.
“The results of the survey will provide useful information for the department to develop services and training opportunities geared toward the specific needs of artists in their business,” said Francis. “In a bigger sense, the results will help to identify the types of art and craft products/goods that are available in Akwesasne as well as to identify the different venues that artists and craftspeople require in order to improve effectiveness of reaching customers which will assist in the development of the Akwesasne Cultural Tourism Strategy.”
The SRMT is reaching out to artists because they provide the type of goods that tourists look for when visiting new places, Francis said.
“What we need to do is identify how to best help the artists and craftspeople to get their artwork and crafts into the best venues to take advantage of the tourism market,” she said. “By obtaining this information we will find out what kind of services and assistance is needed by artists and craftspeople to help them grow their business and participate in increasing tourism opportunities that are being planned.”
Akwesasne painter and potter Natasha Smoke Santiago filled out the survey and recognized some of her own needs through answering the questions.
“I thought (the survey) had a lot of important questions as far as ideas for artists for their business and business ideas,” she said.
Smoke-Santiago hopes that if other artists fill the survey out, the SRMT might develop specific courses and facilities that address the needs of artists like herself.
“For example, copyright is something that I would like to know more about,” Smoke Santiago said. “I think because a lot of artists are self taught, there are certain things that you just don’t know about it and it’s hard to find out. I’ve looked on the Internet for copyright information, but I think artwork is different.”
Smoke Santiago said the survey also brought her attention to other areas of her business that could be improved, like banking. She said the survey also asked questions about the places she sells her work, and she admits that it would be helpful if there were more in Akwesasne in that area. Out west the art market is much larger than in the east, she said.
“It’s hard to find a place to display artwork,” she said. “It would be nice to have something like an art market or maybe even some type of magazine of artwork.”
Francis identified many results that could come from the survey.
“The Office of Economic Development can organize specific training programs and workshops that will benefit the artists,” she said. “Artists will also be included in the updated business directory (if they want). Potentially organizations geared to promoting artists such as an Arts Council or Artists Guilds or Cooperative could be developed. It all depends on what comes out of the findings as far as needs and what the artists/craftspeople themselves feel would be beneficial to them to help them develop & grow their business.”
As far as the tourism strategy, which the community is just learning about, the benefits could be far-reaching.
“There are greater benefits for the community as a whole that can be realized by developing the tourism potential in Akwesasne including economic diversification and job creation,” Francis said.
Artists interested in filling out the survey (until Nov. 28) can do so by contacting Darlene Francis at 358-9886 or Elvera Sargeant at 358-9146. The survey is not posted on the Internet but it can be emailed to any artist on request.
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