A Voice from the Eastern Door

Niawen ko:wa from the family of Joseph Rourke

We would like to thank everyone who helped our family during the loss of a great man-a husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Our loss was tremendous. Our hearts were broken. But it was through the support and caring of our family and friends that we were comforted in our time of need. We thank each and every person who came to pay their respect and for the comforting words they spoke. We also thank everyone for the flowers, food, cards and monetary donations. Your kindness was touching. Niawen ko:wa goes to the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino for all the food they prepared. It was a great gesture. Thank you also goes to Harvey Boots for donating his tent and tables. Thank you to the Akwesasne Mohawk Singers and to Linda Jacobs and the Kateri Circle who stayed with us and prayed with us. We also thank Kathy Herne for her beautiful singing at the church. Thank you to the American Legion Post 1479 for the honor they represented and to the Women’s Auxiliary for the delicious meal following the funeral. Thank you to the handsome pallbearers, who were all of his grandsons. You couldn’t have made Grandpa more proud. Thank You to Donaldson’s Funeral Home for one last ride around the gazebo. That one moment meant so much to our family it can’t even be expressed in words, but we know that it was just how daddy would’ve wanted it.

We appreciate everything all of you did for us. Your kindness and generosity was overwhelming. You were our strength when we need you most and we are all very grateful. We apologize if we forgot to mention anyone; you are all in our hearts and prayers.

“Thank you for my help”. Daddy will be sadly missed especially by Isabel, Marshall, Gale, Dave, Carol, Dan, Sharon, Timmy, Raymond, Alice and Robert.


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