A Voice from the Eastern Door

RSVP volunteers recognized

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program held its 35th Annual Recognition Luncheon at Gallagher’s Restaurant in Malone N.Y. on September 20, 2008. Over 180 Volunteers were recognized for their time and commitment to the Program. Each Volunteer who attended the luncheon logged more than 50 hours of service this year.

Ben Kelly from the St. Regis Mohawk Office for the Aging was recognized for his 20 years of service to RSVP and his dedication to Tsi’Tewatatkens.

The Almanzo & Laura Ingalls Wilder Association and the 14 RSVP Volunteers who are so dedicated to this site were recognized for their commitment to the preservation of the site and the education not only about the Wilders in specific, but about New York state rural life in mid-nineteenth century.

Jane Hill from the Malone Golden Age Club was awarded a pin and a plaque for her 13 years with this organization. Certificates of appreciation were awarded to Margaret Jones, Betty Crippen and Melita Jones from the Burke Adult Center, Pauline Durant from the Saranac Lake Adult Center, June Tuper, from the Fort Covington Adult Center, Jack Hinman from the Visitor’s Interpretive Center at Paul Smith’s, Catherine Bimble from the St. Regis Falls Adult Center and Marjorie La Flesh from the House of History.

The awards ceremony concluded with a special commendation to Scott Brady, Director of the Association of Senior Citizens. Linda Brady, Scott’s mother passed in February and through the generosity of the Brady Family $1000.00 was donated to the RSVP Program in her name. Linda epitomized the RSVP Program enriching the lives of others by sharing her love, time and experience.

Service award pins were awarded to volunteers with between one and 25 years of service and seniors citizens were presented gifts donated by local businesses and organizations.

Wolf Clan $25.00, Tarbell Management Group $100.00 King Clark Insurance $50.00 K-Mart $10.00, 37 West Steakhouse two $25.00 gift certificates, Stewarts Shops $25.00, Wal-Mart $50.00, Price Chopper $10.00, Jreck Subs two whole subs, K mart in Malone $10.00, Walgreen’s two photo packages, Brass Horse Grill two $15.00 gift certificates, St. Lucia’s Cafe $20.00 gift certificate, Macadam’s Cheese two gift baskets, Citizens Bank Cooler/ radio, The Association of Senior Citizens cookbook, Alice Hyde Medical Center, a bouquet of flowers, Brushton adult center $25.00 check, Fort Covington Adult center $25.00 gift certificate to Price Chopper, Burke Adult Center $25.00 check, Constable Adult Center dried flower arrangement, Saranac Lake Adult Center, $25.00 Gift Certificate to Stewarts, and the St. Regis Falls Adult Center $50.00. Thank you to everyone who made this event such a success.


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