A Voice from the Eastern Door
1. Onón:tara Soup
2. Ó:nenhste Corn
3. O’niónkseri Onions
4. Osahè:ta Dry beans
5. O’rhotsheri String beans
6. Onatsiakén:ra Rice
7. Kiononhkwatheroskó:wa Green peppers
8. Otsì:nekwar nikatsihkò:ten Carrots
9. Ohiakháhon Tomatoes
10. Kít kit O’wà:ron Chicken meat
11. Kionhonkwà:tsheros Pepper
12. Kiohiò:tsis Salt
13. Ohiakháhon kahnekinekénhton Tomato juice
14. Ohnekákeri Broth
Tsi ní:ioht Tsi Enhsatenontarón:ni
15. Teknekonkiéhtha ne kít kit o’wà:ron I am boiling the chicken meat Tesnekónkieht ne kít kit o’wà:ron Boil the chicken meat!
16. Kátsta ne ohnekákeri I am using the broth
Í:satst ne ohnekákeri Use the broth!
17. Iekáwerons ne kahnekinekénhton I am pouring in the juice
Ia’sáweron ne kahnekinekénhton Pour in the juice!
18. Iekhio’tsitón:kies I am throwing in the salt
Ia’sahio’tsitón:ti Throw in the salt!
19. Iekenonhkwa’tsherón:kies I am throwing in the pepper
Ia’sanonhkwa’tsherón:ti Throw in the pepper!
20. Ke’wahrarón:kwas ne kít kit I am taking the meat off the chicken Se’wahrarón:ko ne kít kit Take the meat off the chicken!
21. Tho kéta’s I am putting it in there
Tho séta’ Put it in there!
22. Kenenhstarón:kwas I am removing the corn from the cob
Senenhstarón:ko Remove the corn from the cob!
23. Ó:nenhste tánon á:se o’rhótsheri iekákies I am throwing in the corn and fresh string beans
Ó:nenhste tánon á:se o’rhótsheri ia’sá:ti Throw in the corn and fresh string beans!
24. Skatshè:ta osahè:ta iekákies I am throwing in 1 can of beans
Skatshè:ta osahè:ta ia’sá:ti Throw in 1 can of beans!
25. Teke’nionkseraríhtha I am cutting up the onions
Tese’nionkserá:riht Cut up the onions!
26. Tekahiaríhtha ne ohiakháhon I am cutting up the tomatoes
Tesahiá:riht ne ohiakháhon Cut up the tomatoes!
27. Kiononhkwa’tehroskó:wa tánon otsì:nekwar nikatsihkò:ten tehkríhtha
I am cutting up the green peppers and carrots
Kiononhkwa’tehroskó:wa tánon otsì:nekwar nikatsihkò:ten téshriht
Cut up the green peppers and carrots!
28. Kanà:tsiakon tho kéta’s I am putting it in the pot
Kanà:tsiakon tho séta’ Put it in the pot!
29. Skáksa onatsiakèn:ra teshnekonkiéhtha I am boiling 1 cup of rice
Skáksa onatsiakèn:ra teshnekónkieht Boil 1 cup of rice!
30. Onatsiakèn:ra iekákies I am throwing in the rice
Onatsiakèn:ra ia’sá:ti Throw in the rice!
31. Tekhnekonkiéhtha tsi niió:re akwé:kon enká:ri
I am boiling it until everything is cooked
Teshnekónkieht tsi niió:re akwé:kon enká:ri tóka tewahsen nikahseriiè:take Boil it until everything is cooked! (maybe 20 minutes)
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