A Voice from the Eastern Door
The following was from the Gathering of Native American Men in June 1996 at Colorado. Approximately 2000 Native American Men, families, and friends gathered from June 1 to 2 representing about 115 Tribes.
What are the Seven Philosophies?
The Seven Philosophies for a Native American Man are guidelines for Indian men on their journey through life. The wisdom of Native Elders is contained in the Seven Philosophies and is offered to Native American men so that they may be better fathers, sons, husbands, uncles, relatives, friend, Tribal members and citizens of the countries in which they live. The Seven Philosophies point the way towards a return to the values of Native American culture for the healing of individuals, families and Native communities.
First Philosophy - To the Women
The Cycle of Life for the women is the baby, girl, woman, and grandmother. These are the four directions of life. She has been given by natural laws the ability to reproduce life, the most sacred of all things in life. Therefore, all men should treat her with dignity and respect. Never was it our way to harm her mentally or physically. Indian men were never abusers. We always treated our women with respect and understanding. So, from now on, I will treat women in a sacred manner. The Creator gave woman the responsibility for bringing new life into the world. Life is sacred, so I will look upon women in a sacred manner. In our traditional ways, the woman is the foundation of the family. I will work with her to create a home atmosphere of respect, security and harmony. I will refrain from any form of emotional or physical abuse. If I have these feelings, I will talk to the Creator for guidance. I will treat all women as if they were my own female relatives. This I vow.
Second Philosophy - To the Children
As an eagle prepares its young to leave the nest will all the skills and knowledge it needs to participate in life, in the same manner so will I guide my children. I will use the culture to prepare them for life. The most important thing I can give to my children is my time. I will spend time with them in order to learn from them and to listen to them. I will teach my children to pray, as well as the importance of respect. We are the caretakers of the children for the Creator. They are His children, not ours. I am proud of our own Native language. I will learn it if I can and help my children to learn it. In today’s world it is easy for the children to go astray, so I will work to provide positive alternatives for them. I will teach them the culture. I will encourage education. I will encourage sports. I will encourage them to talk to the Elders for guidance; but mostly, I will seek to be a role model myself. I make this commitment to my children so they will have courage and find guidance through traditional ways.
Third Philosophy - To the Family
The creator gave to us the family, which is the place where all teachings are handed down from the grandparent, to the parent, and to the child. The children’s Behaviour is a mirror of the parent’s Behaviour. Knowing this, I realize the importance for each Indian man to build a strong and balanced family. By doing this, I will break the cycle of hurt and ensure the positive and mental health of the children, even the children yet to be born. So from now on:
• I will dedicate my priorities to rebuilding my family.
• I must never give up and leave my family only to the mother.
• I am accountable to restore the strength of my family. To do this, I will nurture our family’s spiritual, cultural, and social health.
• I will demonstrate trust, respect, honour and discipline; but mostly I will be consistent in whatever I do with them.
• I will see that the grandparents and community Elders play a significant role in the education of my children.
• I realize that the male and female together are fundamental to our family life. I will listen to my mate’s council for our family’s benefit, as well as for the benefit of my Indian Nation.
Continued next week.
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