A Voice from the Eastern Door

Adams Marina hosts Adams Family Reunion

On Saturday, July 26 the Adams Family held a reunion at Adam’s Marina in Snye. Approximately 200 people attended throughout the day and night representing the families of the late Mike and Mary (Jacobs) Adams, Margaret (Jacobs) Terrance, John Jacobs, Margaret (Adams) Smoke and Peter Adams. The reunion was planned only one week before by Edith McDonald, Veronica, Wendy, Sheila and Sabrina Adams, Michelle (Adams) Laffin, Sherry Roundpoint, Pam Cook, Priscilla Lazore and many others.

The reunion started at noon and continued throughout the night. Everyone brought a dish making a huge buffet enough to feed everyone twice. There was a tent set up by Bulla & Joe’s Rental (see their ad), which came in handy for a couple of cloudbursts that occurred during the day. The Skidders family provided picnic tables and Adam’s Marina provided the location and restaurant. Entertainment was provided by Bobby Herne, Kati Francis, Fiddler Joe Jacobs, Jake Adams, Terry Terrance and the Band.

In the afternoon there were competitions set up for kids and adults including a three-legged race, egg toss, team board-skiing and a tug-o-war. The tug-o-war ended disastrously as the rope snapped under the pressure of the adults. The kids’ tug-o-war ended the same way. Either this family is strong or the rope provided came off the rigging of Henry Hudson’s ship during first contact. Everyone concluded it was a combination of both. There was supposed to be a Survivor inspired challenge, but only one competitor stepped up and the event was cancelled since there were no paramedics.

Pictures were taken of individual families and an award ceremony was held with a trophy presentation. The trophy was going to be awarded to the family with the most points from the competitions held throughout the day. The reunion committee decided to present the trophy to Morris and Sally Ann Adams for hosting the reunion. The Adam’s family is known for creativity and ability. To prove it, the trophy was made by William “TsiKerísta” Adams that morning and included a picture of Mike and Mary Adams. The trophy will be proudly displayed at Morris and Sally Ann Adams for at least a year. If it goes somewhere else it will be decided by competition.

The reunion had to include the river and the kids loved it. They swam all day and into the night just like the old days. A bonfire was lit and the reunion continued into the wee hours of the morning. All in all it was a great reunion and it will continue on a yearly basis getting bigger and bigger.


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