A Voice from the Eastern Door

O’wà:ron Owennashón:’a

Words Related To Meat

1.Teie’wahra’we’ehstáhkhwa Meat fork

2.Ie’wahraráhkhwa Meat platter

3.Teka’wahrahríhton Hamburger (ground meat)

4.Io’wà:rase Fresh meat

5.Io’wahráthen Dried meat

6.Ka’wà:ro Boiled meat

7.Ka’wahrakerí:ta Fried meat

8.Teio’wahrahiò:tsis Salted meat

9.Io’wà:rari Cooked meat

10.Ka’wahrí:io Good meat

11.Io’wahrátken Spoiled meat

12.Tka’wà:ra Meat pie

13.Watè:skonte A Roast

14.Átste tsi iekhonnia’táhkhwa karistahrónnion An outdoor grill

15.Átste tetewatskahón:ne I am having a picnic (literally: we are going to eat outside)

16.Átste kekhonnià:ne I am having a barbeque (literally: I am going to cook outside)

17.Kate’skóntha I am roasting (ie. meat)

Saté’skón:ten Roast it!

18.Ktakerì:tas I am frying

Stakerì:ta Fry it!

19.Ke’wahrakerì:tas I am frying the meat

Se’wahrakerì:ta Fry the meat!

20.Ke’wahraríhtha I am cooking the meat

Se’wà:rariht Cook the meat!

21.Ke’wà:ros I am boiling the meat

Se’wà:ro Boil the meat

22.Ke’wahrakwè:tarons I am slicing the meat

Se’wahrakwè:taron Slice the meat!

23.Keró:ks ne o’wà:ron I am tenderizing the meat

Seró:k ne o’wà:ron Tenderize it!

24.Teke’wahrahríhtha I am grinding the meat

Tese’wahrà:riht Grind the meat

25.Ke’wahrakwe’tarónkwas I am cutting (scraping) the meat from the skin

Se’wahrakwe’tarón:ko Scrape the meat from the skin!

26.Teke’wahrakhahsión:kwas I am separating the meat into smaller portions

Tese’wahrakhahsión:ko Separate the meat into smaller portions

27.Kenennio’kwanóhstha ne o’wà:ron I am freezing the meat

Senenniò:kwanohst ne o’wà:ron Freeze the meat!

28.Kenennio’kwananawéntha ne o’wà:ron I am thawing the meat out

Senennio’kwaná:nawent ne o’wà:ron Thaw the meat out!

29.Kien’kwararíktha ne o’wà:ron I am smoking the meat

Tsien’kwárarikt ne o’wà:ron Smoke the meat!


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