A Voice from the Eastern Door

Sunday-Cook files suit against Tribe’s Election Board

Following her complaints to the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Election Board over the recent tribal election, former political candidate Tracy Sunday-Cook filed a lawsuit with the tribal court against the Election Board.

In the suit (Tracy Sunday-Cook vs. St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Election Board; St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Election Board Members Katrina Jacobs, Christine Horn, Mark Martin and Betty Roundpoint), which was brought to tribal court officials on July 3, 2008, Sunday-Cook says the Election Board failed to certify her as an official candidate in fair time for the election on June 7, 2008.

The Election Board had delayed making Sunday-Cook an official candidate while her residency was being questioned. Despite receiving a decision in her favor, Sunday-Cook said the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal newsletter erroneously printed that she was not an eligible candidate.

The suit is requesting that a hearing be held on the matter and that the election results be temporarily suspended pending the outcome of a hearing.

Indian Time has asked the SRMT’s Public Information Office for a response to Sunday-Cook’s complaints on several occasions but only recently received a response.

“Since the lawsuit has been filed and is pending, we are unable to comment at this time,” said David Staddon, the SRMT”s new director of public information.


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