A Voice from the Eastern Door

Sekon sewakwekon: Time sure flies!

Believe it our not, this is Indian Time’s 25th year - bringing a community paper to the people of Akwesasne. It has been a wonderful journey and Indian Time is grateful to the Akwesasne Community for all those years of encouragement. We couldn’t have done it without the enduring support of our community, our Mohawk governments, our advertisers and our local and area businesses. There are so many people to thank. Niawenkowa to all!

We also share this anniversary year by celebrating the 90th Birthday celebration of Ernest Benedict who started Akwesasne’s first newspapers - the War Whoop and the Kawehras and who also brought us Akwesasne Notes and Akwesasne Notes Magazine - which was operated by Indian Time for many years. Niawenkowa Ernie! You have been an inspiration to us all and we thank you for your vision and hard work.

Indian Time also wants to celebrate all of the community milestones and achievements with you. That is why we worked so hard to provide the Special 2008 Akwesasne Graduates newspaper supplement, so that community members, the business community and community organizations could also extend their congratulations to the Graduates of 2008! These achievements are worth celebrating.

We think that spending time to celebrate the many achievements within our community, is an important part of maintaining a positive community spirit. Celebrating our achievements and honouring our mentors and youth are an important part of community building.

We encourage our readers, our friends, our neighbours, our Mohawk governments, our community businesses, and our community organizations to join in this celebration.

Akwesasne is here. It is a strong vibrant community of good people that need to show the world what a wonderful, exciting and exceptional community we are. Go Akwesasne Go!


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