A Voice from the Eastern Door

Our little social moth

Aside from beating the heat Baby T has had quite the social calendar. He has managed to go to the movies twice and the beach four times. The only time he wants to stay home is early in the morning. He likes to take his time getting ready and packing his stuff up. He tries really hard to remember everything he thinks he’ll use. And lucky for me he isn’t too crazy with what he actually expects me to haul.

When we went to the movies he had me carry a pillow and blanket. Even though I did feel a little weird being the only parent with an armful of comfort at Baby T’s request, I did it anyway. But when we were in the movie I was glad I did. He propped the pillow on my lap and stretched himself across me with the blanket. I was pretty comfortable and so was he. And we successfully made it through the whole movie. The second time we went we brought Bubba who was not going to be seen carrying a blanket and pillow or have me either.

When we go to the beach he makes sure to bring a dump truck, bubbles and his pail and shovel. I turned a mesh laundry sack into a beach bag. That way Baby T can see what’s going and I don’t have to unpack a bag just to show him every item so he can mentally check it off his list.

We usually go to Barnhart beach, mostly because that’s where all our friends go. But the last time we went we had a family day. And Baby T, auntie, grandpa, and myself went. And surprisingly everyone got along. We went to the Massena beach for the first time since Baby T was around seven months old. It is smaller but a lot cleaner than Barnhart. It was nice not being on the lookout for goose droppings as I followed Baby T around. And the beach has a brand new playground. It gets my vote for the rest of the summer.

Baby T was busy from the time we got there until we left. He isn’t much of a swim in the river kind of kid, but he was at this beach. Maybe because it was so much more shallow. One of his favorite things to do with the sand is make roads. To our blanket, the playground, and to the water. And he is insistent on only using his approved routes for travel between those mini destinations. We finally left the beach around seven with everyone tired. We successfully lured Baby T off the jungle gym equipment with the promise of dairy queen. Thank god for ice cream, I’m sure we would have been there until sundown.

After ice cream, Baby T passed out on the way home. He slept right through the move from the car to the house and didn’t wake up until nine that Saturday morning. It was almost like he wasn’t home. Since school ended Baby T can easily stay up until eleven, without a nap. Good thing he was rested up because he went to Ottawa with his Tota girl and Tota boy Saturday. And then he slept over at their house and went on the boat for the day Sunday.

He didn’t come home until almost nine Sunday night. And Monday we went swimming at grandma’s house. He has already marked his calendar to go swimming at grandma’s everyday that he decides is hot enough. Since the insectarium trip Baby T is obsessed with moths. And who would call a boy a butterfly? So I can’t wait to see what’s on my little social moth’s calendar this week. Whatever it is, guaranteed it will wear me out.


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