A Voice from the Eastern Door
The Covenant of the League of the Five Nations
By J. Thomas
Dated Oct. 9, 1987
The significance of the circle of wampum beads with wampum strings attached signifies the Fifty Sachems, Rotiiane:shon, of the Five Nations and also symbolizes the Union of the Five Confederate Nations: the Mohawks, Kanienkeha:ka, have nine Confederate Lords; the Oneidas, Oneniota:a:ka, have nine Confederate Lords; the Onondagas, Onontakeha:ka, have fourteen Confederate Lords; the Cayugas, Kaiokwenha:ka, have ten Confederate Lords; and the Senecas, Onontowa:ka, have eight Confederate Lords. Under the Great Tree of Peace, Skaronheseko:wa, stands the Fifty Confederate Lords with joined hands in a circle signifying unity.
IT ALSO PROVIDES that should anyone of the Confederate Lords leave the council, the Clan Mother will remove his crown of deer-horns, the emblem of Lordship, title, together with his birthright.
SIMILARLY, his title and the crown of deer-horns will fall from his head inside the circle and will remain within the Confederacy and it will be given back to the Clan-Mother who will nominate another in her descent or lineage for the Lordship in the family.
IF ANY OF THE PEOPLE IN THE CONFEDERACY wish to go out of the circle, all their rights will remain inside the circle of the Confederacy. The Fifty Confederate Lords of the Five Nations shall always stand firm with a tight grip of joined hands. So that if someday a tree falls upon the joined hands and arms, it will fall and would not separate or break the link of the Confederacy, nor weaken their hold and that this Great Union, Teiotiokwaonhaston, will always be preserved.
FURTHER, meaning that if any of their people marry any other race, they are walking out of the circle and will lose their status.
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