A Voice from the Eastern Door
June 18th, 2008
Sheree Bonaparte, C.A.O. and
Carmella Jacobs, Chief Electoral Returning Officer, Department of Justice
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
P.O. Box 579, Cornwall, ON K6H 5T3
(ph:613-575-2250, est.2400)
RE: APPEAL of Referendum Vote of June 14th, 2008
Dear Ms Carmella Jacobs:
I, Francis Ateronhiatakon Boots, am a registered voter of Akwesasne and past District Chief of Kawehnoke District; and in accordance with the Mohawks of Akwesasne Referendum regulations I am formally appealing the referendum vote of June 14th, 2008 on the grounds that; -no secret balloting was held.
Attached please find Affidavits from other Akwesasne voters who witnessed the voting procedure that had no provisions for secret balloting. In a free and open democratic voting process, secret balloting is key. The “vote no campaign” estimates that over 50% of the 123 votes cast as yes votes would have been votes cast as no, had the voters not been required to vote on tables in plan view of the Electoral Returning Officers. At the last public meeting on this issue I made a motion from the floor, which was duly seconded, voted on and passed, requesting that this Ontario Power Agreement referendum vote be postponed until the details of the voting process were worked out to allow all to participate. In accordance with the referendum regulation for Appeals I expect a favorable response to this Appeal. Respectfully submitted, Francis Ateronhiatakon Boots
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