A Voice from the Eastern Door

Cornwall Collegiate Vocational School Athletic Awards

The school athletic awards were held on Tuesday June 3, 2008, in the school auditorium, with athlete’s, coaches, parents and guests being served a delicious meal and desert by the school hospitality and tourism instructor, Chef John Ciampaglia and class students.

Athletes were being honored for their school team participation, efforts, dedication and athletic skills as “Raiders and Raiderettes”. Local Akwesasne female athletes play a vital role in team sports here at CCVS, commented Clarissa Jacobs, AMBE Native Student Advisor.

Kylie Thompson was awarded the Coaches Award by coach, Sam Schuler who commented on how Kylie never gave up during training sessions, her positive outlook on the sport, team spirit and one awesome kick to the game of soccer.

Kaylynn Thompson took home the Female MVP Award for cross country running, coach Heather Latreille commented on how Kaylynn always crossed the finish line with a smile. A runner with stride and determination in finishing her race.

Amanda Mitchell was awarded the Senior Girls Volleyball MVP by coach’s Jamie Carr and Romaine Mitchell. A female athlete who walks on the court and brings with her, powerful spikes, ace serves and tricky tips, with positive sportsmanship skills on and off the court. Coach Mitchell praised Akwesasnes Soaring Eagles Volleyball Club and Coaches for being the builders of producing strong female volleyball players from Akwesasne.

Sueanne Swamp was awarded the Senior Girls Basketball MVP award by coach Jamie Carr who commented on how Sueanne always showed her love of the game on and off the court.

Congratulations Kaylynn, Kylie, Amanda and Sueanne for your athletic accomplishments.


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