A Voice from the Eastern Door

Akwesasne Contractors Organization meeting update

(Akwesasne) May 30, 2008 – She:kon. The Akwesasne Contractors Organization united for the purpose of employment held their third meeting in May at the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department (HAVFD) STATION 2 Building in Kawehnoke Thursday, May 29, 2008. Twenty-five community members were heard and participated in the meeting. Niawen:kowa.

The meeting agenda featured several presentations by community leaders. The letterhead and logo committee presented several draft designs for adoption by the organization. Committee Chairman John Lazore updated the membership on the scheduled dates to meet with the local governing councils.

Treasurer Louis Oakes made a presentation on the organization financial accounts. A report was made on a possible project involving the Seniors Center Facility.

Darlene Francis and Elvera Sargent made a community presentation on the updated economic development survey, which they detailed. The survey features include banking and bonding sections relevant to local job bidding.

Gail McDonald, the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino (AMC) site representative of Innovation Project Design (IPD), updated the Akwesasne Contractor Organization membership on the progress of the Sprung building phase of the AMC expansion project, and the advancing level of local worker hiring. IPD General Contractor Coordinator Scott Loran also spoke on the subject, noting the work was ahead of schedule due to local worker involvement. 

Tracey Sunday-Cook made a presentation on the Seneca Nation Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance (TERO). Ms. Sunday-Cook will make further contact related to this Seneca Nation Tribal Department.

Monica Jacobs also related her research and knowledge of the TERO as a tool to mandate Native Preference employment / hiring and what services it might provide.

Future meeting plans were made. The next meeting of the Akwesasne Contractors Organization will be held at the HAVFD STATION 1 Building on Thursday, June 12, 2008 at 6:00PM.

All Akwesasne contractors are invited to attend these open meetings. Community members are also invited to attend to show their support for the Akwesasne contractors.

Contact President Ronald Garrow at 358-6005 or Vice-President John Lazore at 358-3017 for more information.


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