Sekon Akwesasne!
On Saturday, May 31st, the Onkwehonweh people of Akwesasne will be holding a historical election which will become a landmark for all electoral processes to come within Akwesasne.
On Saturday, May 31st, 2008 a People’s Election will be held from 9am until 5pm at Wolf Clan. The election is open to all St. Regis Mohawk Tribe enrollees regardless of where they reside within our territory.
Our people are tired of daily squabbles, skirmishes and fights. Heated words between the tribal trustees have taken place between people and them since the tribe’s inception on or about 1802.
It is time that the people took back their rightful voice to combat what could be the end for us the original people as we know it.
My name is Cindy Smoke, I grew up in Akwesasne and have lived here all of my life with the exception of five years I had spent in Buffalo, New York where our family moved to follow my father Phillip B. Terrance who was an ironworker. My mother is Sandra J. Diebow Terrance.
I am at present 52 years old; and successfully administered the weekly newspaper The People’s Voice for 18 and a half years. Also for those who have been questioning me on this area of my life, the status of The People’s Voice is in litigation.
I earned a dual degree from SUNY Potsdam years ago. I also earned an Associates Degree from Mater Dei College. My Baccalaureate empowered me and provided me with the incentive and knowledge to pursue my lifelong career as a journalist.
I spent twenty-seven years or my life as a journalist/photographer working for The Rez, Kanata News, North American Indian Travelling College, Indian Time; The People’s Voice; and the NE TI VOICE.
I made my life with my people here in Akwesasne, I enjoy a daily existence with and among my people.
I have seen what the bureaucracy’s of foreign intervention have done and continue to do to us.
I am first hand witness (victim) to a supposed democratic process that does not work. And this process I speak of is the Saint Regis Tribe.
“Their” 3-chief system of government has not and will not ever work for the collective good of all of our people.
The People only have to look to the very recent past to see and witness the hurt, the humiliation, the corruption, and yes, the GENOCIDAL practices our three “Trustees” have done against us.
James Ransom, Barbara Lazore and Lorraine White; have all conducted travesty against us their people. And they continue to take cover behind an illusion they have co-conspired with the United States Government via the Saint Regis Tribe.
The following list contains only a modest number of injustices accomplished for themselves and not for the good of their people:
1) Our trustees granted themselves salaries of $1,500 (fifteen hundred) a week,
2) Signed a tax agreement with the state (re: Feb. 2007)
3) Gambled $20,000 of our Tribal General Fund to “donate” to an illegal scam involving the Ohonton Kariwatekwon
4) Willfully gave up easement of our western boundary to National Grid without consenting a number (5) of property owners on that line! The easement then produced property and other damages in excess of $5 million (five-million) dollars.
5) Attempted to change the membership rolls so they would benefit their own families. See TCR. #2007-63.
6) Created ground rules for our tribal meetings when their ground rules were objected to and called archaic and unfair they did nothing to rectify the situation.
7) They spent millions of dollars of our money running to Monticello-and Sullivan county and put us in debt there to the tune of how many millions? Ask them?! Their pipe dream of a $700 million dollar casino did not fly. But who will pay in the end?
8) More recently they paid the taxes on the IGA purchase along with 7 other properties adjoining and linking the IGA with the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino.
9) 13 and a half million for Susan White-Jesmer! Another illicit move against the true people of Akwesasne.
10) With this move, they set disastrous precedent in place and left the other 100-118 property owners; all our people with the exception of 2 (who are non-native); in jeopardy, limbo and out on a limb for themselves!
11) The 100-118 property owners who comprise the “Hogansburg Triangle” are your neighbors, your family, my family and most are struggling financially just to get by... they aren’t billionaire’s or millionaire’s; they are people, our PEOPLE. Our Onkwehoweh brothers and sisters.
12) These people do not have or hold hidden agendas, They do not meet or make deals behind closed doors. They haven’t purchased million dollar homes on or near Wilson Hill in the Town of Massena. Above all, they do not choose to reside in Massena, they are OUR people.
There will be little or nothing left for OUR people when the head trustee of the St. Regis Tribe leaves; when she leaves she will go to a better place a place that few of us have ever encountered or been given the opportunity to reside. And that place is OFF our territory, here in Akwesasne.
And our people will once again suffer. It is time for our people to unify for the collective good of our children our grandchildren and the good of our future generations.
Take part in the People’s Election to be held Saturday May 31st. The Tribe as it is governed now must be stopped. Change the administration and give the voice and rightful control back to the people!!! And, don’t let the Tribe continue to spew its white lies, deception and half truths...stand up to the tribe for all of our people’s well being.
Stop this blatant disregard for our people, of our people and our way of life. And do it now!
In closing I am sincerely asking all of the people of Akwesasne to take part in the People’s Election Saturday, May 3rd.
You aren’t being asked to vote for me.
I am asking that you vote on May 3rd, and vote for a spokesperson that will ensure all of our Onkwehonweh rights are met!!
Cindy Niioroniaah Smoke
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