A Voice from the Eastern Door

MCA Press Release on Attempted Seizure of Contraband Tobacco

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service stated that last night’s incident involving the attempted seizure of contraband tobacco has made evident the seriousness of this issue to the community of Akwesasne. They further stated that acts of intimidation and the threat of violence towards Mohawk Police Officers and the community have no place in resolving this issue.

Last night a van pulled in front of a Mohawk Police Officer on Kawehno:ke and was stopped for committing a traffic violation for not displaying a license plate. Upon conducting a visual inspection, the Mohawk officer noticed a large quantity of contraband tobacco in the vehicle, an offense under the Federal Excise Act. Within a short time, a large crowd had gathered demanding the release of the driver and the contraband tobacco. The crowd obstructed the arrest of the driver and seizure of the tobacco.

“Federal criminal law applies to all First Nations communities,” stated Grand Chief Tim Thompson. He further stated, “Last night’s incident has made clear that this issue extends beyond law enforcement and requires Mohawk leadership to work cooperatively in seeking a political solution.”

“What is not being considered by groups in our community is the impact of contraband tobacco on the health and safety of our own community members,” noted Chief of Police Lewis Mitchell. He further added, “Violence is not a solution and individuals should seriously consider their actions before disrupting our community.”

An investigation is being conducted by the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service into last night’s attempted seizure of contraband tobacco and the incident that followed. Individuals involved in the disruption of justice will be charged.

“The voice of the community has not been heard on this issue,” added Grand Chief Thompson. Steps are being looked at by Mohawk leaders as a mechanism to have that voice heard. He concluded, “We encourage community members voice their concerns against any federal policy on Parliament Hill as part of the National Day of Action. We also ask Mohawk leaders to work together to achieve a peaceful resolution to this issue.”


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