A Voice from the Eastern Door

AMBE celebrates 20 years

The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education has been celebrating their 20th Anniversary of operation with yearlong events planned throughout the past year.  A celebratory dinner was held on Thursday, May 22, 2008 at the Akwesasne Mohawk School on Kawehnoke.  Administrators, School Board Trustees, teachers, AMBE employees (past and present), MCA Chiefs and families gathered in the hallways to reminisce about the Boards success in the past 20 years.  Various display boards were created and set up for all to view.  The showcase of the evening was the Skahwatsi:ra students and their proficiency in the Mohawk Language.  Students recited the Ohon:ton Karihwatekwen  in Mohawk, a public speaker recited his speech in both Mohawk and English, a song done by ‘Elvis’ in Mohawk delighted the audience, and the closing was also done in our language.   The Mohawk Language Singers also sang 6 songs for the appreciative audience.

Various speakers throughout the evening spoke about the origins of the Board:  from the Tri-District Steering Committee; former Directors Rose Alma (Dolly) McDonald, Mr. John Comtois (a former Superintendent with the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Board of Education in Cornwall), Mr. Rob Cree, Mr. Ron Lafrance, Sr., Mr. Peter Garrow, and the current Director Mr. Barry Montour. Former AMS Principal Kathy Hill, now a liaison with Indian Affairs in Ottawa, said that “Akwesasne has the best and brightest students, and if you believe in students then they can be successful.” She also acknowledged school secretary Char Cook who “really runs the school”. Barry Montour thanked his staff for all their support, especially the associate Director Debra Terrance.    He spoke of the challenges ahead for the Board in the areas of Union negotiations, the retirement of Mohawk Language Teachers and the wait time for busses at the border especially in these times.  He also spoke with great pride of the successes the Board has had with sports teams, Science Fair winners, the hot lunch program, the Boys and Girls Club in Kana:takon School, Special Ed programs, EQAO testing and the ‘Sharing Our Success Award’.

There is much to do each and every year to ensure that our students receive the best possible education that there is to offer and the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education is well equipped to provide that.


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