A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tekekhwahrítha - Cutting Food

1. Tekhríhtha I am mashing it

Téshriht Mash it

2. Tekekhwahrítha I am mashing food

Tesekhwà:riht Mash food

3. Tekenon’onserahríhtha I am mashing squash

Tesenon’onserahrá:riht Mash squash

4. Teke’wahraríhtha I am mashing the meat

Tese’wahrà:riht Mash meat!

5. Tekenionkserahríhtha I am dicing the onions

Tesenionkserà:riht Dice onions!

6. Teke’nhonhsahríhtha I am mashing the eggs

Tese’nhonhsà:riht Mash eggs!

7. Tekhnenna’taríhtha I am mashing the potatoes

Teshnenna’tá:riht Mash the potatoes!

8. Tektsihkwahríhtha I am mashing the roots (carrots, beets)

Testsihkwà:riht Mash the roots!

9. Tekahiaríhtha I am mashing fruit

Tesahiá:riht Mash fruit!

10.Kkwè:tarons I am slicing it; I am cutting a slice of it

Skwè:tarons Slice it!

11.Kahiakwè:tarons I am slicing the fruit

Sahiakwè:taron Slice the fruit!

12.Kena’tarakwè:tarons I am slicing the bread

Sena’tarakwè:taron Slice the bread!

13.Kenionkserakwè:tarons I am slicing the onions

Senionkserakwè:taron Slice the onions!

14.Ke’wahrakwè:tarons I am slicing the meat

Se’wahrakwè:taron Slice the meat!

15.Khnenna’takwè:tarons I am slicing the potatoes

Shnenna’takwè:taron Slice the potatoes!

16.Tekohwíhas I am splitting it in half

Tesohwíha Split it in half!

17.Tekahiowíhas I am splitting the fruit in half

Tesahiowíha Split the fruit in half!

18.Tekhnenna’towíhas I am splitting the potato in half

Teshnenna’towíha Split the potato in half!

19.Tekenehsio’towíhas I am splitting the cabbage in half

Tesenehsio’towíha Split the cabbage in half!

20.Tekenionkserowíhas I am splitting the onion in half

Tesenionkserowíha Split the onion in half!

21.Teke’wahrowíhas I am splitting the meat in half

Tese’wahrowíha Split the meat in half!

22.Tekia’tó:rens ne kít kit I am splitting the chicken’s body in half

Tetsia’tó:ren ne kít kit Split the chicken in half!

23.Kéroks ne o’wà:ron I am tenderizing the meat

Sé:rok ne o’wà:ron Tenderize it!

24.Teke’wahrakhahsión:kwas I am separating the meat up into smaller portions

Tese’wahrakhahsión:ko Separate the meat up into smaller portions

25.Íkia’ks ne ohrhotsheri I am removing the beans from the plant

Í:tsia’k ne ohrhotsheri Remove the beans from the plant

26.Tékia’ks ne ohstawí:na I am snapping it in two pieces

Tétsia’k ne ohstawí:na Break the celery (one break)

27.Tekiá:khons ne ohnennà:ta I am cutting the potatoes

Tetsiá:khon ne ohnennà:ta Cut the potatoes!

28.Kkwe’tarónkwas I am cutting it away (scrape)

Skwe’tarón:ko Scrape it!

29.Ke’wahrakwe’tarónkwas I am cutting (scraping) the meat from the skin

Se’wahrakwe’tarón:ko Scrape the meat from the skin!

30.Khiothí:ions I am sharpening a cutting tool

Shio’thí:ieht Sharpen it!

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