I am writing this letter to inform the community members of a situation that has happened concerning a non-Member. I hope that this community and Council can address this issue properly.
First I would like to provide the following background information. The Akwesasne Membership Board is the body elected by the community members and whose authority is outlined in the Akwesasne Membership Code and the Charter of the Akwesasne Membership Board, which have both been enacted and accepted by the community. Council has recognized the Akwesasne Membership Board as its governance body to undertake all aspects of the powers, functions and responsibilities concerning membership conferred to it by the Akwesasne Membership Code, Residency Law and its Charter.
According to the Akwesasne Membership Code, as outlined in Section 21, non-Members do not have the same privileges as the Members of Akwesasne. Secondly, according to Section 15 and Section 24 of the Akwesasne Membership Code, if a non-Member, whether they are “Probationary Members”, by application of law, have to obtain a Residency Permit in order to reside on the Territory, because they are not members.
The situation involves Mohawk Council putting a call-out to interested “Community Members” to participate as a member on one of its commissions. After the call-out, Mohawk Council appointed a non-Member as an active member of the commission.
As a past member of the Membership Board for 15 years, a current member of the Legislative Commission for about 20 years and a concerned Member of the Mohawks of Akwesasne, I think that Council over stepped its boundaries that it has created. The determination and definition of privileges for non-Members or Probationary Members is the responsibility of the Akwesasne Membership Board. I think that if Council needed to make that determination, it should have made the appointment at a General Meeting, instead of behind closed doors. Council should have consulted with the community.
I am sure that the current members of the Membership Board will be equally as shocked and concerned by the actions of Council, by not consulting with the Membership Board before passing the MCR appointing the non-Member. Council passed the MCR without having adequate information on the non-Member’s membership status. Past practices should also be important in making decisions when there is no policy that is written down. (I would like to mention that there were two members on Council that did agree that the non-Member should not be appointed to the commission). I realize Council is our elected government body who represents the Mohawks of Akwesasne, however, we the Members of Akwesasne have to speak up when actions taken by Council could have a negative impact on our efforts to maintain this Mohawk community for Onkwehonweh for years to come, that is the purpose for our laws, namely the Akwesasne Membership Code. By allowing a non-Member to have certain privileges, we have to allow other non-members the same privileges.
I am asking you to support me by asking Council to rescind the MCR appointing non-Members to hold an office as a commission member until the matter can be resolved by the body authorized to set-out that privilege, or take the question to the community to get direction from the people. As a community member r ask you to talk to your District Chief and your Membership Board representatives about this situation. Let them know if you agree or disagree to allow Probationary Members who are non-Members to represent you while they hold office on these commission, boards or committees. Let your voice be heard.
Niawenko:wa for taking the time to read my letter and I hope that we can work towards doing the right thing for our future generation.
Pat Benedict, Kawehnoke,
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