A Voice from the Eastern Door

In Loving Memory of Brian Stuart Patterson “Pattywack” Feb. 3, 1983 - Feb. 14, 2007

Never thought it could be you, never wanted it to be.  The other half of me just

disappeared.  Darkness came as fast as you got your angel wings, my tears will never go away, my heart feels like its been thrown away.  When I heard the news, I fell to my knees.  Not wanted to get up, I heard you say it’ll be okay.  Memories running through my heard not believing my brothers life was gone.  When the time came I sat there looking at all your pictures wondering if you were really gone.  There’s not a smile that could ever be replaced.  God, take this pain away from me as I sit here crying and typing this for my brother.  I never got to say goodbye.  I want you to answer why?  I wish I could take your place, but all I can do is wait till we meet again.  Till then I’ll be missing you brother.

HB, You’ll always be with us & love you forever,

Cheyene, John & Russell


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