Letter to readers:
We are the Kanienkehaka, People of the Flint, the foundation of the Mohawk Nation. We are issuing this press release to clarify our stance on the issues of identification cards and the ‘border’ at our territory of Akwesasne.
First, all people should know that the Mohawk Nation has never ceded any of it’s aboriginal territory to the U.S. or any other entity. Our homeland stretches from the St. Lawrence River to the Delaware River and from the West Canada Creek to the Champlain Valley. Within this area we have resided since time immemorial. We retain the right to travel freely in all areas of the Nation without artificial encumbrances from alien governments.
Second, we are citizens of our own Nation and follow a set of rules called the Kaienerekowa, the “Great Law”, which has specific provisions, which guarantee our freedoms. Nothing in the Great Law permits our leadership to abide by the regulations of alien governments or to acknowledge borders set by these entities. Our Mohawk people have never agreed to the imposition of a “international border” through Akwesasne and have, in fact, waged a generations long struggle to remove this boundary which has caused us great harm. For us, there can be no border in Akwesasne. Third, we continue to oppose the two colonial administrations forced upon us: the St. Regis Tribal Council and the St. Regis Band Council (now called the “Mohawk Council of Akwesasne”). The U.S. and Canada used their military powers to impose these “elective” systems upon us as part of their efforts to undermine and destroy the Mohawk Nation. The colonial councils have done the bidding of their alien masters. They were designed to lead us into assimilation by enforcing U.S. and Canadian laws on our lands. They are now the ones pressing our people into using identification cards issued under the authority of Ottawa and Washington. This is unacceptable to us.
Fourth, it is the right of the Mohawk Nation to determine its own method of citizenship and identification. We will not concede this to any other entity. We will issue our own identification cards here at Akwesasne in conjunction with our other communities. We will do so adhering to the Great Law and in our own way. We will not be pressured by the fear campaign now used by the U.S. against it’s own people. We will not allow our Mohawk citizens to be used as victims by the U.S. by being portrayed as criminals or threats to American security.
Fifth, we are prepared to protect our homelands against unlawful intrusions. All Mohawk citizens have not only the right to live in freedom but a duty to protect this liberty for the coming generations. When we see our people walking into danger we must warn them. When we see a threat to our Nation approaching we must organize against it.
Sixth, the people must know their history. It is only because of the struggles of the citizens of the Mohawk Nation that we now have a free economy on our territory. Whatever initiative undertaken by any person or organization to create a business to generate wealth happens as a result of our fight against alien rules and regulations. Had it not been for this fact the colonial band and tribal councils would have given up our freedoms long ago. They now make millions of dollars in income for the simple reason that we, the Mohawk citizens, have struggled to maintain our independence. We remind them of this. We inform them that we will not tolerate any action, which undermines our status as a free Nation.
Finally, we the Kaiienkehaka, are on alert. When necessary, we will act.
Tekariwa ie Nawa Kon
People of the Longhouse Ahkwesasne.
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