The St. Regis Mohawk School library was full of activities on January 23rd. Several parents/caregivers along with their toddlers and preschoolers gathered to participate in the “Beginning With Books” Program. The “Beginning With Books” Program provides an opportunity for preschoolers to attend a literacy hour at the St. Regis Mohawk School. During the hour, participants read books, worked on crafts, sang songs, did finger plays, and had a healthy snack together.
On January 23rd., Ms. Christine McKane shared a story called Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young. This is a story about seven blind mice that are going on an adventure and they happen to come across a huge elephant. But, since they are blind, they do not know what it is. Each mouse tries to guess what the creature is. Seven Blind Mice is a great story to practice color words and counting to seven.
While listening to the story, each of the preschoolers was given a stuffed animal to hold as a reading buddy. During the story all the children were eager to participate in naming the colors and counting the mice together. They also tried to guess what the huge creature was in the story. After reading and discussing the story, everyone joined hands and sang the song Three Gray Mice.
Upon completion of the story and singing, parents and preschoolers gathered around the tables to work on a craft project together. Everyone made their very own colorful mouse using construction paper, pipe cleaners and wiggly eyes. The mice are on display in the showcase outside the library at the St. Regis Mohawk School.
A healthy snack of fresh fruit and juice/water was served to all participants.
Before their departure, each toddler was given a free “board” book about mice and a packet of activities to work on at home with their parents. Bookbags, filled with books appropriate for pre-school aged, are also available for parents to borrow.
The next “Beginning With Books” literacy hour will be held on February 6th at the St. Regis Mohawk School Library at 10:00 a.m. All parents with pre-school aged children are encouraged to come and share the fun with us. Free bookbags will be given to all new participants.
A special thanks goes to one of our generous parents who donated the books, Mouse Count, Mouse Paint and Seven Blind Mice, which were given to each of the participants.
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