Deeply Wounded
- My beautiful baby boy, Tyler, I am so torn up inside
- I’m running in circles with no place to hide
- I gave birth to you twenty years ago
- It’s too soon, why did you have to go?
- My life is at a stand still, since your passing
- but, my heart and my love for you is now and always will be everlasting.
- You are in my thoughts every hour of every day
- I smudge and hope that you are at peace and in a good way
- Son, I wish I had told you, so many things
- I am so deeply wounded by the sorrow your death brings.
- I would give anything just to hear you laugh or see you smile
- I swear, it would make my life, right now worthwhile.
- I am waiting for the day that we walk together once more
- For then, I will have peace within, for this I am sure.
- Now my son, I wait for all this pain to be uprooted
- Because my Precious, Precious son, I am deeply wounded.
All my love
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