Akwesasne- The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe is encouraging community members to apply for the free home heating fuel as a part of the SRMT-CITGO program. As announced earlier, everyone must apply first to participate in the program and receive the fuel. All community members are eligible to apply. The Tribe would like to send a friendly reminder to residents that the firm deadline for applications is THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 2008 at 4 p.m.
The Compliance Office reports that to date, more than 1000 applications have been received. In addition, deliveries began this week based on the prioritized order giving weight to seniors, low-income, and single-parent households first.
This year the program requires that applicants provide individual account information associated with your current or desired fuel provider. This enables the program to credit your account. Participants will be notified by mail that the credit has been forwarded, allowing you to then order fuel. Once participants have received a notification letter, it is your responsibility to make sure that your fuel credit has been used BY March 31, 2008, the program end date.
The following is a list of participating, licensed fuel providers: # 9 Fuels, Akwesasne Fuels, Suburban (Propane) Energy, Ahnawate Marina Fuels, Ameri-gas, Griffith Energy, Econo Fuels, and MX/Vaincourt Fuels. Participants in the program must use one of the licensed suppliers on the list. The Compliance Department is still working to add a few small dealers to the licensed list and will notify the community of any changes.
Applications can be picked up in the lobby of the Tribal Building. Questions and concerns can be directed to the Compliance Office at (518) 358-2272 extensions 243, 224 and 248.
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