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Tell us how you would explain to someone why you believe the Massena mascot name is wrong and should be changed? Please email your comment to:, and they may be published in the following issue of Indian Time. Please include your first and last name in the email, however, only your first name will be published in the paper. Please try to keep your comments brief and to the point as space is limited, however we understand that some questions may require a lengthy response, and comments will be assessed on a case by case...
If you tried to send a comment to the comments email, you probably received a “return to sender” notice. The program that we lay out the paper with uses a hyphen when words are separated, and our comment email:, got separated with a hyphen. There is no hyphen and we apologize to anyone who tried to send us a comment. We will still accept comments on last week’s topic: ambulance service in Akwesasne. Again our comments email is
Indian Time is starting a new column called “Your Thoughts.” We hope to engage the community in discussions about the issues that matter. When an issue arises we will put a question out there, in the paper and on our Facebook page, and invite you to send your comments for publication. Please email your comment to, and they may be published in the following issue of Indian Time. Please include your first and last name in the email, however, only your first name will be published in the paper. Please try to keep your com...