Sorted by date Results 526 - 550 of 9081
By Kaniehtonkie At the United Nations on Thursday, September 21, 2017, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed Canada’s efforts to address what he called a domestic “shame” and the treatment of Indigenous peoples. Using the world platform at the UN General Assembly, he spoke almost entirely about the challenges Indigenous people face, in historical and in contemporary times, and his governments efforts at change and reconciliation. He admittedly stated Canada is a country, “that came into being without the meaningful participation of those w...
Students from the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School kicked-off their Success For All reading program by touring the world. The school's 2017-2018 theme is "Oh The Places You Will Go, When You Read," which is an adaptation on the beloved Dr. Seuss book. As a part of the reading program each student at AMS is expected to read 20 minutes on school nights. By completing this goal the students will be reminded of all the places that they can visit, experience and explore through books. To demonstrate just so...
Submitted by Jennifer Herne, LVT The Akwesasne Animal Society spent last week providing spay and neuter surgeries and wellness appointments to just over 200 animals from Akwesasne. A group effort that included Akwesasne Animal Society Director Jennifer Herne, LVT; Grand River Veterinary Hospital practice partner Dr. Tammy Hornak, DVM; Toronto Humane Society veterinarian Dr. Karen Ward, DVM and University of Guelph 4th year veterinary students. The event took place September 18-22, 2017, at the K...
Saturday, September 30, 2017 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Paul Smiths College VIC The Adirondack Rural Skills and Homesteading Festival celebrates the talents of a bygone era with a distinctly Adirondack flair. With featured exhibitions on logging, farming with draft horses and a demonstration of competitive lumberjack sports by the Paul Smith’s College Woodsmen’s Team, the festival also offers dozens of workshops that appeal to a wide range of interests such as canning, cider making, woodworking, renewable energy, cordwood construction, small...
The Origin Story of Orange Shirt Day Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) Residential School (1891-1981) Commemoration Project and Reunion events that took place in Williams Lake, BC, Canada, in May 2013. This project was the vision of Esketemc (Alkali Lake) Chief Fred Robbins, who is a former student himself. It brought together former students and their families from the Secwepemc, Tsilhqot’in, Southern Dakelh and St’at’imc Nations along with the Cariboo Regional District, the Mayors and municipalities, School Distr...
October 4th is a day where we honor the lives of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). The violence experienced by Indigenous women and girls in Canada and the United States is a tragedy. We must take the time to give thanks to the families who are our reason for demanding continued action. The Sister In Spirit (SIS) initiative began in 2005 when they conducted ongoing research that gathered statistical information on violence against Aboriginal women. The SIS research proved...
Submitted by Lynda Brown Students and staff members at Tsi Snaihne School had a fun day on September 22nd enjoying all the wild and crazy hairstyles of students and staff members at school. School spirit is high at Tsi Snaihne School!...
Only 100 raffle tickets are on sale. A full ticket is $100.00, you can win up to $5,000.00 or you can buy a $10.00 segment, which allows you to win up to $500.00. Winning amount depends on the number of tickets sold. The last ticket pulled wins the money. However, throughout the drawing other prizes are given. You can win a 32” SANYO TV and many other gifts for your $10.00 tax-deductible donation. Winners need not be present, but it is greater fun if you are there. Every ticket number will be called, all one hundred. You will know that your t...
The Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley will hold its annual Sustainability Day at SUNY Canton Friday, Sept. 29. The event, which is free and open to the public, aims to create a culture of sustainability at the four colleges – Clarkson University, St. Lawrence University, SUNY Canton and SUNY Potsdam – in partnership with surrounding communities. Sustainability Day will begin at 1 p.m. in the Richard W. Miller Campus Center's Kingston Theater with a welcome address by SUNY Can...
MASSENA – Comrades of Hope will offer a free naloxone training Oct. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Massena Community Center, 61 Beach St. Attendees will be trained in administering naloxone and will receive a free kit to take home. Naloxone, which is sometimes marketed under the name brand Narcan, is a nasal spray that can reverse the effects of an opiate or opioid overdose. It works on heroin, hydrocodone, morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone, hydromorphone and other similar drugs. No medical knowledge is necessary to be trained to administer naloxone. R...
CORNWALL, ON - This past summer, with Lake Ontario water levels at their highest in a century, officials began the largest outflow from the lake in history, to drain off the excess into the St. Lawrence Seaway. At one point the outflow from Cornwall’s Moses-Saunders Power Dam - the drainage point at the eastern end of Lake Ontario - had risen from roughly 7,000 cubic metres per second earlier this year to 10,200 cubic metres per second. For reference, that’s over four Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of water passing through the dam, every se...
(September 19, 2017) We are having a motorcycle escort from Hogansburg & Malone on Friday, September 29, 2017. Prior to this escort, there will be a send off ceremony at the American Legion Post 219, Morton St., Malone, at 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. The Commander, Dana Langdon will be hosting this event. The chaplain will be present to give his blessing for a safe flight. We will then travel to American Legion Post 1479, Hogansburg, for a ceremony from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. The Commander, Mike Cook will be hosting this event. The Chief (s) will be giving a...
A group of individuals came together this past weekend and held a donation drive to help out our fellow First Nation Community affected by the recent hurricanes. After the recent Hurricane Harvey hit Texas and surrounding areas, the Tunica Biloxi Tribe put a call out to Indian Country for aid after they had been impacted by the devastating hurricane. The Tribe located in both Texas and Louisiana need help to rebuild their homes and their communities. The Tribe has already set up a GoFundMe to...
(September 12, 2017) The Upper Canada District School Board announced recently that an accredited teacher and community leader from Akwesasne will serve as Indigenous Trustee with the Upper Canada District School Board. Kana:takon District Chief Ryan Jacobs was sworn in on September 13 at the first school board meeting of the new school year. He replaces former Indigenous Trustee Peter Garrow, who retired on August 31st after more than a decade of dedicated service on the Board of Trustees. The...
Montreal has taken steps to recognize the contributions of Indigenous people to the city by adding a Tree of Peace symbol to its city flag and making a commitment to rename Amherst Street. Amherst Street was originally named after British Gen. Jeffery Amherst, who advocated giving smallpox-laced blankets to Indigenous peoples. On Wednesday, September 13, 2017, Mayor Denis Coderre unveiled the new flag, which features a white pine tree at its center, alongside Ghislain Picard, Chief of the...
(September 14, 2017) VANCOUVER BC- The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls will reschedule the Montreal Expert Hearing that was planned for October 2-5, 2017. This is a response to feedback received from families, parties with standing and National Indigenous Organizations (NIOs) after the Expert Panel Hearings held in Winnipeg, MB. The Commissioners were told that more time is needed for parties to prepare for the hearings- and that further engagement is required between the National Inquiry, experts, and...
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Chiefs Michael Conners and Eric Thompson (second and third from left), along with Mohawk Nation Council Faithkeeper Richard Mitchell (sixth from left), Onondaga Faithkeeper Oren Lyons (fourth from the right), Tadodaho Sid Hill (back row, right), Tuscarora Chief Leo Henry (second from right) and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gilibrand (center), joined Iroquois leadership for the opening of Six Nations Day at the New York State Fair on Friday, September 1, 2017. Senator...
(September 14, 2017) AKWESASNE TERRITORY — The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s recent agreement with Allergan regarding the RESTASIS® patents has generated many news articles and discussions in relation to drug pricing and patent protection. Some of the articles and social media discussions on the implications of the Tribe’s economic venture are factually inaccurate and legally incorrect. To ensure a better understanding of the agreement and the Tribe’s efforts to be financially self-reliant, the following clarifications are being provided...
(September 18, 2017) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is pleased to inform Kawehno:ke residents that the First Nations Delivery Credit is now being administered. Kawehno:ke residents may have noticed the new credit line on their August electricity bill, titled First Nations Delivery Credit. On May 31, 2017 the Province of Ontario passed the Fair Hydro Act that will eliminate the delivery charge and lower electricity bills by 25 per cent, on average, for all residential customers and provide the First Nations Delivery Credit. The First Nations...
Last weekend's temperatures in the high 80's meant the giant hog wasn't the only thing roasting. The ONKWE group held a benefit Hog Roast at the Tsionkwanatiio Heritage Center in Hogansburg. There was live entertainment by Ionawiienhawi Smoke, Theresa "Bear" Fox and DJ Hightower from CKON 97.3 FM. Sue Ellen Herne provided language lessons and there was a Horseshoe contest and a Vegetable Exchange and Giveaway. The featured event was the Hog Roast which was done up by Tyler Bucktooth and...
"My dad works so hard. Everyday he wakes up at 4am to head to Ottawa to work as an ironworker. He gets home from work between 5 and 6pm. He eats his supper and then heads out to his farm to cut, rake and bale hay. His long day ends when the sun goes down. Last evening, someone set his wagon and hay on fire. He lost 12 round bales and the wagon is damaged." Roy Swamp's daughter expressed in less than eighty words how damaging a vandal can affect a family. He not only lost feed for his cows, but...
Fans of the Harry Potter movies and books got a taste of their favorite character and his world last weekend at Generations Park in Tekasonkarorens (Hogansburg). The event was sponsored by the Akwesasne Coalition for Community Empowerment. Various agencies got together and put on a themed festival of the popular character and they set up booths around the Walking Trail. Participants got a map and visited each booth which contained games and arts and crafts. These were relating to the series and...
Submitted by Lynda Brown Students and staff members had a super time at the Superhero Reading Campaign Kick-Off on September 15th at Tsi Snaihne School. Students and staff members enjoyed a variety of superhero themed activities and enjoyed a special snack through the kindness of the Akwesasne Community Fund. Reading is our "Super Power."...
OTTAWA, Sept. 14, 2017 /CNW/ - Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) and the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM) are proud to open applications for the sixth annual Skills Awards for Aboriginal Youth program. Since 2012, the Skills Award for Aboriginal Youth has been recognizing exceptional Aboriginal youth who go above and beyond to support their communities and contribute to the forest sector. In 2015, FPAC partnered with CCFM to expand the program and offer two awards. The two awards, each worth $2500, will honour First...
Harold White, Akwesasne, was honored for 50 years of continuous membership and active work in Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local #2 Union on Saturday, September 9, 2017. White earned a lifetime membership certificate and membership card in the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Union on Saturday. Family, friends and co-workers honored White, along with other union workers with an awards ceremony and a dinner and dance at the Massena AMVETS. Armed with a work ethic that is both admirable...