A Voice from the Eastern Door
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Baby T has always had the house to himself. Sometimes he gets a playmate to come over but he must always dictate who plays with what, which I don’t think is very nice. So I would take him to other peoples homes so he could understand that no you don’t own every toy in the whole world, and yes you do have to share. Baby T is obviously an only child so he plagues me with the “I want a baby sister or brother” and the other one, “I’m bored…You’re not my friend” Sure I’ll play Lego’s with Baby T but I am not who he wants to hang out with. He wan...
When Baby T was a newborn I used paint and did little footprints in paint. Then again when he was a year. It was such a big difference, birth to a year. Baby T has also come home with foot print projects from daycare and now school so we’ve got an archive of his little footprints. I’m not too sure if everyone is aware of the incidents that have left my two bathrooms rugless. So I’ll explain. Last year Baby T flooded the master bathroom. I’m blaming him but it is partly my own fault. I had given Baby T a bath before he was getting picked...
As Baby T gets older I begin to see what his own person he is. To think that over the course of three years he has gone from a cooing baby to a running while talking boy with his own ideas, plans, and personality. I have had to learn to follow him through each phase. And I have somehow overcome the strong urge to hold his hand and guide him. He does just fine on his own but that doesn’t make me not worry. For example, I still cringe on the inside when he wants to go up or down stairs. He has become quite fond of his friends. During long w...
One day after picking Baby T up at school the two of us decided we wanted to play outside. Since it was nice enough we got all ready with snow pants, boots and scarves. First we tried to make a snowman but the snow wasn’t snowman ready. So after the failed snowman attempt I just followed Baby T around the yard as he would summon me with a, “Come…Follow me mommy.” We climbed up snow banks and slid down them. We sat on top of snowdrifts and sang “Abcd’s” as loud as we could. Well, as loud as he could, I’m a little reluctant to have the neighbors...
Since Baby T’s demeanor has changed things have been seemingly too good to be true. I never envisioned myself as one of those parents that could walk through the mall with a smiling toddler who listened to his mommy and who didn’t run away. Not me… I’m the mom who drags her little boy out of a store while he pierces strangers’ ears with his bloodcurdling screams, attracting scowling eyes and judgmental grimaces. But like I said last week Baby T has been so cooperative and polite. Shopping with him has turned into actual shopping not a full ou...
I am happy to write that Baby T has gone back to school. And after those few weeks home with Mommy he really turned into a little koala bear, stuck to my leg, hip, or tailing close behind. If I stopped mid-kitchen he would literally bump into me. So when I was cooking I had to be super cautious just in case he was right there. Of course I may baby him a little too much when he’s sick and end up totally paying for it later but that is us. And I will admit that it is easier to just go with the flow of things than fight the current. I am always r...
For more than two weeks Baby T has been home sick. The only good thing about it was he got his wish to stay home. I shouldn’t have him out in this weather and he needed his rest. Only thing was it didn’t seem like he got too much rest. Trading his naps for quiet time was about as close as a breather I could get. Friday night rolls around and his Tota girl picks him up to spend the weekend at her house. He was almost all the way dressed before she came over and he was so ready to go see her. He pretty much hasn’t been over to see them since...
I wrote about Baby T’s best quotes a while back when he was much younger. I caught myself laughing at him one day and thought I should write down his quotes again. Some of his most used sayings have gotten a bit longer than just three word phrases. 1. “Ugh, no you do it.” This is to anything. I could ask his dad to turn off a light and Baby T will say, “No, you do it.” 2. “Aww cute.” This is accompanied by a scrunched up face. He’s talking about a baby, a kitten, something on TV. 3. “It’s getting dark out.” What he really means is, “Turn on som...
I am not a very good singer. The only person who has ever really heard me sing is Baby T. I don’t feel embarrassed to sing to him since he is my child. But I do get a red face if someone catches me mid-song. I found out when Baby T was about six months old that rocking him and singing always alleviated his cold symptoms. I know it’s not a magical cure or anything like that but it’s been a soother for the last few years. I reserve my show only for Baby T when he isn’t feeling well or is overtired and needs a little help falling asleep. So from...
I think it has become quite apparent to those close to my family that Baby T never wants to go anywhere. You can’t bribe the kid; you can’t trick him into going somewhere. All you can do is wait and then wait some more hoping he’ll change his mind and be willing to leave. It doesn’t matter where he is. Once he decides to stay put that is it. The very idea of going shopping or to do an extracurricular activity such as swimming or lacrosse has him slamming his bedroom door behind him. And like I said it doesn’t matter where he is. This weekend he...
Ever since Baby T first got his toddler bed he’s been back and forth between our bed and his. At first he liked sleeping in his own bed. We put it right next to our bed and he would proudly jump under the covers and get comfortable. That lasted a few months until he would fall asleep in his bed and come into ours during the night. We have never minded that he sleeps with us. I would rather he did during the winter months anyway. I don’t have to worry that he has no covers on and could be getting cold. Eventually he stopped using his bed and...
I am finally back! Sorry about last week Grandma, I know you wait for updates on your great grandson. I’ve been busy the last few weeks. Not so much from running errands but running around at home. You see Baby T has refused to go any place since Christmas day. My guess is because he received his magical wish list of toys from Santa and we made him leave it all before he could play with it. So once he got home he stayed home. Besides school, he refuses to go the store, the mall, Tim Horton’s, or the library. All of which had always been demande...