Sorted by date Results 26 - 50 of 91
Dear Monica, I heard a rumor that pays you for your videos. How can I get YouTube to pay me for my videos? Akwesasne VideoGrapher. Dear Akwesasne VideoGrapher, Yes, it’s true that will send you a check for your videos. When you upload your videos you can check the option to “monetize” your videos and that will allow advertisers to include a link or short video intro on top of your videos. I notice that the income is best from YouTube videos when the following general guidelines are followed. 1. Keep your Videos about...
Dear Monica, What can you tell me about the Oculus Virtual Reality headset? How and where can I get one for myself? Signed, Curious Walter Dear Curious Walter, The Oculus Rift is a Virtual Reality headset designed for immersive gaming. The headset prototypes are completed and have been shipped out to about 6000 software developers worldwide along with the software development kit (SDK). It’s not available to the public yet and no date is set for public resale yet. More software is currently being developed for the headset, including H...
Dear Monica, I know of a few artists in Akwesasne that are selling their art on Facebook. How can I get in on that action? Nia:wen, Akwesasne Artist Dear Akwesasne Artist, Check out previous Indian Time articles about selling on for more details. In addition, setup your Facebook profile with your Artist information. Facebook changes their layout frequently, so I’ll give you general instructions. Look for your Facebook Settings (it’s usually a little gear icon at the top right of the webpage). Click Create Ad or Manage Ad. You will want...
Dear Monica, I noticed that you endorsed me on LinkedIn for some of the skills I list in my profile. What is the point in endorsing others and receiving endorsements? I still don’t get this LinkedIn thing at all. Signed, Still Confused Dear Still Confused, I’m a huge fan of LinkedIn and have been for many years. When a super busy individual or team decides they want to find a very specific person to help them with a very specific project, they typically use LinkedIn to find them. It’s the online hangout for many of the world’s biggest movers,...
Dear Monica, I got my own self-hosted WordPress website as you suggested. I’m getting hundreds of comments on my blog now from strangers that say they love my website, suggest my website to their mateys, and how much they appreciate my awesome blog posts. I’m worried because my website has not made a single sale even though thousands of visitors are commenting on my website. Please look at my website and let me know what you think is going on. Nia:wen, New WordPress Manager Dear WordPress Manager, A common practice for spam bots is to cra...
Dear Monica, I make the most amazing bead work in the universe. I know this to be true, because all my aunties told me so. I want to offer my beadwork for sale on the Internet, but the choices are overwhelming. Where do you suggest I start? Sincerely, The Most Amazing Beader in the Universe! Dear Amazing Beader, I suggest you signup with the following websites:, Google+,,,,, and Install InstaGram mobile app on your smart phone, it is free. Use InstaGram to snap...
Dear Monica, Can you suggest more online learning resources to help me remember what I learned in the local computer classes hosted by SRMT? Nia:wen, Excel Fan Dear Excel Fan, Another great online resource is called Search that website for “Microsoft office quick start guides” and you will find free guides that are created for online learners that are also very busy. I like them because I don’t have to read through a ton of details and I can get right to the content that I have a question about. The quick start guides are easy...
Dear Monica, Is it possible for me to print files from my Android device? Sincerely, Print Happy in Akwesasne Dear Print Happy, Yes you can print any file with your Android. Make sure your printer and the computer it’s connected to are on. Use Google Chrome on the computer that the printer is connected to. You must have a Google account. Start the Google Chrome browser on the computer and click the menu button in the upper right of the program window and click Settings. Scroll down and click ‘Show Advanced Settings.’ Scroll down to the Googl...
Dear Monica, Is it true that I can remotely control my home computer? Sincerely, Akwesasne Traveler. Dear Akwesasne Traveler, Yes you use Google Chrome to control your computer from any remote location. Google Chrome is a web browser and it provides an extension called “Chrome Remote Desktop.” Use the extension so that you or your computer technician can work on your home computer from your home office, the library, or any location on the planet with Internet access. It’s free to download, use, and the public reviews of the extension are high...
Dear Monica, Do you have any fun ideas for a few April Fool’s Jokes I can send to my online friends? Nia:wen, Akwesasne Foolist Dear Akwesasne Foolist, April Fool’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. Of course a Google search will provide you with awesome joke ideas. This year, YouTube tricked naive online users that it was actually just a temporary contest website and no more videos were going to be allowed after midnight. I actually had one online friend that contacted me about it to remind me that I should make sure I have a copy of all...
Dear Monica, Can I use my old smart phone as a security camera? I want to keep an eye on our garage. Nia:wen, I Spy Dear I Spy, You can setup most any old Android phone as a security camera. You will need your charging cable, a copy of IP Webcam for streaming video, SECuRET SpyCam for motion activated video captures and alerts, and your own home Wi-Fi network that reaches your garage. You can find the mobile apps in the Google Play store. Do a Factory Reset on your old Android phone before you install the mobile apps from the Google Play...
Dear Monica, I heard a rumor that I can find good paying online work if I beef up my Social Engineering skills. I don’t know where to start or even if it’s something that is worth my time. What do I search for to get more information? Signed, Future Social Engineering Guru Dear Future Social Engineering Guru, When I hire Internet Marketing specialists to help me with my online businesses, I review their history with specific Social Networks that are most relevant to a specific niche business I am hiring for. The most popular social networks inc...
Dear Monica, I get annoyed when I browse the Internet and it seems like every website is telling me to install plugins before I can view their content. Can I view websites without being forced to download extra plugins and security updates? Sincerely, Very Annoyed by Plugins Dear Very Annoyed by Plugins, Never feel like you must download and install plugins just to view content on a website. In fact, be very cautious with any website that claims you must download an .exe file before they will allow you to view their images, or videos, or text,...
Author: Monica Peters Dear Monica, Why does my nephew send me Internet Easter Eggs when it’s not the Easter season? I pretend to appreciate his emails, but I never click the Easter Egg links he sends because I’m afraid of what it will do to my computer. O:nen Dear Easter Egg Fan, It’s a good idea to never click links to anything you are not sure of. An Internet Easter Egg is jargon to describe a “digital gift” or “digital surprise” or some type of pleasant unexpected experience on the Internet. For example, often provides Inte...
Dear Monica, Can you suggest a reputable website that will help me to learn about more than just computer skills? Signed, Curious George Dear Curious George, My absolute favorite website for finding interesting and entertaining online instructions is the website. The website provides pdf documents with images and videos to show you how to garden, cook, sew, and really any topic you can imagine. If you know how to make something unique, you can also create your own tutorial and upload it to the website. The...
Non-developers can enter a contest to purchase internet-enabled Google Glasses called “Google Glass.” The glasses are worn like eyeglasses and record audio and video of the user to be uploaded to YouTube and shared. To enter you need a Twitter or Google+ account and you have to post a short message about what you would use Google Glass for, if you were given a set. Your Twitter or Google+ post must be 50 words or less in length with the hashtag #ifihadglass. Your entry must be posted online before February 27th. The winners will be invited to...
Dear Monica, I tried to manage my family tree with an excel spreadsheet but I have a feeling there must be an easier option. Can you suggest an easy effective family tree management software? Dear Huge Family Tree, I suggest you make a list of the tasks that you do the most with your excel spreadsheet while you are working on your family tree. Then go to the Help link at the top right of the excel spreadsheet and search for Keyboard Shortcuts for each of those tasks you just wrote down. Make note of each keyboard shortcut on your list and keep...
Dear Monica, What is all this talk about having my own personal cloud on the interwebs? Why would I want my own cloud? I have a lot of gadgets I don’t even use, why add more to the pile? Sincerely, Cloudy & Confused. Dear Cloudy and Confused, When you save your files, music, pictures, videos on the Internet, the space where all your data is saved on the Internet (with a file sharing service), is sometimes referred to as a “Cloud”. You can think of your own personal Cloud as the place where your files are stored and waiting for you to acces...
Dear Monica, What is Linux? Should I install it on my old computer? Sincerely, Looking at Linux. Dear Looking at Linux, Linux is a computer operating system (OS). The most popular OS are from Microsoft and Apple. Microsoft offers Windows and Apple offers OS X Mountain Lion. Operating systems that are not as popular include Google Chrome and Linux. Linux is open source, free to download, and free to install. You can install Linux to either replace the old operating system or as another option on the same computer. Computer technicians like to in...
Dear Monica: Why are you on LinkedIn? I don’t see the point of using LinkedIn, am I missing something? Signed: I hate LinkedIn Dear I hate LinkedIn, is a social network for business professionals that want to generate leads, conduct market research, establish themselves as leaders in their industry, improve their own reputation and find dream projects to work on. Most of my work as a software developer comes from LinkedIn and similar social networks. LinkedIn is a great resource for most any industry professional though. Here a...
Apple and Mozilla both confirm that a dangerous Java exploit makes computers vulnerable to malicious attackers. If you are new or confused by this or your computer technician is not available, it’s a very good idea to disable Java on your computer’s web browser right now. A new zero-day flaw affects Java in web browsers and malicious hackers are exploiting it. The security flaw can affect all Windows, Mac OS X and Linux computers and if you value your computer investments, it’s important to reduce your risks of attack. If you must use Java...
Dear Monica, I build my own computers with used parts from ebay. I want to learn new geek skills this year, what do you suggest? Geekyish in Akwesasne. Dear Geekyish in Akwesasne, I think you might enjoy the website. Your question reminded me of the website because they provide tutorials to show you how to build a computer from scratch. The website has been around for many years and provides a ton of how-to articles for anyone interested in subjects like: how to troubleshoot a Nexus 7 tablet and research various software processes...
I’ve been seeing more Akwesasneron that are new to social networking posting “too much info” recently. Details about when they are home alone, when they are not home, when they go out shopping, when they travel out of town and where, and many post pictures or video of awesome expensive new gadgets they just purchased. Here are a few tips to show you how you can keep details about your personal private life off of the search engines for the general public to view. If one of your friends or family members is doing this, (I’m seeing more elders on...
Author: Monica Peters Dear Monica: I want to learn computer basics like typing and sharing pictures on the web. Where do I start? Dear Computer Basics: Always remember these websites and go to them first when you want to ask a question about anything or learn anything:,,, and The local library in Akwesasne has public computers with Internet that you can use. The librarians are also happy to show you how to use the computer to go to those websites I just mentioned. At the top right or...
Dear Monica: I want to research diet and weight loss plans on the Internet. Can you suggest reputable websites to help me learn more about diet and weight loss? Dear Fitness Fan: One of the most awesome free fitness websites in existence is because they provide you with online tools to help you track your diet and fitness goals to encourage you to adopt healthy daily habits that will turn into a regular routine. SparkPeople also provides social networking with like-minded fitness fans that regularly compete in fitness challenges...