A Voice from the Eastern Door

Health / Recipes

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  • November is Diabetes Awareness Month Diabetes Myths

    Nov 7, 2013

    There are many myths about diabetes that make it difficult for people to believe some of the hard facts – such as; diabetes is a serious and potentially deadly disease. These myths can create a picture of diabetes that is not accurate and full of stereotypes and stigma. Myth: Diabetes is not that serious of a disease. Fact: If you manage your diabetes properly, you can prevent or delay diabetes complications. However, diabetes causes more deaths per year than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Two out of three people with diabetes die from h...


    Oct 31, 2013

    •Is it only abuse if it’s violent? Answer: Physical abuse is just one type of child abuse. Neglect and emotional abuse can be just as damaging, and since they are more subtle; others are less likely to intervene. •Is it only ‘’bad people” that abuse their children? Answer: While it’s easy to say that only ‘’bad people’’ abuse their children, it’s not always so black and white. Not all abusers are intentionally harming their children. Many have been victims of abuse themselves, and don’t know any other way to parent. Others may be struggling...


    Oct 24, 2013

    Submitted by Danielle Oakes Approximately 5 children die every day because of child abuse in Canada. 1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 boys will be sexually abused before they reach age 18. 90 percent of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way, 68% are abused by a family member. Most children become victims of abuse and neglect at 18 months of age or younger. In 2010, 1,537 children died of abuse or neglect. -79.4 percent were under the age of 4 -47.7 percent were under the...

  • Online Mental Health Screening Program Helps to Identify Depression and Mood Disorders

    Oct 24, 2013

    Akwesasne – Depression affects all walks of life. From young adults to the elderly and across all races, nearly one in 10 people in the U.S. suffer from depression. Screening for depression and other mood disorders allows individuals to identify warning signs early and connect with the appropriate treatment resources. Early recognition and treatment offers the best opportunity for recovery. National Depression Screening Day® was held on October 10th, 2013, and served as a supportive community initiative to connect the public with online me...

  • October is Child Abuse Awareness Month

    Oct 17, 2013

    WHAT IS YOUR DUTY TO REPORT? All Akwesasronon have an ongoing, legal obligation to directly and promptly contact their local Child protection agency if they suspect a child is or may be in need of protection. In addition, every person who performs professional official duties with respect to children is subject to a penalty if they fail to report information related to a child they suspect is or may be abused or neglected. WHY CALL? Children are precious and the most vulnerable citizens in society; they deserve a life free of violence. Every...

  • Child Abuse Awareness

    Oct 10, 2013

    SIGNS OF ABUSE It is important to realize that the presence of any one indicator does not mean that a child has been abused. In most instances, abused children with exhibit a number of behavioral and physical indicators It’s not your responsibility to determine if a child is being abused, call your local Children’s Aid to report known or suspected signs and indicators of abuse. Learn more at useyourvoice.ca PHYSICAL ABUSE Physical Indicators: - injuries that are not consistent with explanation - presence of several injuries that are in var...

  • Are You Addicted? 6 simple signs that Say, "I am Addicted''

    Oct 3, 2013

    Listed below ‘’the six sure signs of addiction’s are the ‘’official’’ diagnosis criteria for addiction that appear in the DSM. We LOVE playing with words and letters, so I like to call them the six C’s; the signs are the same whether it is food, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex or _________! 1. Craving: Craving is an intense desire for a specific substance or behavior. There can be the sense that I NEED this specific food, or this specific drug in order to make my life manageable or to make me feel better. Examples could be a cigarette, coca...


    Sep 26, 2013

    We all get sick occasionally with a cold, the flu, gastroenteritis or other infectious illnesses. But taking some simple measures at home can help protect other family members from becoming infected too. •Wash your hands often with soap and water; or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially: -After using the toilet, changing diapers, or helping someone use the toilet -Before eating food or feeding others -After coming into contact with a sick family member -After touching anything that the sick person has touched (e.g. dishes, towels, cl...

  • 44 Proven Ideas Parents Can Use to Help Their Children Do Better in School Part 2

    Sep 19, 2013

    Submitted by Leona Barnes, Community Health BUILDING RESPONSIBILITY 31. Try a simple cardboard box to help make your children responsible for school belongings. Have them choose a place for the box, perhaps near the door or in their room. Every afternoon, their first task should be to glance at all belongings in the box. When homework is finished, it goes in the box, too. In the morning, the box is the last stop before heading out the door. 32. Help children understand, and take responsibility for, the consequences of their choices: “I chose to...

  • 44 Proven Ideas Parents Can Use to Help Their Children Do Better in School Part 1

    Sep 12, 2013

    Submitted by Leona Barnes, Community Health MAKING TIME COUNT 1. Put specific times on your calendar each week when you will spend time with your children. During that time, focus your love and attention on your child. 2. Use car time to talk with your children. There’s no phone or television to interfere. No one can get up and leave, and kids know they really have your ear. 3. Plan to eat at least one meal together as a family each day. 4. Look for things to do together as a family. Get everyone involved in choosing how to spend your time toge...

  • September 9th is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day

    Sep 5, 2013

    Pregnancy and Alcohol “A woman is closest to the Creator when she is pregnant. It is when her medicine is most powerful. She sustains and nurtures life completely within her own body.” -Traditional Mohawk Teaching It is best not to drink any alcohol at any time during your pregnancy. We all want what’s best for our children. Deciding not to drink when you’re pregnant is best for you and your baby. Remember, no amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy and there is no safe time to drink. Binge drinking and heavy drinking are especially harmful...

  • With 23% of Tested Animals Having Rabies, St. Lawrence County Increases Budget for Vaccination Supplies

    Aug 29, 2013

    Reprinted from NorthCountryNow.com CANTON -- An increase in confirmed rabies cases has prompted a $45,000 St. Lawrence County Public Health Department budget increase to purchase human and animal vaccination supplies. The St. Lawrence County Legislature approved the fund transfer recently after public health officials announced a rise in vaccine costs and usage. The county typically budgets $100,000 for human and animal rabies vaccine, but public health has already exceeded that cost. Rabies On the Rise Public Health Director Susan Hathaway...


    Aug 22, 2013

    VEGETABLE OF THE MONTH: CUCUMBER It is in season during the months of July, August and September. •How to choose a cucumber: It should be long, thin and firm It should not be damaged It should be dark green color, with no yellowish tints Avoid cucumbers that are too big: they are bitter and their seeds are harder •A cucumber consists of 96% water and is an excellent source of potassium, vitamin C and folic acid. •Preparation Cucumbers are often eaten raw with seeds, unless they are too harsh. Th...

  • State Health Department Warns New Yorkers About Harmful Dietary Supplements

    Aug 15, 2013

    The New York State Department of Health (DOH) announced last week that consumers should not use or purchase Healthy Life Chemistry By Purity First B-50, Multi-Minerals, or Vitamin C marketed as dietary supplements, due to the possible presence of potentially harmful anabolic steroids. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and DOH have received reports of 29 adverse incidents associated with the use of Healthy Life Chemistry By Purity First B-50. Some of these patients were reported to have also taken Healthy Life Chemistry By Purity First...


    Aug 1, 2013

    (Gluten free, Low Carb, Diabetic Friendly and so simple to make) INGREDIENTS 6 tablespoons olive oil 2 lemons, 1 thinly sliced, 1 juiced 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 3/4 pound trimmed green beans 8 small red potatoes, quartered 4 chicken breasts (bones left in, with skin, about 3 1/4 pounds) DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 400°F. Coat a large baking dish or cast-iron skillet with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Arrange the lemon slices in a single layer in the bottom of the dish or skillet. In a large bowl,...

  • Health and Safety

    Jul 18, 2013

    Health and Safety...

  • New CDC Vital Signs: Prescription Painkiller Epidemic Among Women

    Jul 11, 2013

    Women are dying from prescription painkiller overdoses at rates never seen before, according to a new CDC Vital Signs. While men are more likely to die of a prescription painkiller overdose, the percentage increase in deaths since 1999 was greater among women (400 percent in women compared to 265 percent in men). Prescription painkiller overdoses killed nearly 48,000 women between 1999 and 2010. About 42 women die every day from a drug overdose (including those from prescription painkillers). Si...

  • Effects of Substance Abuse on Families

    Jul 3, 2013

    How drugs and alcohol abuse affects families and steps to recovery for all family members Drug and alcohol abuse not only affects the abuser and his/ her life, but also the lives of family members. When recovery begins, your whole family should be involved when possible. Family therapy is a good option for recovery with substance abuse. FAMILY PROBLEMS •The Facts About Addiction Drug and alcohol abuse not only affects you, but also your family. Addictions often create interpersonal problems for all family members. 1) Jealousy: You can grow j...

  • Lyme Disease

    Jun 27, 2013

    Lyme disease is a serious illness spread by the bite of certain species of ticks. Ticks are small insect-like parasites that feed on the blood of animals, including humans. For most Canadians, the risk of getting Lyme disease is fairly low, but it is increasing. You should take steps to reduce your risk if you spend time outdoors in areas where there may be ticks. HOW LYME DISEASE IS SPREAD Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi. This bacterium is normally carried by...

  • The 5 Myths of Happiness

    Jun 20, 2013

    The 5 Myths of Happiness (you won‘t be happy till you understand these!) Everyone believes in happiness, but your beliefs may actually be false. Happiness has many false beliefs. I will outline some of the most prevalent so that you can see them in your life. Once you realize these are myths then you can begin to eliminate them, becoming happier. The 5 Myths 1) Happiness is time based Are you waiting for happiness to happen to you? Is there a future time that you will be happy? Will it be after you retire? When you get a new job? When you g...

  • Chicken Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette

    Jun 13, 2013

    Compliments of Green Food Box Program Servings: 4 Preparation time: 20 minutes, Cooking time: none Vinaigrette ingredients 1 cup (250 ml) sliced strawberries 2 Tbsp (25 ml) vegetable oil 2 Tbsp (25 ml) red wine vinegar 1/4 tsp (1 ml) each salt and pepper Salad ingredients: 8 cups (2 L) torn lettuce 21/2 cups (625 ml) slivered cooked chicken 2 cups (500 ml) strawberries, halved 1 cup (250 ml) sliced cucumber Vinaigrette Preparation: In food processor or blender, process strawberries, oil, vinegar, salt and pepper until smooth. Use immediately...

  • Poison Ivy

    Jun 13, 2013

    Poison ivy, an aggressive native plant that grows all over our territory. Poison ivy can grow as a vine, as a shrub, or even creeping along the ground. But the way you can always identify it is by its leaves in groups of three. Poison ivy, oak, and sumac facts Many people are susceptible to the rashes of poison ivy, oak, and sumac. The sap oil, called urushiol, causes the skin rash. Poison ivy is not contagious. Washing the oily sap from the skin with water and soap immediately can help prevent...

  • Wild Parsnip: Dangerous?

    Jun 6, 2013

    By Julia Jacobs, SRMT Environmental Outreach Someone mentioned that they were allergic to parsnip. What? Parsnip…what is that? Oh, it’s all over the place around here. So I had to look it up and it affects you like poison ivy or poison oak by giving you a rash, but this rash, sort of burns, which lasts for a day or two. For people who are sensitive to this plant, it is horrible. If you come into contact with the leaves or sap, it itches and burns on your skin. Then if you happen to be out...

  • The Power of Positive Thinking

    May 23, 2013

    Positive thinking is a mental attitude that sees the bright side of things. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health, and favorable results. If you adopt this mental attitude, you teach your mind to expect success, growth and favorable outcomes. Some people accept positive thinking as a fact, and believe in its effectiveness. Others, consider it as nonsense, and scoff at people who believe or accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. However, it seems that many are becoming...


    May 9, 2013

    The following questions will help you to find out if you are at higher risk of having pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Pre-diabetes is a condition where a person’s blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. You can have pre-diabetes or undiagnosed type 2 diabetes without having any obvious warning signs or symptoms. Knowing your risk can help you make healthy choices now that will reduce your risk or even prevent you from developing diabetes. Please answer the questions as honestly and completely...

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