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Why do our governing officials constantly tell us that building a hospital at the bottom of a very steep and dangerous cliff is the best way to run a health care system? Our conventional health care system is based on coming to the rescue after we have fallen down the cliff and already injured ourselves. Would it not be a better idea to take a proactive approach to health care and not the standard reactive approach? Why all the effort toward caring for the sick and near nothing to prevent the sickness? Would it not be a better idea to build a...
Losing a loved one at any time of the year is hard but losing a love one near or during the holidays is especially difficult. The Wholistic Health and Wellness program would like to give some tips for families and friends of those who have had a loss. We hope this article will help get you though the holidays. Some people say I just want to pull the covers over my head. I don’t want to think about buying presents. I don’t want to think about cooking. I don’t even want to make coffee in the morning. The first thing to remember is that there...
In a society where profit is the fuel that keeps the system running, keeping information that would cure disease away from people who are diseased is unfortunately already built into the system. Are we really to expect people who profit from the sick to cure the sick? Do we really believe that a system, which generates profit in direct relation to illness, is going to place itself on the unemployment line by handing out diets and letting people know that what they do in their kitchens determines if they get sick or not? Are we to expect pharmac...
Sweetener: Organic granulated sugar What it is: Unbleached, less processed granulated sugar cane. Health impact: Essentially the same calories and GI as white sugar, but retains some of the mineral-rich molasses. Eco-bonus: Some brands, such as Florida Crystals, are certified carbon neutral. Best in: Anything that uses regular sugar; similar texture, and adds no color. Demerara or turbinado organic sugar (“raw sugar”) is slightly browner, with larger crystals. How to use: Substitute 1:1 for regular sugar....
What it is: There are more than 4,000 species of the nutrient-rich algae Rhodophyta, which gets its red color from the pigment phycoerythrin. It’s an important component of food (like nori) and cooking in Japan, where it has been cultivated for over 300 years. Benefits: Because red algae photosynthesizes and lives in very deep waters, it develops high levels of protein and vitamins, including vitamins B6 and B12, iron, and potassium. Sulfated polysaccharides, isolated from many red algae, may have antiviral and immune-boosting activities t...
Taco night is a delicious tradition that need not be missed just because you’re a vegetarian! Here’s a recipe that substitutes meat with filling and fiber-rich lentils, and has a spicy kick to step up the flavor even more. So get a group together, create your own toppings and build a scrumptious supper! Serves 4 INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 cup finely chopped onion 1 clove garlic, chopped 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup dried brown lentils, rinsed 1 package (2.25 oz) taco seasoning 2 1/2 cups vegetable broth 1/2 cup fat-free sour cream 1 chi...
The following is an editorial article written by Millennium Health Centre’s partner Valerie Franc N.D. It appeared in the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors’ professional newsletter for other members in 2004. Readers are encouraged to pay particular attention to the websites mentioned near the end of this editorial for more information on the medical impacts of Depo-Provera, the current legal action and the options women have in treating the potential consequences of this medication. While not everyone will experience these men...
Registered dietitian Your stomach’s sphincters, or valves, hold food until it’s mixed with digestive juices into a liquid called chyme. Certain foods are thought to lead to reflux by causing relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, which allows stomach acid to flow upward and damage the sensitive lining of the esophagus. These foods include caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, energy drinks, and cola), alcohol, chocolate, fatty foods (whole milk, cheese, yogurt, and lunch meats), fried foods, and butter. However, any food indirectly cou...
Have you heard those words? Here is a parenting contract to use with your new driver. After both parent and teen read the contract and agreed upon, parent and teen should sign the contract When your teen borrows your car, and then comes the big question? I need gas money!! Here are some steps for setting up an allowance for with your teen. Mom, Dad Can I have Money!! Give an Allowance that includes Responsibility When teens are given control of the money that is used for their expenses, they learn financial responsibility. Teens who learn...
Here’s a cruel reality - most readers of this column will either have or know of a close associate who has diabetes. A recent review of statistics showed that diabetes is the seventh largest cause of death in the U.S.A. (similar in Canada) and it’s on the rise (by about 6% per year). While diet, obesity and family history play critical roles in developing diabetes, most suffers are fundamentally unaware of the abundant research that points the finger at other more ominous causative factors. This article will highlight some of that research and...
If you want to lose weight and get healthy you must first get into the right mindset. It is hard to get healthy today when it is actually cheaper to be sick. It is also hard to get healthy when the advertising regarding living an unhealthy lifestyle is so finely tuned and so prominent. I give out so much health advice during the course of a day that I get to see what patterns are similar between people who have a hard time getting healthy and losing weight. Eating junk food, smoking, alcohol consumption and not exercising etc are all part of...
Sweetener: Date sugar What it is: Dehydrated and ground dates. Grainy texture; deep, earthy color and sweetness. Health impact: Minimally refined and processed; rich in minerals, plus 1 gram fiber per tablespoon. Relatively few calories (12 per teaspoon). Best in: Baked goods such as crusts, spice cookies, nut breads, or anything with a dark color and dense texture. In light-colored cakes, cookies, or puddings, will appear as brown flecks. Doesn’t dissolve in liquid, so not ideal for beverages, puddings, or pies. How to use: Substitute 2/3 c...
Recently, several medical doctors and optometrists contacted myself asking about treatment options for their diabetic patients. Specifically, these doctors wanted to know if any therapies were available to treat the ‘macular degeneration’ (a type of eye disease) and impaired circulation often experienced by diabetic patients. As rates of diabetes are rapidly increasing, I thought I might share the information provided to these physicians. With respect to macular degeneration, the exciting news is that numerous biochemical considerations exi...
In the documentary film “Raw for 30 Days” we see type II diabetes cured in all participants within 30 days or less. What was the big secret involved with the cure? Was the cure based on a new drug? Was the cure based on a technologically advanced surgery? No, the cure was based simply on eating real food. Within 4 days of eating real, live, whole, unprocessed foods the participants in the documentary were already off all their insulin. Their blood sugar had completely stabilized with diet modification alone. (all participants being under the...
TIME TO TABLE: 10 MINUTES Makes 2 servings Juice from 2–3 large POM Wonderful Pomegranates* or 1 cup POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice 3/4 cup vanilla soymilk or regular low-fat milk 2 ice cubes 1 large banana, peeled and broken into chunks 2 tablespoons slivered or sliced almonds 2–4 tablespoons protein powder (optional) 1 teaspoon honey or to taste 1. Prepare fresh pomegranate juice* (or use bottled). 2. In a blender combine the pomegranate juice with soymilk, ice cubes, banana, almonds, protein powder (optional), and honey to taste. Cov...
You probably already sprinkle cinnamon on your oatmeal for flavor or maybe you turn to ginger to soothe an upset stomach. But have you ever considered spicing up your beauty regimen? Applying spices topically with lotions, tonics, and washes helps maintain the health of your body’s largest organ—your skin, says Jackie Keller, certified wellness coach and nutrition educator. Look for products containing these spices. Turmeric This Ayurvedic spice’s potent antioxidant, curcumin, helps keep skin wrinkle free by fighting skin-damaging free radic...
Sweetener: Brown rice syrup What it is: Dense liquid made by fermenting brown rice with enzymes to convert starches to sugars. Thick, creamy texture, pale golden color, and mild sweetness reminiscent of butterscotch. Health impact: Relatively low GI of 25 (contains 50 percent complex carbs and 5 percent glucose). Same calories as sugar but only half as sweet, so you may need to use more. Best in: Soft-textured dishes, such as pies, hot cereals, and sauces. Tends to make baked goods heavy and hard, so better for crunchy items, like cookies,...
Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) Recommended Dosage As Needed: One capsule (40 mg standardized extract per capsule) 2x/day. Rationale: Helps to alleviate hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Echinacea (Echinaceae spp) Recommended Dosage As Needed: Take 2–4 350 mg capsules 3x/day. Rationale: Helps to treat cold and flu symptoms. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Recommended Dosage As Needed: Take 2 capsules of powdered gingerroot (typically 150–250 mg per capsule), or grate 1 tablespoon fresh ginger into 1 cup hot or cold water and dri...
Recent research shows that giving newborns a combination of probiotics and prebiotics—types of healthy bacteria and fiber—can reduce the incidence of childhood atopic eczema by 34 percent (Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2007, vol. 119, no. 1). In the Finnish study, 1,223 pregnant women took probiotic-prebiotic supplements or a placebo for two to four weeks prior to delivery and then continued supplementation to their newborns. The babies given probiotics-prebiotics showed significantly higher levels of “friendly” bifidob...
It is indicated by several medical associations that the number one reason that people will go to see their doctor is because they are tired. Being tired, however, can be the result of numerous medical conditions, as well as lifestyle circumstances. It is the job of the family doctor to create a ‘list’ of possible causes of the fatigue (tiredness) in the case of each individual patient. With this ‘shopping list’ of possible causes, the doctor can then begin ‘scratching off’ each possibility from the shopping list through proper testing (bl...
CYBER BULLYING Although there are several definitions regarding the topic of Cyber Bullying, it can generally be defined as sending or posting harmful or cruel text messages or images using the Internet or other digital communication devices. SOME SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF CYBER BULLYING WOULD INCLUDE • Sending cruel, vicious, and sometimes threatening messages • Creating web sites that have stories, cartoons, pictures, and jokes ridiculing others • Posting pictures of classmates online with intent to embarrass them • Breaking into an e-mail...
Many people have been conditioned to believe that their disease is based on genetics and that their genes are their fate. Research conducted by Dr. Dean Ornish and released in his book The Spectrum shows that a diet of whole, live, organic foods in conjunction with exercise and stress reduction techniques can do everything from reverse heart disease to reverse certain forms of cancer. Test subjects with arterial clogging were shown to have dramatically unclogged arteries after a short time living a healthy lifestyle. Although expensive bypass...
With adult and childhood obesity now a national concern, parents need to be on the lookout for processed sugars that sneak into family foods, from cereals to condiments.Refined sugar has no upside other than its flavor; it contains no fiber, no minerals, no proteins, no fats, no enzymes, and has a glycemic (GI) index of 65, which is high. (GI index measures how much your blood glucose increases after eating a particular food.) So the next time a recipe calls for sugar, experiment with one of the many natural alternatives; some have fewer or eve...
Serves 8 / Prep tips: Try using sprouted whole-grain bread for added texture and nuttiness.Serving tip: If some of your guests are vegetarian, use the stuffing to fill portobello mushroom caps; brush caps with olive oil, fill, and bake at 375 degrees until tender. advertisement 4 ounces fresh spinach leaves (about 4 cups packed) 3 tablespoons olive oil 3/4 cup diced celery (1/4-inch dice) 3/4 cup diced onion (1/4-inch dice) 3/4 cup diced carrot (1/4-inch dice) 2 cups stemmed, diced white button mushrooms (1/4-inch dice) 1/8 teaspoon sea salt 1/...
Recently I had the pleasure of treating a beautiful 14 month old girl. Her mother brought her to my clinic after consulting with other doctors to address a severe case of eczema (a skin condition). A blood allergy test was conducted at the request of her mother to determine if she had any food allergies, as her symptoms had started with the introduction of foods other than breast milk. Her mother also sought a second opinion from a pediatric allergist in Ottawa. Cutting a detailed story short, she was determined (through the tests at my clinic...