A Voice from the Eastern Door


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  • Facts and safety tips to avoid the risks of deadly lightning strikes

    Aug 18, 2011

    Lightning is caused by the attraction between positive and negative charges in the atmosphere, resulting in the buildup and discharge of electrical energy. This rapid heating and cooling of the air produces the shock wave that results in thunder. During a storm, raindrops can acquire extra electrons, which are negatively charged. These surplus electrons seek out a positive charge from the ground. As they flow from the clouds, they knock other electrons free, creating a conductive path. This path follows a zigzag shape that jumps between clumps...

  • The Power of Positive Attitude

    MCA Communications Unit|Aug 11, 2011

    Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening. Positive attitude manifests in the following ways:...

  • What is the Healthy Homes Initiative?

    MCA Communications Unit|Aug 11, 2011

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne has initiated a new program aimed at helping community members improve the health of their homes. Doing so will lead to healthier people. The Healthy Homes Initiative (HHI), is a program being implemented by the Healthy Homes Initiative Project Team working with a number of representatives of various departments within MCA. The project team will consist of; Project Manager – Darcy Jackson Construction Manager – Ben Benedict Environmental Health Officer – Keith Smith Housing Inspector – Norman Peters How the Progr...

  • How Are Alcohol and Drugs Affecting Your Life?

    Jul 28, 2011

    A Self-Test For Teenagers YES NO 1. Do you use alcohol or other drugs to build self-confidence? 2. Do you ever drink or get high immediately after you have a problem at home or at school? 3. Have you ever missed school due to alcohol or other drugs? 4. Does it bother you if someone says that you use too much alcohol or other drugs? 5. Have you started hanging out with a heavy drinking or drug using crowd? 6. Are alcohol or other drugs affecting your reputation? 7. Do you feel guilty or bummed out after using alcohol or other drugs? 8. Do you...

  • Heat Warnings

    Jul 21, 2011

    Heat Stroke The next few days are going to be very hot and humid, which is very dangerous to specific groups of people. The elderly are specifically at risk. Others at risk are infants, pre-schoolers, children, outdoor workers and athletes. To prevent heat stroke: •Stay indoors in a cool or air-conditioned room on extremely hot days. •Drink plenty of fluids, avoid strenuous work or sport activities during intense sunlight hours, which are 10am to 3pm. For more info, call MCA Community Health Nurses at 613-575-2341 HEAT RELATED CONDITIONS HEA...

  • Relationship Rules

    Hara Estroff Marano|Jul 21, 2011

    Human beings crave intimacy, need to love and be loved. Yet people have much trouble doing so. It’s clear from the many letters I get that lots of folks have no idea what a healthy relationship even looks like. Because I care about these things, and care about the environments children grow in, I’m using this space as an attempt to remedy the problem—again. From many sources and many experts, I have culled some basic rules of relationships. This is by no means an exhaustive list. But it’s a start. Print them out and pin them up on your refriger...

  • Poison Sumac

    Jul 14, 2011

    What does the poison sumac plant look like? •Grows in boggy areas, especially in the Southeast •Rangy shrub up to 15 feet tall •Seven to 13 smooth-edged leaflets •Glossy pale yellow or cream-colored berries Poison sumac has seven to 13 staggered leaflets with one on the tip of the plant and grows as a shrub or small tree. It is found mainly in the eastern United States, growing in peat bogs and swamps. Poison sumac is distinguished from nonpoisonous sumac by the location of its fruit, which grow...


    Jul 7, 2011

    (Toxicodendron radicans) (formerly Rhus radicans) Poison Ivy is a poisonous-to-the-touch plant that grows in open woods, rocky areas, and fields. All parts are poisonous. The oils within the plant cause an allergic reaction in many (but not all) people, that can be quite serious. This allergic reaction manifests itself as a rash, that may show up on parts of the body that did not contact the plant at all. Sometimes people who contact Poison Ivy have a body-wide reaction, and are seriously ill for more than a week. The oils from the plant can...

  • Switching Drugs

    Jun 30, 2011

    Solutions to drug addictions are continuously evolving. The growing number of treatment centers, detox facilities, and addiction medications reinforce the ability to achieve recovery. The introduction of Suboxone for drug addictions has become successful in many recovering drug addicts. Suboxone’s primary goal is to treat and relieve the withdrawal symptoms associated with a recovering opioid addict. Traditionally, methadone clinics were a resource for recovering addicts; however, Suboxone for drug addictions has grown in popularity for s...

  • Eating your vegetables and fruit?

    Jun 23, 2011

    Many people we surveyed fell far short of eating five a day, and skimped on variety. About 70 percent of us fail to eat five servings of fruit and vegetables every day, the low end of the amount recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That’s a shame, because doing so can reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. The good news is that 58 percent of U.S. adults do say they eat the prescribed amount “every day” or “most days” of the week. Those findings are from a recent survey by the Consumer...

  • Do You Know... Methadone

    Jun 16, 2011

    Street names: juice, meth (also used to refer to methamphetamines) What is it? Methadone belongs to the opioid family of drugs. It is used most commonly to treat addiction to other opioid drugs such as heroin, Oxycodone (e.g., OxyContin) and hydromorphone (e.g., Dilaudid). Methadone is a “synthetic” opioid, which means that it is made from chemicals in a lab. Methadone was developed in Germany during the Second World War and was first used to provide pain relief. Methadone maintenance treatment, which prevents opioid withdrawal and reduces or...

  • What They Are and What They Do

    Mary Carol Randall MA|Jun 9, 2011

    Support groups are a place for people to give and receive both emotional and practical support as well as to exchange information. People with genetic health conditions, as well as their friends and families find support groups to be a valuable resource — a place where people can share medical information, get confirmation that their feelings are “normal,” educate others, or just let off steam. When someone is searching for a support group, the single most important thing to remember may be: if the group doesn’t feel right to you or doesn’t...

  • Continued from last week...

    Wholistic Health and Wellness Program|May 26, 2011

    Al-Anon I am a visually oriented person. As I looked at Step One and the word alcohol, I visualized a bottle of whiskey. Later, I visualized a person drinking from the bottle. I could see alcohol going into the person and changing him into the alcoholic. I could see I was powerless over the alcoholic when he was drinking, but learning that I was powerless over him at all times took longer. Later my visualization showed me the bottle, the person drinking it, the alcohol flowing from that person to me to family members and business associates,...

  • Al-Anon Step One - We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable

    May 19, 2011

    Many of us come to Al-Anon filled with despair and hopelessness. Some of us come to find out how to get another person sober; others grew up in alcoholic homes or left alcoholic partners and no longer live with active drinking. We may not see the impact of having lived with alcoholism until we begin to acknowledge that there are familiar difficulties in our present lives and relationships. Many of us would not have voluntarily walked through the doors of Al-Anon if we were not in some sort of crisis or pain that forced us to seek help. Though...

  • Three C’s

    May 12, 2011

    One of the things that I’ve learned in AI-Anon is that I’m not responsible for someone else’s drinking. The slogan that captures this is “I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it, and I can’t cure it”. A lot of people come into the program trying to find a way to stop their alcoholic from drinking. Look at the writings of Lois Wilson and all that she tried to do for Bill W. She tried everything including getting drunk herself to show him what the terrible effects of alcohol were. There are a lot of people who come to AI-Anon to find that answe...

  • Health

    May 5, 2011

    There are some signs you might be able to see. If someone is high on marijuana, he or she might: • seem dizzy and have trouble walking; • seem silly and giggly for no reason; • have very red, bloodshot eyes; and • have a hard time remembering things that just happened. When the early effects fade, the user can become very sleepy. Parents should be aware of changes in their child’s behavior, although this may be difficult with teens. Parents should look for withdrawal, depression, fatigue, carelessness with grooming, hostility, and deteriora...

  • Springtime allergies: Nip them in the bud

    Mayo Clinic Staff|Apr 28, 2011

    Spring means flower buds and blooming trees — and if you’re one of the millions of people who have springtime allergies, it also means sneezing, congestion, runny nose and other bothersome symptoms. Springtime allergies — also called hay fever and allergic rhinitis — can make you miserable. But before you settle for plastic flowers and artificial turf, try these simple strategies to keep springtime allergies under control. REDUCE YOUR EXPOSURE TO ALLERGY TRIGGERS There are a number of things that you can do to reduce your exposure to the thi...

  • Undefeated Lady Red Raiders Outscore the Lady Heuvelton Bulldogs 13-6

    Rachelle Garrow Hayes|Apr 28, 2011

    On Thursday, April 21st, the Lady Red Raiders continued their winning ways by defeating the Lady Bulldogs at the Mike Nicholas field. During the first half, the match up was fairly even with the halftime score of 7-4. The second half saw the Lady Raiders pull ahead and never look back to win 13-6. Shannon Casey led the Raider offense with three goals. Erin Francis, Kiley Buckshot and Emma Dupree tallied 2 goals and 2 helpers apiece. Dominique Valancius contributed 2 goals while Coree Phillips...

  • - For Parents - 11 Steps to Being a Better Parent

    Apr 14, 2011

    Parenthood is always harder than anyone thinks it will be. Children learn by trying and then trying again. So do parents. Believe that you can be a good parent to your children. When you like yourself, it is easier for you to teach your children to like and trust themselves. To grow emotionally children need to feel ... Safe. They need to know that nothing will hurt them ... Secure. They need to know that when they need care or comfort, they will get it ... Loved. They need to be told and shown that they are loved and are important to someone....

  • Parents: The Biggest Influence

    Tiffany Leabo|Apr 14, 2011

    When it comes to drugs and alcohol, parents are the biggest influence on teens. Teens whom are close to their parents are less likely to participate in risky behavior, but all teens are at risk for drugs and alcohol. To help reduce their risk, become more involved in your teen’s life. The more involved you are, the more your teen will feel valued and be likely to respond to what you have to say about drugs. Parents can help prevent their child from using alcohol by being fully involved in their life. Ask them about their day and how school i...

  • Overcoming Compassion Fatigue

    Apr 7, 2011

    You’re drained, tapped out, have little energy to give others. We’ve all been there. Usually, after a little break we revive and step back up to the plate. What happens, however, when these feelings don’t pass - going beyond fatigue and turning into something much worse, like apathy? This could spell trouble for those caring for an elderly parent or sick child, or for health care professionals rendering care to others. In this interview, one of the nations leading medical experts talks about compassion fatigue, a condition that plagues many...

  • Health

    Tiffany Leabo|Apr 7, 2011

    April is National Alcohol Awareness Month and the focus is on underage drinking. Alcohol is the drug most frequently used by high school seniors and its use is increasing. Boys usually try alcohol for the first time at just 11 years old, while the average age for girls’ first drink is 13. Underage drinking is a factor in nearly half of all teen automobile crashes and contributes to youth suicides, homicides and fatal injuries. Additionally, alcohol abuse is linked to as many as two-thirds of all sexual assaults and date rapes of teens and c...

  • Weight Loss and Health Secrets with Jason Christoff

    Mar 31, 2011

    Last week I started to review the top 5 foods that can make the human body diseased and fat in no time flat. I started off with naming processed omega-6 vegetable oils as the gold medal winner in this category. Some of these common oils are canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, cottonseed etc. These are most common as primary ingredients in commercial salad dressings, margarines and secondary ingredients in most processed “food like” things. Although we have never consumed these oils in excess as we evolved, the “experts” of the day continu...

  • EPA Warns, “Children Act Fast...So Do Poisons,” in Observance of Poison Prevention Week

    Mar 31, 2011

    WASHINGTON – In ongoing efforts to protect people’s health, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is collaborating with the Poison Prevention Week Council to encourage the public to keep poisonous substances out of the hands of children. In observance of National Poison Prevention Week (March 20-26), EPA recommends that locking household cleaners, disinfectants, solvents and other materials is the best way to reduce accidental poisoning among children. “Because it takes only a split second for a child to be poisoned, we want everyone to reme...

  • Weight Loss and Health Secrets with Jason Christoff

    Mar 24, 2011

    If you want to be thin and healthy, you need to avoid these “food like” products. Calling these items “food” is an insult to what real food is. These are cellular poisons, dressed up as food. I need to say two things before I review this list. 1. Don’t be surprised that certain companies, government institutions and other organizations (who profit when you’re dysfunctional) promote some of these choices as healthy for you and your children. These foods are not healthy and I will supply creditable references that these foods are at the root of...

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