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My name is Cindy Lazore, and this is the fourth summer I’ve had the pleasure of working for the Environment Department at MCA. This summer I am working along side the St.Lawerence River Institute to do studies on the Bildsfell area. The Bildsfell area is the marshy region located east of Snye and Sugarbush and west of Dundee. We are currently doing a study on the turtle populations in the Bildsfell area. We travel to the area by boat and start our study by observing turtles basking though b...
To better protect children, pets and wildlife, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that it is moving to ban the sale to residential consumers of the most toxic rat and mouse poisons, as well as most loose bait and pellet products. The agency is also requiring that all newly registered rat and mouse poisons marketed to residential consumers be enclosed in bait stations that render the pesticide inaccessible to children and pets. Wildlife that consume bait or poisoned rodents will also be protected by EPA’s actions. ...
The first symptom of poisoning is a severe itching of the skin. Later, a red inflammation and a blistering of the skin occurs. In severe cases, oozing sores develop. The rash spreads by the poisonous sap (urushiol), not as the result of contamination from sores. The blood vessels develop gaps that leak fluid through the skin, causing blisters and oozing. When you cool the skin, the vessels constrict and don’t leak as much. Symptoms Most people develop symptoms 24-48 hours after contact. The i...
Reduce your use of hazardous household products by choosing safer, less-toxic products. Avoid household products with hazardous ingredients, or handle them with extreme care. Many toxic ingredients in paint thinners and drain cleaners, for example, can contaminate water sources. Use only enough of the product to get the job done. Never dump hazardous products down drains, the toilet, or near flowing water, ponds, or lakes. Do not dump them on the ground. Use natural and less-toxic household products whenever possible. •Instead of AIR FRESHENER,...
JULY 18-21, 2011 Comfort Inn & Suites 229 Great Northern Road Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario First Nation Leadership are invited to participate in furthering the work of the “2004 Tribal and First Nation Water Accord”. Agenda items will also include: • History of the Great Lakes • Jurisdiction & rights • Wampum teaching • Our relationship to the water • Healthy waters and a path forward • Treaties • Progress Plan The purpose of this gathering is to educate and empower First Nations peoples on waters, which will lead to a better understanding of...
#1 Pepper Spray This works great for ants and other small pests. Boil 2 or 3 cups of water. Add about ½ to 2/3 cup of chopped hot pepper. Let marinate for a few minutes. Run the mixture thru a sieve to remove the peppers. Put the liquid in a squirt bottle and use when necessary. Be careful not to spray directly on foliage. #2 Minty Soap Spray This is great for ants. Mix 2 tbsp of Dr. Bonners mint soap with a gallon of water. Spray directly on ants. This will also work to ward off other pests on foliage however be care when you spray it...
Commercial air fresheners of all kinds are very unhealthy. Instead, try these natural, homemade (and very affordable) alternatives. Your home will be great selling AND chemical free! BAKING SODA My odor defeater of choice is baking soda. Many people put a box of baking soda in their refrigerators to absorb odors from foods, but, baking soda can get rid of odors in a lot of different places. From deodorizing your carpet (sprinkle baking soda onto your carpet, wait about 15 min, then vacuum up), to getting rid of odors in your laundry, to making...
Decades after fish and wildlife advisories went into effect, industrial pollutants found in the blood of Native American youths and young adults show that the younger generation is still at risk from long-banned contaminants. Teenagers from the Akwesasne Mohawk Nation in New York state had PCB concentrations twice the national average, when compared to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention national survey. Significantly higher amounts were found in first borns, those who were breast-fed and those who ate fish in the prior year....
11 Tips to go green simple ideas is to cut down on waste, reusing energy, and centering yourself towards efficiency. The list below shows ways you can help the earth by minimizing wasted energy. It has ways to waste less water, less electricity, and in the end save you money. The ideas listed are very simple to put into effect and will get you living green in minutes. The Earth Will Thank You For It. 1. CHANGE TO FLUORESCENT BULBS - If every house in the United States changed all of the light bulbs in their house, that would be equivalent to ta...
Everyone is concerned with the environment and how one maintains a green environment. You want yourself and your family to live in a toxin free environment. It sounds like monumental tasks and to be honest, it is unless everyone begins to work at green environment together. One person, then two, three and etc. add up and soon your neighborhood, then community is doing their part to help everyone. Some easy steps for you to try and pass on to your family and friends. Love that scent: If you love the scented candles available almost everywhere...
Statement on Agenda Item 7 - The Right to Water and Indigenous Peoples 10th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues May 24, 2011 Read by Benjamin Powless Thank you Madame Chairperson, The right to clean and abundant water is fundamental to preserving and upholding the sovereignty, self determination, health, and cultural survival of Indigenous Peoples in North America and the rest of the world. As Indigenous Peoples, we have a sacred relationship to water, but this relationship is being undermined and our rights violated on a...
Our Mother Earth has given birth, as she has for many centuries. She has given birth to all Animal Creatures and to all Plants. For this, we are constantly giving thanks. Other People have come across the Waters and Seas. Our Mother on Turtle Island has taken them into Her home. She has treated all Her Family well. We are now all her Children. She will continue to be the Mother of all. You, who have risen up in other lands, have decided to make you’re your journey to this, our Turtle Island. You may have endured much pain in those other l...
Kawehras It Thunders Kanentiio Nice Pine Trees Katsitsienhawi She Carries Flowers Ohtsisto Star Kanietenhawi She Brings the Snow Kahetonni She Makes the Garden Tsiawente Dawn Kanentakeron Pine Trees Growing Here and There Wenniseriiostha She Makes the Day Nice Skaroniati Beyond the Sky Kaherawaks Cornstalks Waving in the Wind Kahentineshon Strawberry Fields for as Far as you can see Kaherontonkwas She Gathers the Standing Cornstalks Karhiiostha She Makes the Forest Nice Katsitiaroroks She Gathers Flowers Teioronhakwente Opening where the Sky...
KNOWING OUR MOTHER EARTH Within our Aboriginal Territory The Mohawks who live along the St. Lawrence River at a place called Akwesasne have used the territory since time immemorial. We refer to ourselves as Akwesasronen… the People of the Land where the Partridge Drum. We take responsibility for the Territory here and for those Onkwehonwe who have come before us, and have been returned to the Earth here. We care for them as Ancestors and Relatives. We are a part of the Community of Creation, within the Territory we call Akwesasne. We have l...
Well, it’s that time of year again. SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry(ESF), Center for Native peoples and the Environment, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Department of the Environment, St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Environment Division and Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force, met up for the first time this season to begin the long process of organizing the third annual 2011 Native Earth Environmental Youth Camp. The Youth Camp is a program partnered by all of the listed environmental programs a...
With the warm weather arriving we should be considering putting in a compost. I have included two articles from Richard Gast, who is from the Malone Cornell Cooperative Extension. One article is how to build your own composter with a garbage can and cover. The other article is about composting and what ingredients to put into it, how to “bake” it and mixing it up. Both are excellent articles and show you step by step how to do this. Composting is an easy way to save some money by composting it yourself and save on reducing your garbage out...
On March 31, 2011 Deyohaha:ge, the Indigenous Knowledge Center in Ohsweken (Six Nations) sponsored a number of presentations at the Haudenosaunee seed exchange. The first presenter was Renée Thomas Hill, an elder from the Turtle Clan of the Mohawk Nation, Upper Cayuga Longhouse, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. Because of the eloquence and beauty of her presentation, we have decided to share a summary of her talk. It is important that we grow our seeds with love because our seeds are...
Question: Are lawn fertilizers and pesticides harmful to my children and pets? The safety of lawn chemicals found in fertilizers and pesticides is a subject that inspires passionate debate among proponents of chemical usage and environmental advocates. The most important aspect is proper use, since most of the danger involved with using lawn chemicals is from improper usage and handling. Answer: Lawn chemicals have come under tremendous scrutiny in recent years and have been blamed for everything from poisoned wells to sickness in children and...
Kakwitetstsi Nikahawi Enniskowa Tsiniwenh:nites nonen ronterontara:raks Tho:ne’ Onen Entitewahwe’non:ni ne Orontakeri, Tho:ne’ onen Tenhatihnekonkiehte Tsiniiore Enwaton Watha Oses. (In the spring time, in the month of March, they will drill holes in the trees, and then collect the sap, and then boil the sap until it becomes maple syrup.) This was a record breaking year for making maple syrup. Sonkwaiatison was very generous to us this year. We must have done something right by burning tobac...
Spring is definitely here. Early Monday (about 2 a.m.) the Thunderers returned to Akwesasne and if you did not hear the thunder at 2:00 am then you sure didn’t miss it in the morning (5:00 and after). With the Thunder will come warm rain and green grass. This past weekend family, neighbors and friends were outdoors cleaning and raking. That’s good and we need to remember to clean the roadsides. It was a long winter and some people forgot to take care of our mother the earth and threw things in...
On March 30, 2011, different families across the confederacy attended the Haudenosaunee Seed Exchange Workshop in Ohsweken (Six Nations) that was sponsored by Deyohaha:ge (two roads), Indigenous Knowledge Center, Joint Stewardship Board, Six Nations Farmers Market & Community Planning, Brantford Native Housing/Community Support Services, and Six Nations Health Promotion & Nutrition Services. About 75 people attended the workshop and got to exchange many Haudenosaunee seed varieties with the...
TIVERTON, Ont. - Bruce Power says it’s delaying plans to ship 16 radioactive steam generators through the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. Bruce Power president Duncan Hawthorne says the delay will allow further discussion with First Nations, Metis and others seeking additional information about the shipment. The company wants to ship the generators — giant steel cylinders the size of a school bus — from an Ontario nuclear plant to Sweden for recycling. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission issued a transport licence and certificate to Br...
Submitted by Elizabeth F. Nanticoke We, the women, have to raise the spirit of the waters and protect our waters. If we can participate, at least for a part of the walk we should. If we can’t participate as a walker, we definitely should give financial support. AWARENESS This spring, the Mother Earth Water Walkers will walk from four directions, across Turtle Island, carrying four copper pails of four salt waters to Bad River, Wisconsin on the shores of Lake Superior, the very beginning place o...
Brownfield Informational Session The Saint Regis Mohawk tribe Environment Division is in need of community involvement in identifying potential Brownfield sites in the Akwesasne community. This session will provide information on what a Brownfield is and why we need your help. WHEN: MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. WHERE: SRMT Senior’s Building “Brownfield funding enables us to identify properties and start the process of getting properties assessed and cleaned up for redevelopment.” -Asst. Director Les Benedict *** The Haudenosaunee Envir...
By Peggy Pyke-Thompson It is getting close to that time of the year again when walleye go up into the tributaries of the larger rivers in order to spawn so that they complete the next cycle of their life. Without the spawning, we would not be able to enjoy the fishing and eating of this type of fish. I am a diehard walleye lover. I love catching them, and even better, I love to eat walleye (as long as someone else cleans them…). For all of my life, and even longer than that actually, members o...