A Voice from the Eastern Door
Sorted by date Results 176 - 200 of 748
1. Ateniión:ta Apron 2. Atenentsháhnha (Atenentshahnhà:tshera) - Armband 3. Teiontenon'warahnhákstha (Atenon'waráhnha) - Bandana 4. Iontawenhstáhkhwa atahkwénnia - Bathing suit 5. Akia'táhnha (Akiatahnhà:tshera) - Belt 6. Oià:kara - Blouse 7. Owira'néha anòn:warore - Bonnet, baby 8. Teionrahtahkwaneta'áhstha - Boots (overshoes) 9. Ohnatirontha'kó:wa - Boots (rubber) 10. Akohsera'kéhkha teiohsaráhkwes áhta - Boots (winter, tall) 11. O'nísta - Bow (Hair Ribbon) 12. Teiakonón:ta's /...
1. Teiontenonhwaratónhkhwa awenhnísera. - Thanksgiving day 2. Enkekhwá:ren - I will have a feast 3. Kekhón:nis tsi nahò:ten wetewaienthó:ko - I am cooking what we harvested 4. Kenennio’kwananawéntha ne skawiró:wane o’wà:ron - I am thawing out the turkey meat 5. Kate’skóntha ne skawiró:wane - I am roasting the turkey 6. Skawiró:wane kena’taráta’as - I am stuffing the turkey 7. Ke’wahrakwè:tarons - I am slicing the meat 8. Kahsehrhón:nis - I am making gravy 9. Tekahsehrhawénries - I am stirring gr...
11. Tewakatenonhwè:rhonte - I am hairy 30. Skenekwá:ti - I am left handed 31. Tewakatenakwatihá:ton - I am left handed 32. Wakeniá:kon - I am married 33. Konkwehón:we - I am Native American 34. Ke’nionhsowá:nen - I have a big nose 35. Kón:kwe - I am a person 36. Konkwe’tí:io - I am a nice person 37. Kewirahninòn:re - I am pregnant 38. Skeweientehtáhkwen - I am right handed 39. Tewakatkonhsakwe’nón:ni - I have a round face 40. Ken’nikhneniésha - I am short 41. Kihna’nhétska - I h...
1. _____ na'tewakohseriiá:kon - Age: I am __ yrs old 2. _____ nitewákien - Age: I am __ yrs old 3. Kken'tstarakè:tote - I am bald 4. Wakia'táhskats - I am beautiful 5. Kkowá:nen - I am big 6. Keniátshonte - I have braids 7. Tekhnenhsakà:ron - I have broad shoulders 8. Keksà:'a - I am a child 9. Keksa'tí:io - I am a nice child 10. Teionkiatekháhshion - We are divorced/split up 11. Tekahonhtowá:nen's - I have big ears 12. Wakekstén:ha - I am elderly 13. Tekkahrowá:nen's - I have big eyes 14. Tek...
1. O'kó:tara - Achilles Tendon (heel) 2. Katsinonhiáhtakwe'ní:io - Artery 3. Ononwakéntstha - Bladder 4. Onekwénhsa - Blood 5. Onekwénhsa aotón:ni - Blood Cell 6. Otsinonhiáhton - Blood vessels 7. Óhskien/ Ohskièn:ta - Bone 8. Oskièn:takon kahsè:rhi - Bone marrow 9. Onòn:wara - Brain 10. Ken'nikatsinonhiahtà:'a - Capillaries (small blood vessels) 11. Otón:ni - Cell 12. Tekahna'néta's ne otón:ni - Cell multiplication 13. Tsi ieionhnehkwà:tha /Tsi iakonia'takà:ronte - Esophagus 14. Ótshahte - Gall...
1. Tsi niiotkonwarò:roks aowenna'shón:'a - Halloween words 2. Kenténha Áhsen niwáhsen énska - October 31 3. Iakokianehrónstha = Haunted 4. Iakokiánerons kanónhsa - Haunted house 5. Iotenonhsátteron - It is a scary house 6. Onon'onserakó:wa - Pumpkin 7. Wata'én:naras - Witch 8. Akonhonwáhtha kà:nhien - Broom stick 9. Wata'én:naras aonòn:warore - Witch's hat 10. Kana'tsiahòn:tsi - Black cauldron 11. Iehahserénhas - Lantern 12. Ráhskenhn / Ohskien'tóhskon - Skeleton 13. Iontkonwarorókstha...
14. Ohnià:sa - Neck (front) 78. Onià:kwa - Neck, front/throat 79. Oniá:ra - Neck, nape (back) of neck 80. Oniahká:ra - Neck, nape (back) of neck 81. O'niónhsa - Nose 82. O'niòn:kara - Nostril 83. O'nótsta - Nudity 84. Aotewí:ra - Ovary 85. Óhshia - Palm 86. O'neká:ta - Pelvis 87. Onià:ta - Pharynx, in the throat 88. Ona'áhta - Rib 89. Ohò:kwa - Rump 90. Onon'òn:ra - Scalp 91. Onièn:ta - Shin 92. Ohnénhsa - Shoulder 93. Óhna - Skin, epidermis 94. Ohsi'tò:kon - Sole of foot 95. Oronhkwe'nakwe'n...
6. Okèn:kwara - Forehead, lower 52. Okèn:tstara - Forehead, upper 53. O'nekà:ta - Groin 54. Oiénhta - Gums 55. Onónhkwis / Ononhkwísera - Hair 56. Ohtsià:na - Hand 57. Onón:tsi / Onontsísta - Head 58. Wakenontsista'nhétska - Head, my soft spot 59. Orá:ta - Heel 60. O'kó:tara - Heel, Achilles tendon 61. Onehskwà:rha - Hip 62. Oháhsa - Hip joint 63. O'rhótshia - Jaw 64. Ohnhóskwa - Jowls 65. Okwítsha - Knee 66. Otsíkwa - Knuckle 67. Ohsí:na - Leg 68. Orèn:ta - Limbs/legs 69. Ohskwèn:ta - Lip, l...
8. Ohranénhsa - Cheekbone (apple of cheek) 27. Otskwè:na - Chest 28. O'rhió:tsha - Chin 29. Onò:tsia - Dentures 30. Ohónhsa - Ear, inner 31. Ohónhta - Ear, outer 32. Ohéhsa - Earwax 33. Ohióhsa - Elbow 34. Okahtsiò:ta - Eye residue 35. Tsi nón:we nikaià:ti ne okà:ra - Eye socket 36. Okèn:kera - Eyebrow 37. Okahréhta - Eyelash 38. Ona'wá:sa - Eyelid 39. Okà:ra - Eyes 40. Okónhsa - Face 41. Ohsnónhsa - Finger 42. Iontsiatónhkwa ohsnónhsa - Finger, index (pointer) 43. Ken'niwà:'a ohsnónh...
1. Ohshionhòn:ta - Abdomen (inside) 2. Onekwèn:ta - Abdomen (outside) 3. Onià:kwa - Adam's apple 4. Ohsinekò:ta - Ankle 5. Onéntsha - Arm 6. Onhónhra - Arm pit 7. Ohsón:ne - Back 8. Oronhkwè:na ehtà:ke - Back, lower 9. Óhshwa - Back, small of back 10. Oronhkwe'nakwe'ní:io - Backbone 11. Oronhkwè:na iohstonterì:tshera 'tsheráhere - Backbone 12. Okonhstòn:rha - Beard 13. Onekwèn:ta - Belly (outside) 14. Onerì:tsta - Belly button, navel 15. Oià:ta - Body 16. Oieròn:ta - Body (shape) 17. O'káts...
6. Kiakenì:teron - Partner, my (we live together) 52. Iakiatátenonhkwe - Relative, my 53. Iakwatátenonhkwe - Relatives, my 54. Iakiatate'kèn:'a - Sibling, my 55. Iakwatate'ken'okòn:'a - Siblings, my 56. Akhtsì:'a - Sister, older, my 57. Khe'kèn:'a - Sister, younger, my 58. Onkiaríha - Sister-in-law , my(woman speaking) 59. Akonháhwha - Sister-in-law, my(man speaking) 60. Onkwari'okòn:'a - Sister-in-laws, my(woman speaking) 61. Akhtsi'okòn:'a / Ionkhtsi'okòn:'a - Sisters, older, my 62. Khe'ken...
4. Rakhsenná:wi - God-father, my 32. Ionkhsenná:wi - God-mother, my 33. Rihsenná:wi - God-son, my 34. Khehsennawíhon - God-sons, my or my God-daughters 35. Kheiatere'okòn:'a - Grandchildren, my 36. Kheiaterè:'a - Granddaughter, my 37. Rakhsóhtha - Grandfather, my 38. Akhsóhtha - Grandmother, my 39. Riiaterè:'a - Grandson, my 40. Kheiatere'okòn:'a - Grandsons, my or my grandchildren/granddaughters 41. Rikstén:ha - Husband, my 42. Ake'nistén:ha - Mother, my 43. Ionksà:wha - Mother-in-la...
1.Ake'nistén:ha - ________(Insert her name) Aunt, my 2. Ákhskare - Boyfriend, my 3. Akhskare'okòn:'a - Boyfriends, my 4. Rakhtsì:'a - Brother, older, my 5. Ri'kèn:'a - Brother, younger, my 6. Rakonháhwha - Brother-in-law, my (woman speaking) 7. Onkiakióha - Brother-in-law, my (man speaking) 8. Ionkonhahwhó:kon - Brother-in-laws, my (woman speaking) 9. Onkwakiohó:kon - Brother-in-laws, my(man speaking) 10. Ionkhtsi'okòn:'a - Brothers, older, my 11. Khe'ken'okòn:'a - Brothers, younger, my 12. Waka...
1. Ratirón:taks - Algonquin 2. Tewa’kenhá:ka - Anishinaabe, Ojibway 3. Kaiohkwenhá:ka niwakonhwentsiò:ten - Cayuga, I am 4. Shotinonnawen’tó:wane - Cayuga, they are 5. Kahrhakonhró:non - Cree 6. Kioheríshon - Creek 7. Thotinontáthe - Huron 8. Konkwehón:we - Indigenous, I am 9. Othore’kehró:non - Inuit 10. Wakenonhseshró:non - Longhouse, I am a person of 11. Wakenien’kehá:ka - Mohawk, I am 12. Kanien’kehá:ka niwakonhwentsiò:ten - Mohawk, I am 13. Konkwehón:we - Native American, I am 14. Onenio’te’á:ka niwakonhwentsiò:ten - Oneida,...
10. Ì:'i - Me 29. Teteniiáhsen - Me and you 30. Tehnón:kwe - Men – 2 (or man & woman) 31. Ronnón:kwe - Men – 3 or more (or 3+ men & women) 32. Konkwehón:we - Native American – I am 33. Kón:kwe - Person – I am a 34. Tekeniiáhsen - Them 2 (female) 35. Tehniiáhsen - Them 2 people (2 males or 1 male & 1 female) 36. Onónha - Them 3 or more females 37. Ronónha - Them 3 or more males (or 3 or more mixed male and female) 38. Teiakeniiáhsen - Us 2 (me and someone) 39. Iakwakwé:kon - We – all of us (not...
1. Owirà:'a - Baby 2. Ieksà:'a - Child – one female child 3. Keksà:'a - Child – I am a child 4. Raksà:'a - Child – one male child 5. Tekeniksà:'a - Children – 2 female 6. Tehniksà:'a - Children – 2 male (or mixed one male and one female child) 7. Kontiksa'okòn:'a - Children – 3+ female 8. Ratiksa'okòn:'a - Children – 3 or more male (or mixed 3 or more males and females) 9. Iatathró:na - Couple 10. Wakekstén:ha - Elderly – I am an elderly person 11. Rokstén:ha - Elderly man – one 12. Roti...
1. Shé:kon Istá:! - Hello Auntie or Mom! 2. Shé:kon kiákio! - Hello brother-in-law 3. Shé:kon konièn:’a! - Hello child! 4. Shé:kon kiá:se! - Hello cousin! 5. Shé:kon ráke’ni! - Hello Dad! 6. Shé:kon óri! - Hello friend! 7. Shé:kon kwátere! - Hello grandchild! 8. Shé:kon ákhso! - Hello grandma! 9. Shé:kon rákhso! - Hello grandpa! 10. Shé:kon wáten! - Hello nephew/niece! 11. Shé:kon kiári! - Hello sister-in-law! 12. Shé:kon sáksten! - Hello spouse! (husband or wife) 13. Shé:kon akhtsi’ó! - Hel...
1. Satonhnhá:ren tsi sahsié:rite! - Be happy on your birthday! 2. Satonhnhá:ren tsi saierí:ton! - Be happy on your birthday! 3. Tekonnonhwará:tons tsi wesenirihó:wanahte tsi seniniákhe - Congratulations on your engagement 4. Tekonnonhwará:tons tsi wa'tehsatóhetste - Congratulations on your graduation 5. Tekonnonhwará:tons tsi sawirasé'stsi - Congratulations on your new baby 6. Tekonnonhwará:tons tsi nisanonhsasé'stsi - Congratulations on your new house 7. Tekonnonhwará:tons tsi wesaio'tenhse...
10. Tahatakia'tatihéntho - He pulled himself 92. É:ren'k na'tethokierà:ton tsi wa'tharahsarónnion - His body is facing in different positions and he braced with his feet 93. Kháre ó:nen ok thaharen'totónnion - Suddenly now he tumbled 94. Shé:kon ki' Í:iah tehokwénion ne aonsahatóhtshi - Still he is not able to get out 95. Né:'e khok wa'karihwakwé:ni tsi wahoniarésha'ne - The only thing that happened as a result is that his neck gotten long 96. Ó:nen ki' sénha wahonà:khwen - Now he is even more...
8. Kháre ki ó:nen wahrehià:ra'ne - Then now he remembered 63. Tsi tóka enhoianeráhsten ne ohnéhta aháhrho ne rahsi'tó:kon - That it will be good for him if he ought to put pine gum under his feet 64. Tsi ó:nen wahahnehtáhrho ne rahsi'tó:kon - Now he put pine gum under his feet 65. Sò:'k ki' wakiesenhón:we tsi waharáthen - Then it is easy he climbed 66. Eh tho niwakié:sen tsi waharáthen tsi ní:ioht ne tsí'ks nó:nen ahsonhtà:ke rará:tes - It is as easy for him to climb there as when a fly is cli...
4. Thí:ken otsi'tèn:'a tsi ní:ioht nè:'e ne tóka tontaionia'thá:ra'ne ká:ron tsi niió:re tsi ontatéhnhe'se ne aioiéshon - It was as if this bird would choke before it stopped itself from laughing 32. Mararám kí ó:ni tontahonekwen'tíshonhkwe tsi wahoiéshon - The bull frog also laughed, his belly is shaking 33. Kwah sahatha'tahserón:ni tsi wahèn:ron, "Haraón, haraón" - He really cleared his throat and said "Haraon, haraón" 34. Sò:'k tontahohén:rehte kí:ken tako'skó:wa - So this bobcat yelled a...
1. É:so iohsherá:ke tsi náhe - Many years ago 2. Tsi teionontó:ken iá:ken kowá:nen tkahrháhere - Between the mountain they say there was a big forest on top 3. Kwah sha'tekahrhí:hen nón:we tkanawáhere - In the middle of the forest there is a swamp 4. Teiohkwatasé:ton tsi iotenráhso - It is surrounded and full of moss 5. Awenrahsóhskon eh tho kioronta'kéhrha - There is a log soaking that is all covered with moss 6. Kwah ki' iá:ken sha'tekarontí:hen nón:we théntskote - They say in the middle of...
1. Nè:'k tsi sénha raia'tahshnó:re ne Ohkwá:ri tsi nihaia'tò:ten nó:nen tetshkánere - But Bear was faster than he looked 2. Iathanentshaníhara'ne - He reached over with his paw 3. Rahsi'tà:ke wá:ratste tahoia'tatihéntho ne Ken'nihrà:'a athéhsa nihaia'tò:ten Aró:sen - He used his pay to grab the little brown squirrel 4. Nè:'k tsi ne Ohkwá:ri í:ions tánon iohio'thí:ie raotsi'é:ra - But Bear's long and sharp nails 5. Wa'thó:nake ne Ken'nihrà:'a athéhsa nihaia'tò:ten Aró:sen rahshón:nen - He...
1. "Kí:ken Ohkwá:ri khiatehorihwarà:'on takarahkwíneken'ne" - "This Bear is silly , the sun came up" 2. "Kí:ken Ohkwá:ri rohshwa'tahtsherá:ien, takarahkwíneken'ne" - "This Bear is foolish, the sun came up" 3."Kí:ken Ohkwá:ri í:iah teho'nikòn:ra Karáhkwa" - "This Bear is stupid, the sun" 4. WHOMP! Kí:ken Ohkwári rahsi'tà:ke wa'thonon'wáre'ke ne Ken'nihrà:'a athéhsa nihaia'tò:ten Aró:sen - Whomp! This Bear's big foot came down on the little brown Squirrel 5. Kahentà:ke wa'kioia'tò:rarake -...
1. Kón:nehre akontkáhtho ónhka entkarihwaié:rite - They wanted to see who would be right 2. Ohkwá:ri káton athéhsa nikaia'tò:ten Aró:sen - Bear or brown Squirrel 3. Nè:'e kí:ken wa'onathón:te'ne ne thikontiià:tate kariò:ta - This is what the other animals heard 4. "Í:iah thaontakarahkwíneken'ne hummph!" - "The sun cannot rise, hummph!" 5. "Entkarahkwíneken'ne, oooh!" - "The sun will rise, oooh!" 6. "Í:iah thaontakarahkwíneken'ne hummph!" - "The sun cannot rise, hummph!" 7. "Entkarahkwíneken'...