Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 750
1. Akohserà:ke nikahá:wi niwakenhnhò:ten Winter time season 2. Iowí:sare It is icy 3. Wa'kawisáhrho It did get icy 4. Sakawisáhrho It did get icy again 5. Enkawisáhrho It will be icy 6. Enskawisáhrho It will be icy again 7. Teiao'tsískwa It is slippery 8. Thetén:re teiao'tsiskwahtòn:ne Yesterday it was slippery 9. Thetén:re akenekota'kéhshon teiao'tsikwahtòn:ne Yesterday my steps were slippery 10. Thetén:re akwahskwen'nà:ke teiao'tsikwahtòn:ne Yesterday my porch was slippery 11. Owisóskon It...
1. Kénh nikahá:wi teiethinonhwará:tons At this time, we give thanks 2. Tsi kiónhnhekie ne onhwentsià:ke For our life on earth 3. Tekatenonhwará:tons tsi konhnhékie I am thankful for my life 4. Tekatenonhwará:tons tsi wakata'karí:te I am thankful to be healthy 5. Tekatenonhwará:tons ne akhwá:tsire I am thankful for my family 6. Tekatenonhwará:tons tsi wakaterò:shen I am thankful for my friends 7. Tekatenonhwará:tons tsi skén:nen í:ken I am thankful for peace 8. Tekatenonhwará:...
1. Kenténha nikahá:wi In October 2. Ne MCA Onhwentsia'ón:we Shakotitsièn:tha tsi nahò:ten ratíhsere The MCA Land-Based Healing program 3. Tánon ne SRMT Tsi Ratiienhnthóhtha tsi nahò:ten ratíhsere And the SRMT Agriculture program 4. Wahatinenhstaienhnthó:ko They harvested corn 5. Wa'akwanénhstako We did pick corn 6. Ókia'ke athé:rakon iontkéhtats wa'hatinenhstá:ta'a Some put the corn in a pack basket 7. Kaià:rakon wa'akwanenhstá:ta'a ò:ni We also put the corn in a bag 8. Óh nà:ken ne ka'sereht...
1. Ken'nithoión:ha Onkwehón:we nihaia'tò:ten He is a young Native man 2. Raonweskwaníhahkwe ahréhshon átste He used to enjoy roaming about outside 3. Ne iotahsontatíhen In the middle of the night 4. Ki wahsontá:tehkwe This one night 5. Io'karahtsheriióhne It was a nice evening 6. Ónhka'k thonontaiakawenonhákie Someone is coming towards him 7. Tsi ákta wá:on'we As she came closer 8. Wahshakó:ken tsi ken'nikiakoión:ha He saw a young woman 9. Wa'è:ron,"hánio tekiate'khahahkwà:na" She said, "come on...
1. Shiwentákta Last Saturday 2. Tsionkwanatí:io nón:we wa'akwakia'tarò:roke Ón:kwe held a workshop at Tsionkwanatí:io 3. Wa'akwaiéntho ne iokháhon We planted garlic 4. Iokhahon'kó:wa A big garlic 5. Kara'kenhtsheróhskon niwahsokò:ten It is all white 6. Iohní:ron ne aorón:ta (ioniarahní:ron) It has a hard stem (hard neck) 7. John Bonaparte tánon Bob Washo wa'onkhirihónnien John Bonaparte and Bob Washo taught us 8. Bob iokháhon roienthón:ne ne iokháhon Ohiarihkó:wa niwenhni'tò:ten nik...
1. Ronwaia'tanentaktónhne 27 tewáhsen tsiá:ta shiská:rahkwe ne Seskehkó:wa Friday, the date was the 27th of September 2. Sahonwatiia'tahní:rate They strengthen it again 3. Ne ratitsiénhaiens tanon Akwiratékha The Councilors and Grand Chief Leonard Lazore 4. Kanenhrowanen:ne Wa'thonwatirenhsaron A big crowd praised them 5. Oié:ri Nikón:ti ne konnón:kwe wa'kontáweia'te 10 women got in 6. Áhsen nihá:ti ne ronnón:kwe wahontáweia'te 3 men got in 7. Akwé:kon ronatonhnháhere...
1. Iakhihshtha'okòn:'a nia'té:kon ronterihwahtenkià:thahkwe Our grandparent did a lot of activities 2. Rotihehtowanén:ne They had big gardens 3. Ká:ne enkanenna:ke'ne enthontáhsawen enhatitenhnthó:ko ne rotiienthóhseron As soon as it turns fall they harvest their crops 4. Thatihnenna'tóhkwate They pick potatoes 5. Ókia'ke óksak kaiá:rakon enhonnéta'a tsi enhonthnenna'tateweièn:ton They store potatoes 6. Ókia'ke ohontsió:kon enhati'nerohkón:ni Some make a box 7. Enhon'kenhráta'a...
1. Sahióhare ne teiohiakháhon! Wash the tomato! 2. Skahréhkiak ne teiohiakháhon! Pluck the stems off the tomatoes! 3. Saté:kat ne karistátsi! Light the stove! 4. Karistà:ke ne kana'tsiowá:nen ! Put the big pot on the stove! 5. Tehshnekónkieht! Boil the water! 6. Kana'tsiowá:nen séta ne teiohiakháhon! Put the tomatoes in a big pot! 7. Sá:io ne teiohiakháhon 1 mínut ! Boil the tomatoes 1 minutes ! 8. Sewístot ne teiohiakháhon! Cool the tomatoes in ice! 9. Sera'wistótshi ne teiohiakháhon! Pe...
1. Tekenon'onhserahio'tsistáhrhos I am pickling cucumbers 2. Enkonrihónnien tsi niieiéhrha I will teach you how it is done 3. Senon'onhseróhare ne tíkokon! Wash the cucumbers! 4. Skwe'tarón:ko ne iohiátkens! Take out the bad spots! 5. Tesanon'onhserón:ko ne tíkokon! Slice the cucumbers! 6. Sera'wistótshi tanon tese'nionkserakenserón:ko! Peel and slice the onion! 7. Kowá:nen katshè:takon séta ne o'niónkseri tánon tíkokon! Place the onions and cucumbers in a big container! 8. Kiohìo:tsis è:ne...
1. Saionteweiensta:ne She is going back to school 2. Tsi ionteweienstahkhwa'kó:wa College/university 3. Sontehnhotón:ko It opened again 4. Sontehnhotonkwanión:ko Many opened again 5. Iakotateweiennentá:'on ken? Is she ready? 6. Hen, iakotateweiennentá:'on Yes, she is ready 7. Í:iah, í:iah árok teiakotateweiennentá:'on No, she is not yet ready 8. Sahsheiatórien kénh tsi niió:re ne tsi ionteweienstahkhwa'kó:wa? Did you drive her back to college? 9. Hen, sakheiatórien tsi niió:re ne t...
1. Tekaweratase'kó:wa Hurricane 2. Katsiskaiennià:tha Hurricane 3. Debby ratinatónkhwa They called it Debby 4. Ka'sátste ne tekaweratase'kó:wa entkáhawe ne io'sátste tsi entka'nahkwáweron A strong hurricane brings heavy rainstorms 5. Ioniatò:'on A flood 6. Taio'nahkwáweron tsi na'okén:nore It was very rainy 7. Tsi niió:re e :neken niaháhe ne okennoréhtshera kaieronnítston teionhkará:ke niaháhe ne énska wa'kahwistà:'eke There was a record level of rain of more than 2 inches per hour 8. Sótsi...
1. Tontaionatkehrontakwenhákie ne ase'shòn:'a They (women) are coming back from selling vegetables 2. Tontahotkehrontakwenhákie ne ase'shòn:'a He is coming back from selling vegetables 3. Tontaionkwatkehrontakwenhákie ne ase'shòn:'a We are coming back from selling vegetables 4. Tontahonatkehrontakwenhákie ne ase'shòn:'a They (men or men and women) are coming back from selling vegetables 5. Tontahotinehsio'tatkehrontakwenhákie They are coming back from selling cabbages 6. Tontahot...
1. Tontaiakotkehrontakwenhákie ne ase'shòn:'a She is coming back from selling vegetables 2. Tontaiakonehsio'tatkehrontakwenhákie She is coming back from selling cabbages 3. Tontaiakotsi'tsiatkehrontakwenhákie ne tekatsi'tsiakhánion She is coming back from selling broccoli 4. Tontaiakonon'onseratkehrontakwenhákie ne kanon'ónseres She is coming back from selling zucchini 5. Tontaiakonon'onseratkehrontakwenhákie ne tí:kokon She is coming back from selling cucumbers 6. Tontaiakot...
1. Ne Roia'tatokénhti Ré:sis Kanien'kéha Onkwehonwé:ne Ratiienhnthóhshne ratiiénhnthos é:so ne ase'shón:'a Blair tsi iohatákie nón:we The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe's farm grows many vegetables on Blair Road 2. Rontkrè:rons ne ase'shòn:'a ratiiénthos tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa They sell vegetables at the farmer's market 3. Tsi iohatákie 37 ohén:ton tsi iewennahnotahkhwa enhontekhwahra'tsheró:ten They set up by the library on Route 37 4. Khia'teiohia'kserá:te ne Soséhne nikahá:wi énska iawén:re niiohwist...
1. Iewakenónhne ne Akhwesáhshne Karáhston Tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa tanon Karáhston Ronatenaiéhston I went to the Akwesasne Art Market and Art Show 2. Akhwá:tsire tánon i :'i tho : ieionkwenónhne My family and I went as well 3. Ka'nón:we niioterihwahtenkia'tón:ne? Where was the Art Market? 4. Ahkwesáhshne nón:we tsi kanakerahtsheratákie ionten'nikonhroriatáhkhwa It was held at Generations Park in Akwesasne 5. Kelly Back wa'ontkwé:ni kí:ken iohseratákie ne akwáh aonha :'a ioia...
1. Tasewatken'sé:ra ne Akhwesáhshne Karáhston Tsi iontkehrontáhkhwa tanon Karáhston Ronatenaiéhston Entákta, Ohiarihkó:wa ia :ia'k enhká:ra'ne Come to the Akwesasne Art Market and Art Show on Saturday, July 6 2. Tenhontenonhwará:ton ne Kanien'kéha karáhston tánon tsi niionkwariho :ten enthónhka'we ne Ahkwesáhshne tehontstikáhwha'as It's a celebration of Mohawk art and culture presented by Akwesasne Travel 3. Ahkwesáhshne nón:we Tsi kanakerahtsheratákie ionten'nikonhroriatáh...
1. Wa'onkwaién:ta'ne ne iontetsièn:tshne ne katshenen'ó:kon We had a clinic for pets 2. Ohiaríha wísk tánon ià:ia'k wa'ká:ra'ne June 5th and 6th was the date 3. Tsi Ron'shwathà:ke At the fire station 4. Tsieià:ta akokstén:ha, Jean iontákia'ts One elder, Jean is her name 5. Tanon ne ronwahwente n:'a, Ron ronwá:ia'ts And her nephew, Ron is his name 6. Wahotiió'ten katshé:nen iontétsien'ts Lauren Kleine wa'kenikwatá:ko akiaterihwahténkia'te They worked with a veterinarian named Lauren Kleine...
1. Eniawenhniseratarihénhake It will be a hot day 2. Akwáh enwa'taríha'te It will be very hot 3. Eniorahkwatarihénhake It will be hot sun 4. Enkarahkó:ten It will be sunny 5. Enkarahkó:ta'ne It is going to be sunny 6. Eniotonríhake It will be humid 7. Enwa'tariha'tánion It will be a heat wave 8. Entewakwatá:ko ne kanonhsanóhstha We will put in our air conditioners 9. Enkiotáhrhoke ne kaweraráhtha We will put on the fan 10. Tsi iorahkwawéhrhon entewákien We will sit in the shade 11. Ohné:kano...
Continued from last week. Rotikwaho - Wolf Clan The people of the Wolf Clan are usually aggressive. They tend to respond almost instantly to things in their life. They are a very honest and straight forward people. In this regard most Wolf Clan people are not generally thought to possess diplomatic characteristics. The Wolf Clan will say what is on their mind without much hesitation or regard to the feelings of anyone. If you would like to have an argument just for the sake of arguing, no matter what subject, just go see the people of the Wolf...
1. Enhsathnenna'tahserón:ni You will prepare the potatoes 2. Enwá:ton ken'nikahnenna'tá:sa'as enhshnenna'taienhnthóhseron You can plant small potatoes whole 3. Ahshén:nen tenhshnenna'tohwihánion enhsaten'niko n:raren ská:ti nonkwá:ti eniohnión:warentake You will cut the pieces in half make sure one side has a sprout 4. Káksakon enhséta'a tohkára nón:ta sanónhskon tsi niio'taríhen You will put the cut pieces on a tray at room temperature for a few days 5. Tsi nón:we nikakwe'...
1. Wahaki'tarakahrháthohse He plowed the garden for me 2. Wathakwa'kenhrawénriese He tilled the garden for me 3. Kathehtahserón:ni I am preparing the garden 4. Kakenhrahserón:ni I am preparing the soil 5. Kathahonniánions I am making rows 6. Atshó:kten kátstha I am using a hoe 7. Kkarontónnions I am making holes 8. Tsioháha enkiénhntho ne o'niónkseri I will plant 1 row of onions 9. Tó: niioháhake enhsiéntho ne ohnennà:ta? How many rows of potatoes will you plant? 10. Áhsen niioháhake enki...
1. Nahè:'a tsi niwenhniserò:tens Recent Weather 2. Enníska tsi náhe wa'kiaonhwentsíshonhkwe Last February there was an earthquake 3. Sewenhníta tsi náhe wa'tewaterahkwá:seren Last month, we had an eclipse 4. Sewennì:ta tsi náhe iothó:rehkwe Last month it was very cold 5. Ki:ken wenhni'tarakie on'tariha'tánion This month it was very hot 6. Tsiahià:ksera tsi náhe wa'onon'ón:ti ne Ahkwesáhshne Last week, it did hail in Ahkwesáhshne 7. Ón:wa wa'okennoréhseron Now, it is very rainy 8. Kaniatar...
1. Akwáh ken'nihá:ti onkwehón:we Quite a few Native people 2. Enionkhinatahré:nahse They will visit us 3. Tonanawanda nithoné:non They came from Tonawanda 4. Onondaga nithoné:non They came from Onondaga 5. Tanon Tuscaora nithoné:non And they came from Tuscarora 6. Albany o:ni nontahón:ne People also came from Albany 7. Washington D.C. o:ni nontahón:ne People also came from Washington, DC 8. Ronterihwatsterístha ne Onhwentsia'kehkha They take care of the environment 9. Ohserón:...
1. Ki:ken onkiahiakseró:kten teioweienhnhara'ón:ne It was a busy weekend 2. É:so wahonten'nikonhró:ri There were many celebrations 3. Akhwátsire wa'thatí:ta'ne wa'onkenatahré:nahse My family stopped to visit me 4. Kanisténhsera akawenhnísera Mother's Day 5. Wa'akwakia'tarò:roke We gathered 6. Wa'kiathinonhwará:ton ne ka'nisténhsera We greeted the mothers 7. Karíhton wa'onkhikhónnion ne ohrhon'kè:ne The police cooked for us 8. Karíhton ò:ni wa'onkhikhwahéhrhahse The police serve us 9. Sahat...
1. Onerahtókha kaié:ri enhská:ra'ne 3:24 iotohétston nénkie tsi kanenhstá:ton ne Ahkwesáhshne On April 8, 2024 at 3:24 pm in Ahkwesáhshne 2. Tenkiaterahkwá:seren 2 orbs (sun and moon) will be on top of each other 3. Teiotonhontsiatasè:ton ne kiokiehnékha karáhkwa The earth goes around the sun 4. Teiorahkwatasehákie ne ahshonthenhnéhkha karáhkwa ne onhwén:tsia The moon goes around the earth 5. Enkarahkwa'hó:roke ne kiokiehnékha karáhkwa The sun will be hidden 6. Ne :'e tsi ne ahsonthenhnéhkha...