Sorted by date Results 426 - 450 of 781
Continued from last week… The next morning when the old woman got up the old man again was very sick. Again the old man told the Bear Clan woman where to go to find the proper medicinal plant and exactly how to prepare it. The old man drank the medicine and the sickness went away. Everyday the old man became ill with every possible sickness. Each time this happened the Bear Clan woman was told what medicine plant or plants to prepare. Every single time the old man would become well. Now on this particular day the old man told the Bear Clan w...
Many years ago, before the arrival of the European people here in North America, the Creator came to visit his people. One day the Creator decided to check on his people to see if they were still following his teachings. One day the people noticed that a big chunk of the sun fell from the sky and came crashing towards the earth. It was a huge ball of flames and when it crashed to earth there appeared a most handsome man. This wonderful man was the Creator himself. This man prepared himself to visit his people. The first thing he did was to...
Submitted by Native North American Traveling College In the Mohawk Nation there are nine Kontiianehson. They are the head women of a large extended family within each clan. They are the women who are referred to as Clan Mothers. The Kontiianehson are responsible for the process of selecting a Roia:ne (man leader) or deposing a Roia:ne, if he fails to perform his duties. For each principal Roia:ne title there are four assistants: Iakoia:ne – clan mother Roia:ne – principal man leader Raterontanonha – man sub leader (“He takes care of the tre...
Submitted by Native North American Traveling College I will tell you the legend about the “Stone Giants” that used to roam about in this section and would devour people. You spoke of them the other day. I will relate the legend some writers have written about. As usual, this is my father’s way of telling it. Long time ago when this country was new, when there were all sorts of hideous beasts and monsters to be found in the great woods or forest, in those days many things used to happen that would scare the people; many of them were caugh...
As Mother Earth awakens the people prepare to plant the seeds given to us by the Creator. The Faithkeepers will call a meeting to set the ceremony. The Chiefs and Clan Mothers are invited to come as well as all the other Faithkeepers. A man will open the proceedings with Ohenton Karihwatehkwen after which all the Faithkeepers will gather to one side and set the date of the Seed Ceremony. A male Faithkeeper will be chosen to enlighten the Chiefs and Clan Mothers of the date chosen. The Chiefs and Clan Mothers will deliberate as to whether this...
Submitted by Native North American Travelling College In the early years of the Haudenosaunee there was a dark era, a time when our ancestors fought amongst one another. Our ancestors had forgotten all of the Creator’s instructions on how to live here on Mother Earth. The Creator saw how the Onkwehonwe (the Original People) were treating each other and this was making him very upset. At this time the Creator sent a man being to be born with a specific set of instructions. Along with these instructions he gave him special abilities that were d...
Submitted by the Native North American Travelling College Our grandfathers told us many stories that would relate to lacrosse and how one is to conduct himself, and how important one can be to a lacrosse game. We know that all creatures, no matter how small, are important and have a contribution to make to the overall life cycle. No matter how unworthy you may feel a person is, that person may have qualities which may help some day. Long ago our grandfathers would have told this story about a...
Many winters in the past the creator of all things came to the earth to check on his creations. It was during the time when the leaves change color and fall to the earth. He saw that the trees were still growing. He saw that the animals were happy, healthy and warm. He saw the Onkwehonwe were still following his teachings and were healthy and warm. He was very pleased to see that the whole earth was in balance. The waters, mountains, animals and people took care of each other. As he was leaving, he happened to notice the bird creatures. He saw...
As Mother Earth awakens the people prepare to plant the seeds given to us by the Creator. The Faithkeepers will call a meeting to set the ceremony. The Chiefs and Clan Mothers are invited to come as well as all the other Faithkeepers. A man will open the proceedings with Ohenton Karihwatehkwen after which all the Faithkeepers will gather to one side and set the date of the Seed Ceremony. A male Faithkeeper will be chosen to enlighten the Chiefs and Clan Mothers of the date chosen. The Chiefs and Clan Mothers will deliberate as to whether this...
Continued from last week Now I have completed the task you have assigned to me. Don’t forget the things I have told you. The eldest female in each clan is responsible for carrying out her responsibilities. She also must make sure that her children learn all the procedures. I will start with the clans who have come from the other side of the river.” He started with the Deer clan and told them that they must never forget their clan lines. The women would be the primary leaders since they are the ones that bring forth new life. He instructed the...
Continued from last week He arrived at the lodge of another Ancient One and said, “I am thankful that the day has arrived in peace.” She replied, “I am also truly thankful!” Then he asked her, “What have you done since you got up this morning? What marvelous thing have you seen?” She said, “I went to dip water from the stream and when 1 did, 1 was surprised to see a bear standing near me. Then 1 came back to the camp and began to prepare food for my children and my grandchildren. Then 1 came back to the camp and began to prepare food for my c...
Continued from last week He turned to the assembly and said, “Now we will cross the stream. We will camp here. Then the eldest woman from each family shall go and get water from the river to be used in the food preparation. When she dips up the water she must notice carefully what she sees and must not forget it. I will come early in the morning.” He motioned for everyone to follow him as he crossed the stream. The people followed him as he went to a place along the stream where the grapevine was attached. He grasped the vine and started the...
There was a time when the people of the earth first began to experience death. Death visited at close intervals and families were taken up with burying their dead. They would dig a hole in the ground and place their loved one in the ground and cover them with earth. This continued for some time and it became so frequent that within the families (ohwa:tsire) even those who were not sick would lie as if life was broken off from them. This death took not only adults but also children. Everyone was in continuous grief and this continues day after...
It was the time of the Great Tardiness of the year (Ennisko:wa) and people were hungry. Hunters left the village looking for game to feed their people; however, game was scarce. These hunters were away from their village for several days. Some of the men returned back to their village discouraged and hungry. One young man said he would stay behind a little while longer to find game. Two days went by and the young man became ill from hunger. As he lay by his campfire, he watched this squirrel running from tree to tree with great energy. The...
The original of this wampum record was made at the time of the Founding of the League and has been handed down through a line of Wampum Keepers until the present time. This circle of white wampum represents the seating plan of the fifty chiefs of the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee we liked to be called) Confederate Council. Each strand stands for a Confederate Chief's name. They are bound together by intertwined strands representing the Unity of the Laws of Peace, Kaianerenko:wa. The circle of white...
In a wild section of the Adirondack Mountains, there camped a hunting party of Mohawks. During the Leaf Falling Moon, many of the Mohawks left their main villages along the Mohawk River and travelled north to the mountains where the hunting was good. There in the heavily forested mountains valleys the hunters would store up deer meat and deer skins for winter use. When a goodly supply had been gathered, the people followed the hunting trails south to the main Mohawk settlements. Some of the hunters usually remained in the mountains during the...
This is a Mohawk story about a village on the bend of a river a long time ago. On one sunny day, a hunter was out in the forest looking for game. While walking along a trail, he stumbled on a hole. He stood back, scratched his head, and thought to himself; ‘’This wasn’t here yesterday.’’ He went up hill to get a better look at the hole. His hair stood up. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. That hole was not just any hole; it was the footprint of a bear. Cautiously and very quietly, the hunter followed the trail. It circled the village a...
The old Iroquois told the story to the young people to teach them to be kind to the aged. Many winters and summers in the past (arrow going back) there was an Iroquois village. One day, an old man appeared at the edge of this village. The old man wore ragged clothes. He seemed very tired and looked hungry. As he walked through the village, he looked over the doors of the bark houses were the emblems of the clans of those who occupied the lodges. The old man came to a lodge on which was hung a turtle shell. Turtle Clan members lived in this...
Introduction of Own Name and Interpretation: A name is determined by your clan, gender, season, weather, or landmark event signifying the coming of a child. There are three main clans here amongst the Kanienkehaka Nation. They are Turtle, Wolf and Bear. According to tradition, the mother carries the clan and that will determine the name that the child will carry. When a girl is born the mother’s father or uncle will name the little girl (to prevent favoritism). When a boy is born, the father’s mother will name him (also to prevent fav...
Before the time of the Peacemaker and Hiawatha, and a time when Onkwehonwe were without spiritual beliefs and had no law to guide them- the origin of the Four Sacred Ceremonies took place. Twelve boys were born at the same time. Eleven of the children had fathers. The one who did not have a father was born with a special power. Because all their sons were born at the same time, the mothers of these children felt a bond with each other. Therefore, they often brought their sons together. Soon they realized that their children had a common bond...
We direct our attention to the Life Forces on Mother Earth; to the waters, which quenches our thirst and provides for the well-being and the strength of plant life; to the animals, who provide us with food, clothing, shelter and beauty; to the trees of all shapes and sizes, who provide us with shelter and fruits of many varieties, to the medicine plants, who are carrying on the Creator’s instructions to cure disease and sickness. We give our thanksgiving to all of these life forces who have continued to follow the Creator’s instructions. For th...
CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK THE CREATION STORY From the book LEGENDS OF THE NATIONS Produced by the North American Indian Travelling College In spite of this, he still loved his Grandmother. This was revealed in one of the arguments the twins had over their Grandmother when she died. Sawiskera wanted to kick her body off the edge of the world, and into the water. But the other one said, “No! The best thing to do is to place her back into the earth, because she felt so strongly about being a part of the earth.” In the course of the argument, the...
CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK THE CREATION STORY From the book LEGENDS OF THE NATIONS Produced by the North American Indian Travelling College As the daughter gazed upon her visitor, she felt uneasy, but a strange feeling overcame her, and she fainted into a peaceful sleep. Later, her mother came by to awaken her and found two crossed arrows on her stomach. One was sharp, and the other was blunt. She realized what had happened, that her daughter had become pregnant. She realized also that her daughter was going to have twins. When the time came for...
‘INTERPRETATIONS OF SKYWOMAN’ art exhibit now open at the Native North American Travelling College until Jan. 2, 2015. A themed art exhibition showcasing ways that traditional and contemporary artist render Skywoman into an art form. For information call 613-932-9452 THE CREATION STORY From the book LEGENDS OF THE NATIONS Produced by the North American Indian Travelling College THE CREATION STORY The Story comes from the earliest time in our Language - a time when our Language, symbols, beliefs, the world we saw around us, and life as we und...
Once there was a little girl who never did anything she was told by her mother. Being the only child both of her parents loved her very much. Many times the girl wanted to be good but found it impossible. One night she decided to put on her best outfit and moccasins. Against her mothers protests, she went outside and played with clay. It was not long after a rain and she walked in and out of the lodge leaving a trail of mud. As her mother began to cry, the little girl continued to run in and...