A Voice from the Eastern Door

Culture / Cultural Corner

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    May 5, 2022

    (Originally published in April 2010) Now that we understand the framework within which the Haudenosaunee lived and within which their laws operated, we can examine their relations with other nations. Specifically with the European nations, the settler nations. And we will find that Haudenosaunee processes both as ritual and as ways to reach decisions, were accepted and used by the settler peoples. For two centuries, Haudenosaunee ways were the ways of coming to one mind, in the treaty council of the British and French. Those people understood t...


    Apr 28, 2022

    Continued from last week. THE HIAWATHA WAMPUM: From what we know…the Indians had a tradition of law and the Iroquois are our surviving example of it. The Iroquois possessed a tradition of law, and that tradition of law is what has created them as a people. That part is definitely true, but the Iroquois tradition is not a tradition of law, exactly. The Iroquois tradition is a tradition of responsible thinking. It is not something written in paragraphs and lines because it doesn’t matter whether the letter of the thing is right. The que...


    Apr 21, 2022

    Continued from last week That people…have however a Piece of Civility peculiar to themselves: for a Man would be accounted very impertinent, if he contradicted anything that was said in their Council, and if he does not approve even the greatest Absurdities therein proposed: and therefore they always answer, Niauoa; that is to say, Thou art in the right, Brother; that is well. Notwithstanding this seeming Approbation, they believe what they please and no more; and therefore ‘tis impossible to know when they are really persuaded of those thi...


    Apr 14, 2022

    Continued from last week THE PRODUCER OF COUNCIL The Council is divided into three parts. The Chiefs of each of the Original Five Nations sit in their own circles, since their decision on any matter must be unanimous as a nation. The Mohawks and Senecas are called the “Elder Brothers”-they are both the largest nations in terms of population, and the nations at either end of the Confederacy’s geographic long-house. Any matter that comes into the Confederacy from outside comes through the Mohawks if it is from the east, and through the Senec...


    Apr 7, 2022

    THE AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ROTIIANESON The events of 1990 in Akwesasne, Kahnawake and Kanesatake added to the debate about “warriors” and “war chiefs”. One side maintains that all the Haudenosaunee have the right as individuals, to defend their communities and assist one another when attacked from outside; the other maintains that the sanction of the Confederacy’s Grand Council is necessary before any warlike activities can be undertaken, and that there is not and has never been a “Warrior Society”. The reality is likely somewh...


    Mar 31, 2022

    Some people interpret the Great Law as authorizing the spread of Peace through aggressive actions and war. Others point to the Tree of Peace as the symbol of the Confederacy, and to the fact that the weapons of war were cast into a deen pit under the Tree, never to be seen again. The historical record contains both war and peace: accounts of long and bloody battles and torture contrast vividly with councils in which weapons of war are put away and words of peace are expressed with dignity and hope. The debate over whether war was an acceptable...


    Mar 24, 2022

    A Continuation of the Great Law of Peace THE EQUALITY OF THE NATIONS Brother It is normal for us to wish to preserve our ancient customs and to walk in the paths of our forefathers… We consider each nation alike respectable and although we are the fore holders and appointed to speak for the whole, yet we do not consider ourselves any better than the rest in point of power and respectability. (National Archives of Canada, Portfolio of Upper Canada, 1826. 214; Reply of Great Britain, Cayuga Arbitration, Vol. II) The fact that each nation r...


    Mar 10, 2022

    A continuation of the Great Law of Peace Continued from last week The equality of the Rotiianeson: The Peacemaker, with the people who were working for peace, created a council for the Confederacy. In the Council, each clan of each nation is represented. In that way, every person within the circle of the Law knows who is his or her representative. Within the Council, no member is considered to have any greater power than any other. The Rotiianeson are equals. Since there is no voting, and a consensus is required, the influence of the...


    Mar 3, 2022

    The message of the Kayanerekowa has three parts: the Good Word, Peace and Power- Kaiwiio, Skenen, Gashadenshaa. ‘Good Message’, this is what it means: People respect each other as though they are one person; also everybody is related among the various nations, so that now they will stop the sins and activities of evil people; now everyone will repent, the old people and young people; now everyone will repent one another among all of the nations; and just this is what will operate again, the good, and that is what the ‘Good message’ means....


    Feb 24, 2022

    GREAT FEATHER DANCE During most ceremonies in the Longhouse, the sacred rite of Ohstenwa'Ko:wa, "The Dance of the Great Feather Headdress", is performed. The name of the dance refers to the feathers used in the headdresses of the Hotinonhshion:ni, representing the peace that the dance symbolizes. This rite is usually performed soon after sunrise, and concludes before high noon. Ceremonial dress is worn as a sign of respect to The Creator, and the men wear Kahstowahs (feather headdresses). The...


    Feb 17, 2022

    The Fatherless Boy In the old days, in a native village, twelve male babies were born the same night. Eleven had fathers and one was fatherless. His mother was a pure woman. When the mothers of the eleven infant boys who had fathers were able to be about, they wished to visit the mother of the fatherless boy. One day, they took their sons and went to the home of the twelfth boy. They all arrived at the same time, as though having previous arranged the meeting. The eleven mothers took their sons to see the fatherless boy frequently and,...

  • Native American Code of Ethics

    Feb 10, 2022

    Author Unknown Reprint from 2008 Originally submitted by Tom Porter Rise with our Elder Brother, the Sun. Pray often. The Creator will listen if you only speak. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. Treat the guest in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best f...

  • A Visit by Our Grandfathers – The Thunderers

    Feb 3, 2022

    Submitted by NNATC I will tell you this story as it really happened, just the way I remember it. I truly believe that it was our Grandfathers who came to visit us on June 22, 1970. It was on a very beautiful day. At noon, I was helping my wife wash dishes. We were standing side by side, both facing the kitchen window. Suddenly, we noticed it got even brighter, which surprised us both. It was beautiful to see, a few raindrops fell as if it were starting to rain. There was no sound but in came a light (beam, ray) with as many beautiful different...


    Jan 27, 2022

    Continued from last week Now the young man who was given the name of Ronikonhrowa:nen had to cross over the river where many other families had set up their campfires. The people on the other side of the river had anxiously been waiting for him to arrive. Ro’nikonhrowa:nen gathered all the people on that side of the river and explained to them what he expected them to do. He told the people that they should be very observant of anything that seemed unusual, especially in the early morning hours of the day. He specifically told the women, who w...


    Jan 20, 2022

    Originally submitted by NNATC Many thousands of years ago the population of the humans on the earth was very small. As years passed it increased considerably. Along with this increase many problems began to occur. Many new villages were created and families grew further apart. There was a time when first cousins were considered like brother and sister, but now first cousins had become like strangers. The respect and love family members had for one another diminished, causing social problems in all the villages. With the larger population the nu...


    Jan 13, 2022

    Reprinted from Kakhwakon Cookbook Recipes, sponsored by Mohawk Indian Housing Corporation A BRIEF HISTORY OF CORN Ancient corn was began by Native Americans who developed the founding species. Two plants were grafted together. One plant was a grass for the stem and leaves and the other of another origin for the ears. It is believed this took place in Central America developing over a 2,500-year period to bring corn to its recognizable stages, as we know it today. It is a tropical variety known strictly as a warm weather crop and must be grown...


    Jan 6, 2022

    We direct our attention to the Life Forces on Mother Earth: to the waters, which quenches our thirst and provide for the well-being and the strength of plant life; to the animals, who provide us with food, clothing, shelter and beauty; to the trees of all shapes and sizes, who provide us with shelter and fruits of many varieties; to the medicine plants, who are carrying on the Creator’s instructions to cure disease and sickness. We give our thanksgiving to all of these life forces who have continued to follow the Creator’s instructions. For...


    Dec 16, 2021

    Reprinted from WORDS THAT COME BEFORE ALL ELSE Environmental Philosophies of the Haudenosaunee Task Force By Les Benedict Continued from last week SECTION II: WHY THE FOUR WINDS ARE HAVING TROUBLE This time success will require that we heal the divisions among us. The first and most important task for developed countries is to hear the immediate needs of the developing world. The United States had listened and we have learned. We understand that your first priority is to lift your citizens from the poverty so many endure and to build strong...


    Dec 9, 2021

    Reprinted from WORDS THAT COME BEFORE ALL ELSE Environmental Philosophies of the Haudenosaunee Task Force By Les Benedict Continued from last week SECTION II: WHY THE FOUR WINDS ARE HAVING TROUBLE The four winds are in trouble because human kind has lost respect for the power of the Four Winds and forgotten their importance to all life. The standard of living that is expected by the industrial societies and their associated material goods have been traded for clean unpolluted air. In trade for refreshing breaths are toxic materials which are...


    Dec 2, 2021

    Reprinted from WORDS THAT COME BEFORE ALL ELSE Environmental Philosophies of the Haudenosaunee Task Force By Les Benedict Continued from last week Culturally The cultural significance of the Four Winds is exemplified in Hutchens description of the natural history of the Hermit thrush. When humans breathe, the oxygen is massed into tiny lung sacs called alveoli. The thin walls of the alveoli allow oxygen to pass through and enter the blood stream. In birds, oxygen gets two passes through the lungs. Inhale air first goes through the lungs and...


    Nov 18, 2021

    Reprinted from WORDS THAT COME BEFORE ALL ELSE Environmental Philosophies of the Haudenosaunee Task Force By Les Benedict Continued from last week Air Pollution Lead, for example, was used for decades in paints that were applied during industrial, commercial, and residential uses. Lead additives were also used in gasolines to enhance combustion. However, the indiscriminate use of lead-based materials led to significant air emissions and deposition onto soil, which children came into contact with. Absorption or ingestion of lead by children was...


    Nov 10, 2021

    Reprinted from WORDS THAT COME BEFORE ALL ELSE Environmental Philosophies of the Haudenosaunee Task Force By Les Benedict The Four Winds carry with them another life essential, water. Water in the form of vapor, which falls as rain, snow, or ice pellets. The moisture held in the wind would not be released if it were not for several factors, including temperature difference between two different air masses. Essential to the precipitation process are: a nucleus or dust particle, for the water drop to condense on; and the dew point or the...

  • Environmental Philosophies of the Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force

    Nov 4, 2021

    Reprinted from WORDS THAT COME BEFORE ALL ELSE by Les Benedict The Four Winds: We are all thankful to the powers we know as the Four Winds. We hear their voices in the moving air as they refresh us and purify the air we breathe. They help to bring the change of the seasons. From the four directions they come, bringing us messages and giving us strength. With one mind, we send our greetings and thanks to the Four Winds. Section 1: The importance of the Four Winds to the Haudenosaunee Scientifical...


    Oct 14, 2021

    Submitted by Doug - Kanentiio George The longhouse is divided into two sections: those who are grieving (family, friends, clan) sit to the north while those who are responding (the other clans) are seated to the south with the body of the deceased in the center. The body is carried into the longhouse from the east (men’s entrance) with the feet placed to the west (women’s entrance) from which it will leave. The speakers for the event are selected from the healing clan with a responder chosen from the mourning clan. The pallbearers, all fro...


    Oct 7, 2021

    From the Legends of the Iroquois, by Tehanetorens (Ray Fadden) In olden times when a Mohawk boy had reached the age of 14 winters (years), it was customary for him to make a journey, accompanied by his father, to some sacred place back up in the mountains. There, after receiving instructions from his father, the youth would remain alone for at least four days. During these four or more days, the Mohawk boy would perform a ceremony known as the Dream Fast. This Dream Fast was very important to the Indian boy of long ago. To be successful in the...

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