A Voice from the Eastern Door


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  • Midwinter Ceremonies

    Dec 19, 2024

    The Midwinter Ceremonies are set to take place at the Mohawk Nation Longhouse on 5 sleeps after the new moon. Before then, the Big Heads (Rotinontsistowanon) will be bundled by the Chiefs, Clanmothers and Faithkeepers. The Big Heads will be instructed to travel about the community and bring medicine into the homes. The Big Heads will sing their song into your home and tell how they have been given the duty by their leadership to take your work away from you so that you can focus your attention on the ceremonies that will happen. The Big Heads w...

  • Legends of Our Nation

    Dec 12, 2024

    Continued from last week. The Coyote’s proposal seemed sensible enough. A little too pat, the Great Shaman said to himself; but think as he might, he could find no objection. Even the most doubting among them approved of the idea. The coyote was smiling friendly. If only they knew. In the meantime, the Indians had run off to fetch their bows and arrows, bringing as many as they could carry. Then the best marksmen prepared to shoot. Whizz, the first arrow whistled over their heads and pierced a low cloud. It was immediately followed by a...

  • Iowí:sare

    Dec 12, 2024

    1. Akohserà:ke nikahá:wi niwakenhnhò:ten Winter time season 2. Iowí:sare It is icy 3. Wa'kawisáhrho It did get icy 4. Sakawisáhrho It did get icy again 5. Enkawisáhrho It will be icy 6. Enskawisáhrho It will be icy again 7. Teiao'tsískwa It is slippery 8. Thetén:re teiao'tsiskwahtòn:ne Yesterday it was slippery 9. Thetén:re akenekota'kéhshon teiao'tsikwahtòn:ne Yesterday my steps were slippery 10. Thetén:re akwahskwen'nà:ke teiao'tsikwahtòn:ne Yesterday my porch was slippery 11. Owisóskon It...

  • Tsi Nikahá:wi Tetewatenonhwará:tons

    Dec 5, 2024

    1. Kénh nikahá:wi teiethinonhwará:tons At this time, we give thanks 2. Tsi kiónhnhekie ne onhwentsià:ke For our life on earth 3. Tekatenonhwará:tons tsi konhnhékie I am thankful for my life 4. Tekatenonhwará:tons tsi wakata'karí:te I am thankful to be healthy 5. Tekatenonhwará:tons ne akhwá:tsire I am thankful for my family 6. Tekatenonhwará:tons tsi wakaterò:shen I am thankful for my friends 7. Tekatenonhwará:tons tsi skén:nen í:ken I am thankful for peace 8. Tekatenonhwará:...

  • Legends of Our Nation

    Dec 5, 2024

    Continued from last week. The Indians & Death In those days long ago neither the Indians or the animals were subject to death. They all lived for- ever, and there was yet enough room for everyone. Only the coyote, disappointed grumbler that he was, went about grousing: “Why do we have to be squashed here like this?” If only the old were to die, we’d be far better off.” And he ran all over the prairie, shouting so loudly that he could be heard in both forest and desert. But no one paid any heed to his talk, for it was well-know that the coyote...

  • Legends of Our Nation

    Nov 28, 2024

    Continued from last week. Much sleep had passed in the lost valley, many times had Wahu watched the migrating flocks of geese and listened to the thundering hooves of the vast bison herds. Merciless time had carried everything away on its wings. All that was left were the long shadows slowly settling on the silent countryside. Only they understood the old Indian and it was with them that he talked to every evening before the stars came out above the camp. One evening, when the shadows were longest, they brought him a message from the Great...

  • Legends of Our Nation

    Nov 21, 2024

    Continued from last week. The old man sat on the floor of his wigwam, gloating over the large heaps of glittering wampum. “My lovely shells, my beautiful shells,” his bloodless lips murmured, “there are still so few of you.” He was so engrossed that he failed to notice that a snowstorm had broken outside. It was only when the wind leaned violently against the walls of the wigwam that the old man sat up. “What’s happening?” he whispered, seized by a feeling of dread. There came a clap of thunder. The greedy old man ran outside, and there he...

  • Legends of Our Nation

    Nov 14, 2024

    Continued from last week. The Story of Niagara As far back as people can remember, the waters of the Niagara have been falling into the deep gorge, its thundering stream swallowing up everything it manages to catch hold of. And yet the Indians know Niagara – who hear the rumble of the waterfall on their long voyages, by the fire, as well as in their sleep – are not frightened of the Niagara. That is so because they know this story. There once lived a beautiful maiden in an Indian camp. Many good, brave, and daring young men tried to woo her...

  • Legends of Our Nation

    Nov 7, 2024

    Continued from last week Upon reaching the hill, they were led to a lodge in which a woman was cooking a meal, she asked the children to sit down on the logs near the fire. “How is it that you have strayed so far from home,” she asked the strange children. Kaikaik (meaning Hawk) the eldest grandchild told them of their unlucky hunting and fishing trips which took them further and further away from home. As, Kaikaik finished the story, the lady squawked, “You have just come in time,” she gave them bowls and squawked again, “eat all you want....

  • Wa'akwanenhstaienthó:ko

    Nov 7, 2024

    1. Kenténha nikahá:wi In October 2. Ne MCA Onhwentsia'ón:we Shakotitsièn:tha tsi nahò:ten ratíhsere The MCA Land-Based Healing program 3. Tánon ne SRMT Tsi Ratiienhnthóhtha tsi nahò:ten ratíhsere And the SRMT Agriculture program 4. Wahatinenhstaienhnthó:ko They harvested corn 5. Wa'akwanénhstako We did pick corn 6. Ókia'ke athé:rakon iontkéhtats wa'hatinenhstá:ta'a Some put the corn in a pack basket 7. Kaià:rakon wa'akwanenhstá:ta'a ò:ni We also put the corn in a bag 8. Óh nà:ken ne ka'sereht...

  • Legends of Our Nation

    Oct 31, 2024

    The Grandchildren Far from any village lived Zhingwauk (meaning Pine) and his grandchildren. Through the deaths of his wife and the children’s parents, Zhingwauk had to raise the children. Throughout the years, Zhingwauk taught his grandchildren how to survive. During the many evenings he taught them how to speak their language, to pray and through legends the children learned the good and evil. Of all the things Zhingwauk did for the children the most important was the love he gave each child. As time passed, the children forgot their s...

  • Teietsinarèn:tonte

    Oct 31, 2024

    1. Ken'nithoión:ha Onkwehón:we nihaia'tò:ten He is a young Native man 2. Raonweskwaníhahkwe ahréhshon átste He used to enjoy roaming about outside 3. Ne iotahsontatíhen In the middle of the night 4. Ki wahsontá:tehkwe This one night 5. Io'karahtsheriióhne It was a nice evening 6. Ónhka'k thonontaiakawenonhákie Someone is coming towards him 7. Tsi ákta wá:on'we As she came closer 8. Wahshakó:ken tsi ken'nikiakoión:ha He saw a young woman 9. Wa'è:ron,"hánio tekiate'khahahkwà:na" She said, "come on...

  • Legends of Our Nation

    Oct 24, 2024

    Our Parents Story “Why Indians Must Speak Their Native Language” This is a story about a man and a woman who were married and how they learned of a message from the Creator on how we are to raise our children. This man and woman wanted very much to be blessed with a child. They were poor, but they knew that a child would bring them much happiness. Finally, after eight long years, the woman happily announced to her husband that she was going to have a child. This brought them much joy. When the great day arrived, a baby girl was born. The mot...

  • Legends of Our Nations

    Oct 17, 2024

    Wesakaychak and the Geese One day as Wesakaychak was sitting by a lake watching some geese frolicking in the sun, he thought to himself, “My, they move with such grace and speed. Why should they alone enjoy the power of flight? I am sure man is also worthy of this gift.” He decided to speak to the geese and discuss it with them. He walked to the lakeside and called to them, but they knew Wesakaychak. He was always up to something and so they did not trust him. After a great deal of persuasive talk on the part of Wesakaychak, the head gander cam...

  • Legends of Our Nations

    Oct 10, 2024

    The Little Bird’s Arrow Wesakaychak was a harmful person who had the power to change into any form to accomplish his use. To prove his intelligence, he often found himself in trouble. His main purpose was to set things right in the world, but he did things to fulfill his satisfaction. Wesakaychak called everyone his brother and sister and was able to communicate with the plants and animals. He never found one place to call home because he was always travelling around the world. Wesakaychak was always hungry, and through his dishonest ways a...

  • Wa'akwaién:tho ne Iokháhon

    Oct 10, 2024

    1. Shiwentákta Last Saturday 2. Tsionkwanatí:io nón:we wa'akwakia'tarò:roke Ón:kwe held a workshop at Tsionkwanatí:io 3. Wa'akwaiéntho ne iokháhon We planted garlic 4. Iokhahon'kó:wa A big garlic 5. Kara'kenhtsheróhskon niwahsokò:ten It is all white 6. Iohní:ron ne aorón:ta (ioniarahní:ron) It has a hard stem (hard neck) 7. John Bonaparte tánon Bob Washo wa'onkhirihónnien John Bonaparte and Bob Washo taught us 8. Bob iokháhon roienthón:ne ne iokháhon Ohiarihkó:wa niwenhni'tò:ten nik...

  • Hánio Kanienkéha Tsitewatá:ti

    Oct 3, 2024

    1. Ronwaia'tanentaktónhne 27 tewáhsen tsiá:ta shiská:rahkwe ne Seskehkó:wa Friday, the date was the 27th of September 2. Sahonwatiia'tahní:rate They strengthen it again 3. Ne ratitsiénhaiens tanon Akwiratékha The Councilors and Grand Chief Leonard Lazore 4. Kanenhrowanen:ne Wa'thonwatirenhsaron A big crowd praised them 5. Oié:ri Nikón:ti ne konnón:kwe wa'kontáweia'te 10 women got in 6. Áhsen nihá:ti ne ronnón:kwe wahontáweia'te 3 men got in 7. Akwé:kon ronatonhnháhere...

  • Legends of our Nation

    Oct 3, 2024

    The Prophecy of The Great White Serpent The Prophecy of the Great White Serpent is known by many Indian nations. This happened a long time ago. Two young warriors who were recognized by their village as being great hunters, decided to go east towards the rising sun in search of bigger game. They hunted until they came across a great body of water. They noticed that the water was different – it was salty. They also noticed something lying on a log, drifting towards them. Something strange, never seen by these hunters before. They began to a...

  • Legends of our Nation

    Sep 26, 2024

    Continued from last week. The Very Angry Ghost Young men never know how to behave themselves. They should learn good manners from their elders, but they seldom do. One day, long ago an old warrior who had counted many coups in his days took three young braves with him on a raid to steal horses from the Pawnees, ancient enemies of the Sioux. “Stealing Horses” – this is what the white man called it. But it was really a sport practiced by all the Plains tribes. To creep into an enemy village quietly, unseen, and to make off with their herd right...

  • Kanenna'kè:ne Ronterihwahtenkià:thahkwe

    Sep 26, 2024

    1. Iakhihshtha'okòn:'a nia'té:kon ronterihwahtenkià:thahkwe Our grandparent did a lot of activities 2. Rotihehtowanén:ne They had big gardens 3. Ká:ne enkanenna:ke'ne enthontáhsawen enhatitenhnthó:ko ne rotiienthóhseron As soon as it turns fall they harvest their crops 4. Thatihnenna'tóhkwate They pick potatoes 5. Ókia'ke óksak kaiá:rakon enhonnéta'a tsi enhonthnenna'tateweièn:ton They store potatoes 6. Ókia'ke ohontsió:kon enhati'nerohkón:ni Some make a box 7. Enhon'kenhráta'a...

  • Legends of Our Nations

    Sep 19, 2024

    Continued from last week. Zoong-dae-ae felt confident he would do well because he knew the area. Also, his father had prepared his bow and arrows, told him where to go, what for and what to do. With this help and encouragement, Zoong-dae-ae left his parent’s lodge and village. As evening came, Zoong-dae-ae returned to the village with four partridges and four rabbits. Never before had he done so well. Zoong-da-ae was sure his father would be pleased and was certain no other boy would bring back as much game. He said a prayer of thanksgiving t...

  • Sahiateweien'tón:nion Ne Teiohiakháhon!

    Sep 19, 2024

    1. Sahióhare ne teiohiakháhon! Wash the tomato! 2. Skahréhkiak ne teiohiakháhon! Pluck the stems off the tomatoes! 3. Saté:kat ne karistátsi! Light the stove! 4. Karistà:ke ne kana'tsiowá:nen ! Put the big pot on the stove! 5. Tehshnekónkieht! Boil the water! 6. Kana'tsiowá:nen séta ne teiohiakháhon! Put the tomatoes in a big pot! 7. Sá:io ne teiohiakháhon 1 mínut ! Boil the tomatoes 1 minutes ! 8. Sewístot ne teiohiakháhon! Cool the tomatoes in ice! 9. Sera'wistótshi ne teiohiakháhon! Pe...

  • Legends of Our Nations

    Sep 12, 2024

    Printed by North American Travelling College The Robin Many years after the marriage of Pigaigun (Rib) and his wife Waubenoqua (Women of the Dawn), a son was born to them. They named him Zoong-dae-ae (Strong Hearted). The birth of their son made the parents extremely happy and grateful. Pigaigun wanted his son to be a great warrior, hunter and outstanding to all the people. To be successful in these ideals, Pigaigun planned to teach his son courage, strength, endurance and the skills of hunting and fishing. The training began as soon as...

  • Clanology

    Sep 5, 2024

    Continued from last week. The next morning the old Bear Clan woman woke to find the old man in severe pain. The Bear Clan woman felt so sorry for the old man and asked what she could do to help him be more comfortable. He told the old woman that in the forest where the hardwood trees grow there are patches of medicine plants. He described exactly what they looked like and gave the old lady sacred tobacco to offer to the leader of the medicine patch. He told her how to wash the medicine, how many roots, how much water to use, how long and how ho...

  • Wa'tkanon'onserahio'tsistáhrho

    Sep 5, 2024

    1. Tekenon'onhserahio'tsistáhrhos I am pickling cucumbers 2. Enkonrihónnien tsi niieiéhrha I will teach you how it is done 3. Senon'onhseróhare ne tíkokon! Wash the cucumbers! 4. Skwe'tarón:ko ne iohiátkens! Take out the bad spots! 5. Tesanon'onhserón:ko ne tíkokon! Slice the cucumbers! 6. Sera'wistótshi tanon tese'nionkserakenserón:ko! Peel and slice the onion! 7. Kowá:nen katshè:takon séta ne o'niónkseri tánon tíkokon! Place the onions and cucumbers in a big container! 8. Kiohìo:tsis è:ne...

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