A Voice from the Eastern Door
Sorted by date Results 9149 - 9173 of 9733
Parents can stop by the school and pick up an application any time Monday to Friday 9:00am to 3:30pm. Students must be 4 years of age by December 31st 2012. • Receiving day for new and returning students has been tentatively scheduled for July 23rd, 2012. Parents Must: • Have a willingness to learn Kanien’ke:ha and encourage it at home. • Attend a New Parent Orientation. • Participate in fundraising events, and attend parent, and chosen committee meetings. • Support and encourage the Mission of the Akwesasne Freedom School. “Through ou...
Something is waiting for many children this summer, and their parents don’t even know it’s out there. It’s called the Summer Slide and it describes what happens when young minds sit idle for a few months. As summer quickly approaches, AMBE administrative staff, along with college/university students working for the summer, will be developing a summer reading challenge to prevent the Summer Slide. The students will be working with your children to keep them motivated and will offer rewards for their efforts to continue reading throughout the s...
There’s no time like the present, the fact is, the more you understand about your pregnancy, labor and birth, the more prepared you will be when your baby is ready! Circles will be held every Thursday in July, at the Kanonhkwatsheri:io Health Facility in the Bear Room, from 2 to 4pm. Please call the Community Health nurses office to speak with Joyce Leaf or leave a message @ 575-2341 ext # 3234 to reserve your seats, and don’t forget to bring your labor support person! A light snack and refreshments will be served....
To those who have received offence tickets from the Akwesasne Mohawk Police returnable for: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Should you wish to dispute a ticket and access legal advice, at no cost, please arrive at 5:30 pm. Court begins promptly at 6:00 pm Where a ticket is unchallenged, to avoid court costs of $25.00, it is advisable to pay any fine prior to the court date listed on the ticket. Payment (cash, cheque, money order) can be made at the following locations: Akwesasne Mohawk Court Administration, CIA # 3, 101 Tewesateni Road, Kawenoke...
Are you a mom of an infant or toddler? If so, are you looking for a chance to exercise, stay healthy, and connect with other moms in the community? THEN STROLLER FITNESS+ IS FOR YOU!! WHO: Mothers and their infants/toddlers. Mothers must be at least 8 weeks post-delivery (otherwise a Physicians note is needed) WHAT: An outdoor class for moms and babies. The + is the nutritious snacks and healthy eating tips for Mom and Baby. WHEN: 5 Weeks starting July 3rd to August 2nd, classes are offered 3 times each week. Tuesday 10:00 a.m.-11:340 a.m. Wedn...
The Pyke Memorial Scholarship was started in the 1980’s and has continued to offer students monies to help further their education. The winners were not based solely on grades alone but on other things as well. The winners of the scholarship for the 2012 year are as follows: Teesha Mitchell who was accepted to go to Plattsburgh State for Nursing. Emma Phillips who was accepted into St. Lawrence University and is interested in Environmental Studies. Matteshia Laffin who was accepted into SUNY Canton and is interested in Physical Therapy. K...
‘Ie thi ha hon:nien – We make the road for them.” Our motto encompasses our vision and mandate of providing our children with the highest quality education possible and “building a road for them” that will lead to success. New Students Need: AMBE Post-Secondary Application Membership Confirmation Letter Photocopy of High School Diploma Essay Institution Acceptance letter Tuition charges if attending a Canadian institution, or a completed Financial Aid Form if attending an American institution Fall 2012 time table/schedule of classes Continuin...
6 WEEK PROGRAM STARTING DATE JULY 9th TO AUGUST 17th TIME 9:00am to 3:00pm LIMIT 30 CHILDREN AGES 6 TO 12 YEARS REGISTRATION FEE $100.00 PER CHILD HOT LUNCH $2.00 PER DAY REGISTRATION DEADLINE JULY 6th KAWEHNOKE RECREATION CENTER This program is geared towards the Thanksgiving Address Ohenten Kariwatekwen We will be implementing the Mohawk language, culture and song and dance Many cultural speakers and presentations Cultural activities and workshops For more information please call: 613-933-6794...
There will NOT be an election held for the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education on Saturday June 30, 2012, due to the fact that both candidates will be acclaimed into the positions. Laura Morris will be acclaimed into the 3 year position on Kawehno:ke. Andrew Francis declined his nomination for Kawehno:ke. Darlene Adams will be acclaimed into the 1 year position in Tsi Snaihne. Tracy Jacobs declined her nomination for Tsi Snaihne. Leona Benedict Chief Electoral Officer...
Free Admission This Coming Saturday & Sunday JUNE 30 & JULY 1 Activities begin at 10am Movies start at Dusk Where: GENERATIONS PARK – RT. 37 AKWESASNE (HOGANSBURG) Weather Permitting @ Dusk Limited Prizes-Early Arrivals Entertainment & Refreshments – Vendors Welcome – CALL: 1-866-660-5116 or 518-358-9942 / 2947 518-358-9517 Upcoming dates for other “Movies under the stars” July 28 & 29, 2012 Please know we are not affiliated with the July 7th “Movie under the Stars...
RESOLUTION #2000/2001 #389 STATES THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A) Prior to turning a debt over to a collection agency, the community is duly informed at least 31 days in advance, by way of public notice of the outstanding account. A name list is published, identifying the debtors affected. A Mohawk Council of Akwesasne contact name and telephone number is identified to allow debtors to make inquiries to pay their debt or arrange payment plans. B) The Mohawk Council Housing Department, 613-575-2250 extension 2302, has issued final notices to the...
This summer, NCCM presents a traveling Museum Without Walls entitled Robot Zone, teaching children about environmental sustainability and other scientific concepts through programming and manipulating robots with Dr. Jim Carroll from Clarkson University. Robot Zone Exhibit Schedule: Sunday, July 1st Norwood, Norwood Village Green Children’s Festival 5:00pm-9:00pm Saturday, July 14th Potsdam, Potsdam Summer Festival 9:00am-5:00pm Wednesday, July 18th Canton, St. Lawrence University Constructivist Teacher Conference 12:00pm- 2:00pm Saturday, J...
The Salmon River CSD announces its participation in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Meals will be provided to all children 18 years and under without charge. Acceptance and participation requirements for the program and all activities are the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Persons interested in receiving more information should contact: Salmon River CSD, 637 County Rt 1 Fort Covington, NY 12937-9722 Any person who...
LOT # 18 BLOCK C HAMILTON ISLAND Three bedroom cottage. It included furnishings, refrigerator, stove and curtains. It has an open porch with beautiful views of the Adirondack Mountains. There is also a detached garage and a large cement patio located next to the river. This is a leased lot with a current annual rent of $3,560.00** for the period of July1, 2012 to June 30, 2015. The lease is for a fifteen year term effective July 1, 2009. There are rent reviews conducted every three years during the term of the lease, with one due to be...
Fri. June 22nd Dr. Forson-by Appt. 9:00-11:30 Sat. June 23rd Dr. Forson-Walk-In 8:30-11:30 Mon. June 25th Dr. Forson-Walk-In 8:30-11:30 Tues. June 26th Dr. Forson-by Appt. 9:00-11:00 Wed. June 27th No Doctor Thurs. June 28th No Doctor...
Fri. June 22nd No Doctor Mon. June 25th Dr. Tremblay-Walk-In 8:00-11:00 Tues. June 26th No Doctor Wed. June 27th No Doctor Thurs. June 28th No Doctor...
Update by Travel Quest for the Rome trip for Kateri Canonization Meeting on Sunday, June 24, 2012 1:00 pm at Kateri Hall Contact Matt Rourke at 518-521-7277 with any questions...
Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 12:00pm-3:00pm Generations Park Parents MUST attend with their child! ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Food, Dr. Seuss Characters, Stories, Craft activity, Tattoos FREE EVENT Sponsored by: The Akwesasne Coalition for Community Empowerment St. Regis Mohawk Tribe DSS Foster Care Akwesasne Child & Family Services Foster Care *Come dressed as your favorite Dr. Seuss character* *Prize for “Best Dressed Family* *Door Prize Drawing*...
(Akwesasne, June, 2012) If you have questions about: • Old Age Security (OAS) Pension, • Canada Pension, • Social Insurance, • Employment Insurance, • Services for Children &Youth and other government Programs, One Service Canada Representative is available on the second Tuesday of each month at the Cornwall Island Administration Building #3 (CIA#3) from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to answer your questions. Please go directly to the CIA#3 for services. They are also available on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Village of St. Regis at the Ak...
ALL PERSON having claims against the estate of Sarah Mitchell of the Mohawks of Akwesasne Indian Reserve who died April 5, 2012 are notified to send full particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or before August 10, 2012 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to claims then received. Dated this 15th day of June, 2012. Phillip Mitchell Executor/Administrator 2091 River Rd, Akwesasne, Que 613-551-7548...
Akwesasne Territory— The Tribe’s Environment Division has free firewood cut into varying lengths for the community. They may pick it up during the operating hours of the transfer station which are from 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., Wetentawén’kie’/Monday through Wentákta’/Saturday. First come, first serve. Anyone with questions may contact Setanta O’Ceillaigh, Forestry Resources, 518-358-5937 or ask the Scale House Attendant at the Transfer Station, 518-358-4632....
Benefit for Kanatsiohareke FRIDAY, JUNE 22nd at Mohawk Nation Longhouse $10 Dinner includes Taco, Dessert & Drink Delivery on 5 or more orders Call 315-705-7489...