A Voice from the Eastern Door
Sorted by date Results 8233 - 8257 of 9733
For baby George Jacobs to travel to Montreal for kidney transplant Kateri Hall Friday April 26, 2013 11:00am until all is sold $10.00 each for dinner & pies Dinner includes spaghetti, salad, roll, dessert & water PIES: apple, meat, chocolate, pumpkin, banana cream, coconut cream and many more! Call for pick-up or delivery of 5 or more orders @ 518-296-8215 or 518-358-2931...
Akwesasne Territory – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Water Department will be performing spring hydrant flushing starting April 29, 2013 through May 30, 2013. The weekly schedule is as follows: Week 1-- Waterplant Road to St. Regis Road, including all side roads, including White Road and Christine Lane. Week 2 – Frogtown Road to Rooseveltown Road, beginning at Raquette Point. Week 3 – Raquette Point to Akwesasne Mohawk Casino. Week 4-- Route 37, Tarbell Road, Cook Road and Drum Street. Please be advised that during hydrant flushing, residen...
Please call 613 575-2341 ext 3115 When calling be sure to update your file information. New clients procedure is to book a appointment for an assessment then you’ll be placed with the next available Seer/Healer upon availability. * Remember Onkwehonwe way is to bring a tobacco offering....
April 29th to June 5th - Mondays and Wednesdays 5:30 to 8:30 pm $20. US Limit 10 students. Call 358-2461 to register - you may leave a message on the museum voice mail if it is after business hours. Bring a sharp knife to the first class. These classes are made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts....
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne through the Department of Technical Services has recently completed negotiations for a new Five Year Contract for the ‘Curb Side Pick –up’ of all household domestic waste materials, with D&R DISPOSAL SERVICES of Kawehnoke. The current contract is effective April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2018, some of the highlights to point out for the new contract are; All domestic waste generated at home is covered under this process, including furniture, mattresses, light construction debris. This contract does not include house...
The Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, St. Regis Church Mission and Hogansburg Akwesasne Fire Department are having a cash raffle for May 27, 2013 Memorial Day. The prizes are as follows: 1st- $10,000.00 2nd-$5,000.00 3rd thru 12th - $1,000.00 Tickets are $25.00 per ticket or a book of 5 for $100.00. The community organizations need your support and you can purchase your ticket at the American Legion Post 1479 or at J&J Insurance in Hogansburg. Thank You...
The Office of Vital Statistics would like to inform the community that they are currently out of status cards. They hope to have their new supply by Monday. An announcement will be made when new cards arrive and community members can once again visit OVS for status cards. We apologize for this inconvenience....
Who: Families with pre-crawling babies Why: Each class will focus on a different part of your infant and teach techniques that may help improve sleep patterns, relieve physical discomforts such as gas, colic & reflux, increase infant brain development & promote bonding & attachment What to bring: baby blanket, extra diapers. To register: call Pamela at 613.575.2341 ext. 3238 Brought to you by Community Health, funded by MCYS/AHWS. Dates Time Place Tuesday, May 7, 2013 10-11 am Kanonkwatsheriio Turle room Friday, May 10, 2013 10-11 am...
This is to inform the community that Sarah Whitebean has applied for Akwesasne Membership under the Akwesasne Membership Code and for a Residency Permit. Community Members have until Friday, May 3, 2013 to indicate whether they wish to make submissions regarding the above individual by contacting the Office of Vital Statistics. At the Akwesasne Membership Board’s meeting of April 11, the Board granted a one year Residency Permit to Filfred Tahy. The Board granted Full Akwesasne Membership to Tihanna Benedict, Kobe Cook, Dayna Green and T...
Issued by the Tribal Clerk of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe April 23, 2013 The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council announces a referendum on the following question: “DO YOU SUPPORT THE SAINT REGIS MOHAWK TRIBE’S COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER PROJECT?” Referendum to be held in conjunction with the Tribal Election scheduled for June 1, 2013. Voting to take place at the Tribal Community Building, between the hours of 9a.m. to 5p.m. Public Meetings to present the Referendum Question will be held on May 13, 20, and 29th at the Tribal Community Build...
Issued by the Tribal Clerk of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe April 23, 2013 The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council, working in conjunction with the Governance Committee, puts forth the Final Draft of Amendments to the Tribal Council Procedures Act of 1994. The Amendment shall be called the “SAINT REGIS MOHAWK TRIBE TRIBAL PROCEDURES ACT.” The Amendments have resulted from input from the Tribe’s Governance Committee, involving many community members over the past several years, input from community members through public meetings held on February 1...
Fri. April 19th Dr. Forson-by appt. 9:00-11:30 Sat. April 20th Dr. Forson-Walk-In 8:30-11:30 Mon. April 22nd Dr. Forson-Walk-In 9:00-11:30 Tues. April 23rd Dr. Forson-by appt. 9:00-11:00 Wed. April 24th Lab 8:30-10:00 Thurs. April 25th No Doctor Please note: Dr. Forson’s, Friday April 26th and Saturday April 27th clinics have been cancelled; Dr. Forson will be back on Monday April 29th for a walk-in from 8:00-11:00am. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. Any questions please call 613-575-2341 ext. 3214....
Fri. April 19th Dr. Udoeyop-Women’s Clinic-by appt. 10:00-3:00 Sat. April 20th No Clinic Mon. April 22nd Dr. Tremblay-Walk-In 8:00-11:00 Dr. Levac-by appt. 1:00-4:00 Tues. April 23rd Dr. Young-Walk-In 8:30-11:30 Wed. April 24th Dr. Young-Walk-In 8:30-11:30 Joelle Regnier, NP-Walk-In 5:00-8:00pm Thurs. April 25th Joelle Regnier, NP-by appt. 1:00-4:00...
SATURDAY APRIL 27TH, 10AM – 2PM The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police will hold another Drug Take Back Day Saturday April 27 from 10am to 2pm at the Tribal Police Station. Remember, their Medication DropBox is available anytime, but they have these Take Back Days to raise awareness that the public can help prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, or unwanted prescription drugs. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked....
HOLY MASS SCHEDULE •Friday, April 19th – 7:30 a.m. Memorial Mass for Hattie Thompson Requested by Alice King •Saturday, April 20th – 4:00 p.m. For Matthew White, Larry Garrow & Kevin Hemlock Requested by Carol Garrow •Sunday, 21st – 10:00 a.m. First Anniversary Mass for Dorothy Buckshot Requested by the family •Tuesday, April 23rd - 7:00 p.m. For Larry Richard King requested by the family & Ian Seymour, 2nd Anniversary, requested by family •Wednesday, April 24th - 7:30 a.m. For Beatrice Arquette, 7th Anniversary Requested by the family •Thu...
This is the most important time of your life to be healthy and strong Community Health Promotion is hosting FREE Childbirth preparation groups In the Turtle Room At Kanonhkwa’ tsheri:io Groups are on Wednesday’s in February starting on Feb. 13, 2013 until Feb. 27, 2013 From 2 to 4PM Call us.., Joyce is waiting to hear from you @ 613 575 2341 Ext. # 3234 Upcoming Groups and start dates are as follows: April 24, May 8-22, July 10-24, August 14-28, September 11-25, October 9-23, November 13-27...
PO Box 101- Akwesasne, QC H0M 1A0 Or PO Box 1043-Hogansburg, NY 13655 Contact-George Adams-613-575-2871...
At The Brass Horse Friday, April 19, 2013 4 Man Teams Cost: $100 a team at the door $80 to those who Pay and Register in Advance PRIZES 1st- $500 2nd- $200 3rd-$100 Surprise prize for most creative team name Raffle Baskets & 50/50 Doors will open at 6pm to register & fun will start at 7pm sharp To pre- register contact Sarahlee Skidders @ (315)705-5423 now until April 18th, 2013. All proceeds are to help Sarahlee raise money for a Stem Cell treatment in Panama City, Panama this coming June 2013....
April 19th & 20th, 2013 Location: Family Support Building (St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Parking Lot) Registration forms can be picked up from: Melissa Conners-Chamberlain St. Regis Mohawk Mental Health (518) 358-3141 Ext. 160 Melerena Back Prevention Program Akwesasne Business Center (518) 358-2967 Leona Barnes Wholistic Health and Wellness St. Regis (613) 575-2341 Michelle Smoke Akwesasne Justice Dept. St. Regis (613) 575-2250 (Sponsored by Akwesasne Coalition for Community Empowerment)...
Tsi Snaihne April 22nd @ the Homemakers Center Start time 6pm Kana:takon April 22nd @ the Recreation Center Start time 6pm Kawehno:ke April 22nd @ the Recreation Center Start time 6pm Council encourages community members to attend the meetings to receive updates of information. If you have any questions regarding these meetings, please do not hesitate to call the Mohawk Government office at (613) 575-2348....
Saturday, April 20, 2013 at SRMT Office of the Aging-Senior Center 9am – 1pm. Presentations given by Julia Jacobs-SRMT Environment and Karen Carriere-Transitions Cornwall...
April 10, 2013 The Ahkwesahsne Board of Education has requested that a By Election be called. The seat becoming vacant is: DISTRICT OF KAWEHNOKE: REMAINDER OF A THREE YEAR TERM 2012-2015(ending September 2015) Nominations will be held on Saturday April 27, 2013 from the hours of 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. at the following locations: Tri District Elders Lodge on Cornwall Island If a By-Election is needed it will be held on Saturday May 18, 2013. Advance Polls will be held on Tuesday May 14, 2013 by appointment only. The phone number to call for an...
Monday, April 22nd Snye Homemakers-11:00-12:00 Topic: Elder Abuse For: Elders & Community Presenter: Denise Paquette & Jo-Ann Stacey Free Lunch Tuesday April 23rd AMS School (multi-purpose room) 6:00-8:00pm Topic: Dealing with Authority For: Youth and Young Adults Presenter: Akwesasne Community Justice Program Special Guest Speaker- Brett “The Hitman” Hart Wednesday April 24th Tri-district Elders (Cornwall Island)-11:00 to noon Topic: Elder Abuse For: Elders Presenter-Denise Paquette & Jo-Ann Stacey Lunch Served After Also on April 24th St....
BBQ at the American Legion Post 1479 Friday, April 19th starting at 11:00 until all is sold The Ironworkers officer’s of Local 440 Akwesasne would like the support of the people in a benefit chicken BBQ for their re-election bid in office and to fund a bus ride to Utica for elections. We also need new officers in various positions, so we encourage meeting attendance for nominations. Niawen kowa from existing officers, members & new elected officers of Local # 440 Ironworkers. Phone for details: Burt-1-315-223-1477 or Phil 1-...
COMMUNITY HEALTH IS HAVING IMMUNIZATION WEEK FOR CHILDREN AGES 0-18 APRIL 22nd-APRIL 27th 8:30-3:30 Please bring your children’s immunization records or come in & get your child’s vaccine records put on a yellow card Great door prizes! For further details or for more information please call the Community Health Office @ 613-575-2341 ext. 3218...