A Voice from the Eastern Door
Sorted by date Results 2543 - 2567 of 9733
9-Pin No-Tap Bowling Tournament At Lucky Strike Lanes, Malone Friday, March 22nd – 8:30pm Saturday, March 23rd – 2:00pm Sunday, March 24th – 12:00 and 3:00pm Open to any teams - $85.00 per team of 5 Teams = 5 men, 5 women or any mixed ratio Chinese Auction, 50/50, lottery raffle & bake sale Sign up forms can be picked up at Lucky Strike Lanes. Call Tammy Burdash – 518-358-6270 for further information....
Ennisko:wa/March 7, 2019 Kana:takon School 6:00pm 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Council Attendance B. Moment of Silence 2. COUNCIL AGENDA ACCEPTANCE 3. RULES OF ORDER 4. ROLLOW UP: Tsiothohrko:wa/January 31st General Meeting Action Items 5. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION: Cannabis 6. UPDATE: Department of Health Recruitment 7. UPDATE: Bell Canada 8. BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR 9. RESOLUTIONS A. General Meeting Minutes dated Tsiothohrko:wa/January 31st 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. District Meetings, 6:00pm start time Kawehnoke – Ennisko:wa/March 11th – Kawehnoke Rec...
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The next film in the Transition Cornwall+ winter series is perfect for the whole family and a great way to start the March Break. Join us for a very special showing of the much loved, National Film Board classic from 1966 “Paddle to the Sea.” Cornwall Public Library Sunday March 10, 1:30p.m.-3:00pm. The incredible adventure of the tiny, hand-carved canoe along the great lakes and St. Lawrence River is an inspirational and thought-provoking journey as we experience the surprising challenges that arise along this waterway, even from our per...
Children and families are invited to celebrate sugaring as French-Canadian families would have done a century ago at TAUNY’s annual Sugaring Off Party. This popular family-friendly event will take place on Saturday, March 2 from 1:00-3:00pm at The TAUNY Center in Canton. The Sugaring Off Party will include festive activities, crafts, and sweet treats for the whole family! TAUNY’s Sugaring Off Party is open to the public and fun for all ages. There is a suggested donation of $5 for this program. The TAUNY Center is located at 53 Main Str...
March 3 - CANTON: Ms. Conducts Women’s Hockey plays every Sunday at 4:30 at the Canton Pavilion rink; group is looking for more women to join and play; $10 players fee; goalies play for free; membership is open to any woman 21 years old and older; all skill levels welcome; contact them through their Facebook page, Ms. Conducts Hockey – Canton, New York, or my email at [email protected]....
FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2019 - 12:10 PM - Offered for: Nancy Phillips, Memorial Mass, from the Funeral Collection. SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2019 - 4:00 PM - Offered for: Christie Thompson, Memorial Mass, Requested by Toni & Vernie Herne. Lectors: Janine Rourke and Norman Tarbell. SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 - 10:00 AM - Offered for: Colton Hart, Memorial Mass, from the funeral collection. Lectors: CHILDREN’S MASS. TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2019 - 7:00 PM - Offered for: Charlotte Francis, Memorial Mass, from the funeral collection. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2019 - 7:30 AM - A...
The Akwesasne Kahwatsi:re Genealogy & Historical Society is having a meeting on Thursday, February 28, 2019, at 6:30 pm, at the Nation Office on Route 37. Please join us to discuss our upcoming research trip to Montreal. For more information, please contact us via Facebook or email: [email protected]....
The Altar and Rosary Society is sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at the Kateri Hall in Hogansburg from 8a.m. to 1p.m. There will be pancakes and sausage, eggs, fruit and juice for $10.00. Eat in or take out....
TSI TETEWATATKENS St. Regis Mohawk Senior Center 518-358-2963 Birthdays: March 1st-Laura Jandrew March 2nd-Annette Armstrong March 3rd-Thomas Cooke & Marie Casey March 4th-Venita Loran & Sandra Fox March 5th-Mary Ellen Jackson & Elizabeth Smith March 7th-Frank Scott & Felicia Jock Events: March 1st – Virtual Bowling-10:30; March 4th – Exercise Class-10:00; Virtual Bowling-10:30; Bingo-1:00; March 5th – Massage-8:20; Chair Yoga-10:00; Box Lunch Bingo-11:00; Shopping-1:00; Kanien’keha Class-1:00; March 6th – Exercise Class-10:00; Nutrition... Full story
Free info available at the library: • Retirement planning • How to check your credit report • Fighting fraud • A wide assortment of college brochures Like Jigsaw Puzzles? Stop in & work on our community puzzle. Only 399 pieces to go! Hours: Mon & Fri 9-5, Tue & Thurs 9-5:30, Wed 9-6, Sat 10-2 After hours drop box available. Phone: 518-358-2240...
PAINT AND SIP with Wilson Bickford Saturday, March 9, 2019 10:00am-2:00pm Please arrive at 9:30am $60.00 per person Only 35 spots available, reserve as soon as possible. Spot reserved when payment is received. Call Tammy Burdash at 518-521-4019 to register....
All persons having claims against the estate of Nelson R. Jacobs of the Akwesasne Indian Reserve who died October 30, 2018 are notified to send full particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or before April 18, 2019 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to claims then received. Dated this 21st day of February, 2019. Carol A. Thompson-613-933-9879 161 Tewesateni Road Cornwall Island, ON K6H 0G5 or Ella Arquette-518-358-4324 409 St. Regis Rd. Hogansburg, NY 13655 Executor/Administrators...
A petition to be named Executor in the Estate of Cecelia Ransom Gadway, late of Akwesasne, NY has been filed by Beverly Lazore in the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court. Notice is hereby given to all heirs and beneficiaries who may wish to object to the validity of Cecelia Ransom Gadway’s will or the appointment of Beverly Lazore as Executor. Objections must be filed with the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court by March 16, 2019. Notice is also hereby given to all potential creditors to the Estate of Cecelia Ransom Gadway who may have an interest in...
A petition to be named Executor in the Estate of Maxine Cole, late of Akwesasne, NY has been filed by Lorrie Caldwell in the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court. Notice is hereby given to all heirs and beneficiaries who may wish to object to the validity of Maxine Cole’s will or the appointment of Lorrie Caldwell as Executor. Objections must be filed with the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court by March 16, 2019. Notice is also hereby given to all potential creditors to the Estate of Maxine Cole who may have an interest in said estate to present t...
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Isabel Rourke, late of Akwesasne, NY have been granted to Gale Rourke by the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court. Notice is hereby given to all potential creditors to said estate who may have an interest in said estate to present their interest to the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Court by March 29, 2019. Any creditors shall contact Tribal Court Clerk at 518-358-6300....
WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE SAINT REGIS MOHAWK TRIBE (SRMT), 71 MARGARET TERRANCE MEMORIAL WAY, AKWESASNE, NEW YORK 13655 UNTIL MARCH 25, 2019 3:30 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) FOR DELIVERY OF HEATING FUEL FOR VARIOUS TRIBAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES. Requests for a complete bid package can be requested by calling the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, Grants and Contracts Office at (518) 358-2272 or by emailing your request to grants.contracts@srmtnsn.gov. Preference in the award of the contract shall be given to Indian and Alaska Native organizations and economic...
The DEADLINE to order a Green Food Bag for the month of MARCH is Friday, MARCH 1st, 2019 by 3:00 pm. All you need to do is stop in at the Community Health Office at Kanonhkwa’tsheri:io and pay $10.00 to place your order. It’s that simple! Please contact Carlee Oakes at 613-575-2341 ext. 3220 with any questions....
The Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment (ATFE) will be offering a fruit tree pruning workshop for the community on Saturday, March 2, 2019 at 1:00pm. It will be held at the apple orchard behind the Adolescent Group Home at the end of Library Road. Contact Craig Arquette at 518-358-5937 ext. 119 to register....
The MCA Akwesasne Child & Family Services Program is excited to present the Super Smash Bros. March Madness Tournament! When: Friday, March 15 - 1PM - 5PM Where: Kawehno:ke Recreation Center Players must pre-register before the event to participate. 2v2 teams – 16 teams total This is a drug-free event for youth ages 12-17! There will be a presentation on online safety by the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service. The grand prize is a Nintendo Switch! Lunch & snacks will be provided. To register, contact Colleen at 613-575-2341 ext. 3...
March 2 & 3 - LISBON: Fort La Presentation Association is hosting its 7th Annual St. Lawrence Valley Snowshoe Biathlon, St. Lawrence Sportsman’s Club, 25 Sportsman’s Club Rd.; to raise money for the association; participants will run or walk a 1 ½-mile-long trail through the woods and fire a muzzleloader off hand at each of five firing stations, then throw a tomahawk; classes: Youth 12-18 - Primitive and In-Line, Ladies - Primitive and In-Line, Men’s - Primitive and In-Line, Seniors Over 65 - Primitive and In-Line; primitive shooters must r...
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The community is invited to an opening reception for TAUNY’s next Folkstore Artist Spotlight exhibit, Earth, Water, and Fire: New Works by Women Ceramic Artists of the North Country, featuring new ceramic works by local artists Anne Burnham, Roxanne Locy, Nan Lazovik, Linda Petroccione, Jackie Sabourin, and Joanne Arvisais with additional works by guest artist Cheri Cross from the Jay Craft Center in Jay, NY. All of these women have worked in the medium for decades and have worked closely with each other professionally over the years. The o...
With the classic traditions of Ice Carnivals of the past, and the modern touches of fireworks and an ice carver demonstration, Clarkson University’s Cold Out Gold Out winter celebration is back for the fourth year in a row. The North Country is invited to join students and alumni for a weekend of hockey, outdoor ice skating, hot chocolate, horse-drawn carriage rides and more on Friday and Saturday, March 1 & 2. For more information visit http://cuonline.clarkson.edu/cogo2019. We hope to CU there!...
Day Camp Friday, Feb 22: Day camp ages 6-12 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m; Nicandri Nature Center, 19 Robinson Bay Rd; water, water everywhere: learn about the water that surrounds us through cool experiments and hands-on activities; bring lunch and clothes to go outside. www.massenanaturecenter.com Snowshoes Games Saturday, Feb. 23: Join staff for some fun outdoor time on snowshoes; free snowshoe rentals; 2-3 p.m.at Nicandri Nature Center, 19 Robinson Bay Rd; www.massenanaturecenter.com Guided snowshoe Sun. Feb 24: 10-11 a.m. at Nicandri Nature Center,...