A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the December 4, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 55

  • Homicide on Cornwall Island

    Dec 4, 2014

    (Cornwall Island, Ontario) - On November 30th, 2014 at approximately 1:50 p.m., the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service was dispatched to a residence on Cornwall Island, Ontario. Upon arrival, police discovered a deceased male. Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service investigators, with the assistance of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Forensic Identification Services Unit and Criminal Investigation Branch, determined that foul play was involved in the death of David “Tawit” Benson Hopps, aged 61 years, of Cornwall Island, Ontario. A post mortem exa...

  • Native American Day at Massena Central

    Derrick Lafrance|Dec 4, 2014

    Students from Massena, who rarely get to look at Akwesasne and its traditions, got that chance last Tuesday. On Tuesday, November 25, the Massena Central School Mohawk Club and Title VII Program hosted the Native American Day Celebration at their school. Guest Speakers covered the Creation Story, basket making, a fashion show and finally a social, where they were invited to dance to a variety of social songs by the Kaniekehakah Ratirennahawi. The day's events began with the Traditional Opening P...


    Dec 4, 2014

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is notifying the community that a court case is resuming on December 1st that challenges CBSA’s requirement to report to Cornwall before resuming normal travel within the Akwesasne community. MCA initiated a test case that will determine the rights of Mohawks of Akwesasne to travel within their territory without being forced to report to CBSA in Cornwall. MCA has proposed alternative reporting methods to CBSA that would allow community members to report from within the community. However CBSA has not a...

  • Native North American Travelling College Recognizes 40 Year Anniversary

    Dec 4, 2014

    By: Arisawe It began as one man's vision, but he wasn't an ordinary man. Ernest Benedict, Kaientaronkwaken:ha, recognized very early on that Mohawk people had a whole world view to offer, and July 1974 would mark the beginning of the North American Indian Travelling College, and it couldn't come at a better time. The Travelling College was just that. Ernie packed some books into a van and travelled to other communities, where he would share knowledge based on the truth of who we were rather...

  • Local U18 girls off to Brazil next year

    Dec 4, 2014

    Ten girls from Kahnawake's U18 soccer club went to Vancouver over the weekend to try out for an all-Native U20 team that is going to be competing in the World Indigenous Games in Brazil. The three-day tryout was with the Native Indian Football Association (NIFA). All 10 girls made the team! They include four from Akwesasne and six from Kahnawake. Amber Cook, Serena Hall, Iakokwenienstha Porter and Jenna Thompson are the players from Akwesasne, while Farrah Csokasy, Iakothahison Delaronde,...

  • Yes, you're invited to WOW!

    Dec 4, 2014

    By Connie Gerow, 4-H Program Assistant That's right; this is an "official" invitation to any youth (13 to 18 years of age) to participate in the Wonders of Washington (WOW) trip. The Franklin County Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H program is coordinating this educational experience and will be hosting several informational meetings to provide parents and youth with specific details for this trip. The first informational session is scheduled to be held on Thursday, December 11th, 2014 for...

  • 2014 SRCS Native American Day

    Rachelle Garrow Hayes|Dec 4, 2014

    The Tuesday before American Thanksgiving has become a tradition at Salmon River Central School to celebrate Native American Day. It is a day where Katsitsionni Fox's Mohawk Club members get to share their culture with their classmates and school staff. The Middle School students took part in the activities in the morning while the High School celebrated in the afternoon. The student body of both the Middle School and High School were called down to the auditorium where they were shown four...

  • 2014 SRCS Native American Day - Part 2

    Dec 4, 2014

    Here are additional pictures....

  • We Love Visitors!

    Dec 4, 2014

    Indian Time is lucky to receive many visitors every week. Whether it's a parent bringing in a new baby for a photograph or an elder who wants us to look at photos with him, our doors are always open and we love our visitors. We love them so much we want to share them with you. "We Love Visitors" series is simply a way to share members of the community with you. So, don't be scared to come and visit us (we'll only photograph those willing) but if you have something special you want to show us,...

  • Department of Community & Social Services extends appreciation for successful snowsuit drive

    Dec 4, 2014

    TERRITORY OF AKWESASNE - The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Department of Community and Social Services is notifying the Akwesasne community that it has completed another successful snowsuit drive. This year’s campaign was the most successful one to date, which is due in large part to staff that volunteered their time and to community residents that generously donated items. On November 22, 2014, Akwesasne parents, grandparents or guardians picked up 459 new or gently used snowsuits at the St. Regis Recreation Center in the village of Kan...

  • Cultural Corner

    Dec 4, 2014

    CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK THE CREATION STORY From the book LEGENDS OF THE NATIONS Produced by the North American Indian Travelling College In spite of this, he still loved his Grandmother. This was revealed in one of the arguments the twins had over their Grandmother when she died. Sawiskera wanted to kick her body off the edge of the world, and into the water. But the other one said, “No! The best thing to do is to place her back into the earth, because she felt so strongly about being a part of the earth.” In the course of the argument, the...

  • Parade of Nations

    Kaniethonkie|Dec 4, 2014

    The Parade of Nations recently held their biggest fundraiser of the year this past weekend at the Cornwall Civic Complex on Saturday, November 29 and Sunday, November 30, 2014. The Parade of Nations present three fundraisers a year; the Parade of Nations, the Seaway Valley Train Show and The Kite Fest. Through its "Light in the Tunnel" program, the Parade of Nations seeks to promote awareness, acceptance and inclusion of developmentally challenged individuals and those with special needs living...

  • Tribe to Provide Heating Assistance

    Dec 4, 2014

    Akwesasne, NY- The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe has authorized an allotment of heating assistance funding to help offset the expense of heating our homes this winter. The allotment is to be allocated on January 7, 2015. Eligible households residing within the Tribe’s designated service area may complete an application between Monday, December 1 and Wednesday, December 31, 2014. In order to be eligible for the fuel allotment program, the applicant must: · Reside within the designated 15 mile radius of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe · Be res...

  • Koi Express Japanese Hibachi Grand Opening

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Dec 4, 2014

    On Wednesday, November 26, Koi Express Japanese Hibachi held its grand opening in the food court of the St. Lawrence Centre in Massena. The ribbon cutting was at 4pm and Koi was joined by members of the Massena Chamber of Commerce. Koi's soft opening was on November 13. "We've been very busy and they have welcomed us with open arms," said owner Karen Adams. Koi offered free appetizers during the grand opening and had drawings for several prizes to celebrate, like t-shirts, gift certificates,...

  • The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge Turns 50

    Dec 4, 2014

    Submitted by Neil Laughing The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge turned 50 years old last month. Neil Laughing brought this article to Indian Time and said he, Charlie "Punkin" White and Larry "Tickets" Oakes all worked on the bridge for 2 years. As long ago as 1910, when a steady parade of steamships bearing immigrants passed through the Narrows-the mile-wide channel at the entrance to New York Harbor-engineers envisioned a great bridge as a gateway to the New World. When it finally opened, 50 years...

  • Reader Submission - Comic

    Dec 4, 2014

    Reader Submission - Comic...

  • Skahwatsi:ra Program Students Take Part in Cultural Sensitivity Workshop

    Dec 4, 2014

    Submitted by Kaweienón:ni (Margaret) Cook On November 18, the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Chief Matt Rourke, along with Border Patrol representative Carrie Caldwell, helped in the organization of a cultural sensitivity workshop held at the SRMT Social Services building. Former SRMT Tribal Chief Alma Ransom and Chief Beverly Cook were two of the guest speakers to talk about the cultural component of our community of Ahkwesahsne, and the relations between the U.S. Border Patrol...

  • MCA Community Health Observes World AIDS Day with Dinner and Speaker

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Dec 4, 2014

    On December 1, World AIDS Day, MCA Community Health Program hosted a community presentation "Living with HIV/AIDS" at the St. Regis Recreation. There was a corn soup dinner at 5:30pm, which included fried bread, fruits and veggies, and speaker Rene Boucher at 6pm. About 24 people attended to event. MCA Community Health staff Abraham Francis, Representative, Misty Lazore, RN Community Health Nurse, and Diane King, RN Community Health Nurse, organized the event. "It's about promoting HIV/AIDS...

  • The 17th Annual Celebration of Life Conference

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Dec 4, 2014

    On Tuesday, November 25, the 17th annual Celebration of Life Conference was held in the Winter Ballroom at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort. The event was put on by the Akwesasne Family Wellness Program, whose staff were all on hand wearing ribbon shirts. MC was Lacey Herne and the conference featured two excellent speakers, Dr. Reef Karim and Charlene Renaud. Reef Karim, known as Dr. Reef, is a double board certified psychiatrist, addiction medicine physician and relationship therapist, as...

  • MCA Community Health Sponsors Movember Campaign

    Dec 4, 2014

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne's Community Health Program sponsored a Movember Campaign during the month of November. The "Movember" movement first began internationally to bring awareness and support for men's health issues, such as prostate cancer. Movember-event organizers aim to raise awareness to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. Community Health asked individuals or families to submit pictures showi...

  • AERC Hosts Speed Networking Event

    Dec 4, 2014

    Submitted by Wahiahawi C. Fitch The Akwesasne Employment Resource Center hosted its first Speed Networking event on Wednesday, November 19 at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort Ballroom. Attendees included job seekers and employers in various sectors in and around the community. Twenty-three individuals participated in the event. Networking is about connecting; connecting with those you already know, making new contacts and building relationships. Speed Networking is connecting with many...

  • Police Blotter

    Dec 4, 2014

    Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Blotter Warrant execution - Tribal police arrested Calvin Thomas, 24, of Hogansburg on Nov. 20. He was turned over to New York State Police without incident, police said. Ryan Benedict, 25, of Hogansburg was arrested by Tribal Police Nov. 20 on an outstanding warrant held by Malone Village Police. He was turned over to Malone Police without incident, Tribal Police said. Inadequate headlights - Tribal police ticketed Marlene Bero, 62, of Akwesasne, Ontario on Nov. 20. She is to appear in Tribal Traffic Court at...

  • The St. Regis Dance Club presents "Country Style"

    Kaniethonkie|Dec 4, 2014

    Everyone loves a country song and the St. Regis Dance Club presented their fall "Country Style" recital to a packed house with a foot stomping, toe tapping and finger snapping performances with a wagon load of country songs. From the tiny three year old tots to the nine year old group, proud parents, grandparents and aunts and uncles crowded in the gym/stage room to view their little ones dance on stage to a country song. The St. Regis Dance Club was started several years ago by Laura Thompson b...

  • Walking With Our Sisters

    Kaniethonkie|Dec 4, 2014

    Next year, Akwesasne will host “Walking With Our Sisters”, a commemorative art installation that by comparison of most art installations is massive not only by its size, but also by its intent. Walking With Our Sisters is comprised of 1808 moccasin vamps representing the murdered and missing Aboriginal women in Canada. Viewing the art installation gives the community of Akwesasne an opportunity to honor the missing and murdered Aboriginal women, as well as draw attention to the injustice of in inordinate amount of murdered and missing Abo...

  • Akwesasne Strengthened From Gaming Enterprises

    Dec 4, 2014

    Akwesasne, NY- The contribution from gaming was a modest $600,000 in 2003. A decade of diligence and growth has led to a multi-year run of a $19 million commitment to Akwesasne through the Tribal Gaming Fund. The gaming enterprises on territory attract 2.8 million visitors annually. Our youth, our elders and our community organizations are supported directly and indirectly through major donations and programs. In the next month, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Benefits of Gaming publication will be shared with our members and our visitors. T...

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